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LinkOptimizer 6.2.8 LATEST
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The app will automatically reduce the image resolution, scale and crop the images in Photoshop according to their dimensions in the InDesign document and the target resolution specified, and reimport them to InDesign at 100%. Automatically convert linked images into desired file formats (JPEG > TIFF, PNG > PSD, etc.) with various conversion settings.
With LinkOptimizer, your files are always safe: you can either backup original images or work with their copies. You can also optimize links for external use, such as web design, without relinking them back to InDesign at all. Link Optimizer dramatically improves workflows of prepress providers, printers, ad agencies and publishing houses! Easily repurpose jobs for various targets: print, web, mobile devices.
Automatically perform image adjustments:
- Convert colors to CMYK, RGB and Grayscale
- Assign ICC profile
- Apply sharpening filters
- Merge and delete layers, flatten image
- Optimize image copies and leave originals untouched.
- Optimize images in non-rectangular containers.
- Convert image colors to CMYK, RGB or Grayscale.
- Apply sharpening filters.
- More flexible and informative links table: sortable columns, image format info, ability to select multiple lines.
What's new in this version:
LinkOptimizer 6.2.8
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LinkOptimizer 6.2.7
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LinkOptimizer 6.2.6
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LinkOptimizer 6.2.5
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.2.4
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.2.3
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.2.2
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.2.1
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.2
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.27
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.26
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.24
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.22
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.21
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.20
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.19
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.18
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.17
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.16
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.14
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.13
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.12
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.11
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.10
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.9
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.8
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.7
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.6
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.5
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.4
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.3
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.2
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1.1
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.1
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.0.20
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.0.19
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.0.18
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.0.14
- Change log not available for this version
LinkOptimizer 6.0.10
- Sync settings presets across multiple Macs via iCloud
- Preserve PSD layer visibility applied in InDesign
- Relink duplicates to a single file (Edit/Convert operations)
- Dark mode support
- Choose Photoshop version
- Basic AppleScript support
- Performance/stability improvements and more...
LinkOptimizer 5.4.24
- Monochrome images are now ignored for all editing and conversion options. In previous versions, Photoshop could show error alerts on attempt to process monochrome (bitmap) images.
- The "Process all images regardless of resolution settings" option is now enabled by default in the default preset on new installations
- LinkOptimizer now checks for a bizarre rare issue where the serial number appears to be multiplied into several paragraphs during activation
LinkOptimizer 5.4.23
- Updated: Support for macOS Big Sur
- Improved: The app now automatically fixes file permissions in a rare situation where the serial number couldn't be written to disk
LinkOptimizer 5.4.22
- Updated: Support for InDesign/Photoshop 2021
- Fixed: Improved support email template
LinkOptimizer 5.4.21
- Fixed: The action log of each file is now properly loaded in the history
LinkOptimizer 5.4.20
- Improved: LinkOptimizer now reports errors that occur when relinking the links after processing
LinkOptimizer 5.4.19
- Improved: LinkOptimizer now checks InDesign files for forward slashes "/" in the path and doesn't allow processing if any are found
- Fixed a rare issue in which the image clipping path settings in InDesign were reset to default after re-importing
LinkOptimizer 5.4.18
- Fixed a number conversion error that could happen when resizong image in Photoshop on some non-English systems under certain conditions
LinkOptimizer 5.4.17
- Fixed an error which could occur when resizing images in Photoshop if image dimensions fell into a certain range of numbers
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when loading backup folder settings
LinkOptimizer 5.4.16
- New: New options to name duplicate links: append serial number; don't append anything if Random Number is used in variable image name
- Improved: Further improvements in progress reporting for processing of single InDesign documents
- Improved: A more detailed error message in situations when image cannot be copied to the optimized/backup folder
- Fixed: Icon previews in the Links window are restored on macOS Catalina
LinkOptimizer 5.4.15
- Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer could hang during processing on attempt to display an error message that Photoshop is unable to open image
- Improved reporting of unexpected errors during processing
LinkOptimizer 5.4.14
- Fixed: Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer could hang on macOS Catalina after analyzing large number of links (around 150 or more). To avoid this issue, icon previews in the Links window are temporary disabled on Catalina
- Fixed: UI fixes in the progress window
- Improved: Improved memory management
LinkOptimizer 5.4.13
- Improved: Reporting link update during analyzing
- Fixed: Fixed a rare error that could occur when retrieving link icons
LinkOptimizer 5.4.11
- Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer could stall when updating modified links at the end of processing under some rare conditions
LinkOptimizer 5.4.10
- New: When sharpening a layered image, LinkOptimizer now automatically sharpens all relevant layers. Previous versions only sharpened the top layer, which required to merge layers in order to sharpen the entire image.
LinkOptimizer 5.4.9
- Fixed an error in v5.4.8 that could occur during analyzing InDesign documents with .ai and PDF files
LinkOptimizer 5.4.8
- Fixed: LinkOptimizer doesn't check the orientation of PDF links anymore.
- Fixed: Improved memory management
- Improved: The full screen option is removed from the zoom button of the main window
LinkOptimizer 5.4.7
- Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when resizing images in Photoshop under some conditions
LinkOptimizer 5.4.6
- New: The Scale Styles option in Photoshop is now supported during image resizing. The new "Scale styles" check box can be found in the Resampling section in LinkOptimizer
LinkOptimizer 5.4.5
- Improved: An error alert is now displayed in a rare case when the serial number couldn't be written to disk during activation
LinkOptimizer 5.4.4
- Fixed an issue in which Photoshop 2020 was not correctly identified as a version compatible with the Atomatic and Preserve Details resampling methods, which resulted in the Bicubic method used instead
- Fixed: LinkOptimizer now resets Photoshop resampling method to Bicubic if the Preserve Details 2.0 method is selected while using a pre-CC 2018 version of Photoshop
LinkOptimizer 5.4.3
- New: The Preserve Details 2.0 resampling method is now available
LinkOptimizer 5.4.2
- Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer displayed "Invalid page range" error after changing Page Range to All if a page range was previously processed
- Fixed an error that could happen when creating the LinkOptimizer menu on InDesign launch
- Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer could hang when encountered images locked by InCopy assignments. In this case - which is quite rare - LinkOptimizer will display an error message and abort processing. Users will be asked to Check Out stories that contain links - which will unlock the images - prior to processing
LinkOptimizer 5.4.1
- Fixed an issue in version 5.4 where an error occurred when analyzing images that didn't contain orientation metadata
LinkOptimizer 5.4
- Improved: Improved window size and layout (in particular, to improve experience on small laptop screens)
- Fixed: LinkOptimizer now takes into account the image rotation metadata. It fixes an issue in which some images that come directly from digital camera were incorrectly rotated in Photoshop due to the confusion of their rotation angle in InDesign with the actual orientation of the image
- Improved: Reduced reliance on System Events
LinkOptimizer 5.3.18
- Fixed on issue in which duplicate links could be replaced by the wrong images after processing if InDesign document contained links with same name placed from different locations
LinkOptimizer 5.3.17
- Fixed on issue in which dismissing the "Number of digits" dialog for "Serial #..." tokens when As Is option is selected resulted in including surrounding custom text into the token
LinkOptimizer 5.3.16
- Fixed: Addressed a potential memory bug on macOS Catalina which, in theory,could cause crashes on launch and other issues
LinkOptimizer 5.3.15
- Fixed an issue in which InDesign 2020 wasn't recognized when clicking the Process button under certain conditions
LinkOptimizer 5.3.14
- Updated: Support for InDesign/Photoshop 2020
LinkOptimizer 5.3.11
- "Leave original images untouched" is now the default choice of the [Default] preset
- Fixed an issue on macOS Catalina in which duplicated InDesign document was created in the parent folder of the original document
- Fixed an issue on macOS Catalina in which an error could occur when relinking images in InDesign at the end of processing
LinkOptimizer 5.3.10
- Fixed an issue in which images that encountered an error during processing didn't show up in the Links window
- Fixed an error in which the list of processed links didn't show up on macOS Catalina under certain conditions
LinkOptimizer 5.3.9
- Improved: Improved accuracy of progress status reporting
- Fixed: Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer stalled when starting processing on macOS 10.15 Catalina if the "Overwrite original images" option was selected
LinkOptimizer 5.3.8
- New: The Random Number variable for optimized image names. Users can specify the desired number of digits in via the popup menu in the Random Number token
- Fixed an issue in which custom text in some token fields remained gray even after enabling the fields
LinkOptimizer 5.3.7
- Fixed an issue in which a rare problem with installation of legacy eSellerate engine could affect users whose software was not licensed with eSellerate
LinkOptimizer 5.3.6
- Fixed: Restored the original order of operations where the sharpening filters were applied after layer merge. This issue only affected version 5.3.5
LinkOptimizer 5.3.5
- Fixed an issue in which some layered images with weren't merged in Photoshop as expected under some rare conditions
- Fixed: Sharpen filters are now applied before merging layers to avoid some undesired effects around drop shadows
LinkOptimizer 5.3.4
- Fixed an issue in which some sharpening and layer merge settings were not honored when processing multiple files under some rare combinations of settings and other conditions.
- Minor UI fixes
LinkOptimizer 5.3.2
- Fixed: Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling/disabling the Optimize Resolution setting
- Improved: Eliminated a mild cosmetic glitch that happened when using the Settings Presets popup menu for the first time
LinkOptimizer 5.3.1
- Fixed an issue in which multiples of ten could not be entered in the "Safety bleed" field (trailing zeros were removed from values like 10, 20, 30 etc.)
LinkOptimizer 5.3
- New: Links can now be converted to Photoshop PDF
- Fixed an issue in which a copy whose trial period has expired could crash when clicking the Process button
- Fixed an issue in which the selected setting name in the Settings table didn't change to white under dark highlight colors on macOS Mojave
LinkOptimizer 5.2.27
- Fixed an issue in which the Go to Link button didn't work on recent macOS Mojave updates
LinkOptimizer 5.2.26
- Fixed an issue in which an activation dialog could appear on every launch of notarized version even if it was already activated
LinkOptimizer 5.2.25
- Updated: LinkOptimizer is now notarized by Apple
LinkOptimizer 5.2.24
- Fixed an issue in which the option "Merge visible layers" wasn't executed under some rare conditions
LinkOptimizer 5.2.23
- Fixed an issue in which LinkOptimizer could crash when deselecting the Optimize Resolution settings
LinkOptimizer 5.2.22
- Users now can specify PNG conversion options for the conversion of InDesign links to PNG. All Photoshop PNG saving options are available in LinkOptimizer
- Fixed an issue in which some conversion settings remained unpopulated when opening the settings for the first time
- Fixed an issue in which nothing happened when clicking the Process button when the trial period has expired. Now the Registration window will be shown as expected
- The selected tab in the Conversion Settings window is now remembered after LinkOptimizer is relaunched
- UI improvements
LinkOptimizer 5.2.21
- Improved error message that notifies user about illegal characters in the path of InDesign document
LinkOptimizer 5.2.20
- Improved: LinkOptimizer's startup and launch scripts don't utilize System Events anymore, which eliminates some rare system errors as well as the necessity for InDesign to require to authorize access to System Events
LinkOptimizer 5.2.19
- Updated: This version puts an end to the hassles and confusion caused by the "Apple Events sandboxing" measure introduced by Apple on macOS Mojave. LinkOptimizer will now check for the necessary Apple Events authorizations on startup. If authorization to control InDesign, System Events or Photoshop was previously revoked by accident, LinkOptimizer will now reset permissions and relaunch itself automatically
LinkOptimizer 5.2.18
- Fixed: LinkOptimizer window can now fit the 15" MacBook retina display under the default screen resolution
- Fixed: Minor UI fixes for Mojave
- Updated: More informative error messages for certain file copying errors
LinkOptimizer 5.2.17
- Fixed an issue in which links could not be analyzed when running a registered copy of LinkOptimizer Lite on macOS Sierra
LinkOptimizer 5.2.16
- Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when relinking images with umlauts and other accented characters in their names
LinkOptimizer 5.2.14
- Updated: Integration of the SoftwareKey licensing system
- Fixed: Fixed a crash in v5.2.13
LinkOptimizer 5.2.12
- Updated: Support for InDesign/Photoshop CC 2019
LinkOptimizer 5.2.11
- Fixed: Fixed an issue in which the background of the file list in the History window turned black on some systems
- Fixed: Numerous UI fixes for Mojave
LinkOptimizer 5.2.10
- New: Support for macOS 10.14 Mojave
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