Latest Version
Google Web Designer LATEST
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One idea. Any screen
It doesn’t matter how brilliant your work is if people can’t see it. Now everything you create is accessible on any screen – desktop, tablet or mobile – without compatibility issues.
Focus on design
Let us handle the HTML5 and CSS3 so you’re free to focus on what you love to do: creating gorgeous visual experiences. A full design suite lets you easily bring any vision to life.
Amplify with code
If you’re feeling more hands-on, all the code behind your designs is hand-editable, so you’re never locked out of your own work. Your ideas are now amplified by code – not restricted by it.
Note: Requires 64-bit processor.
Also Available: Download Google Web Designer for Windows
What's new in this version:
Google Web Designer
- Fixed mask animation in Safari browsers
Google Web Designer
- Added Ads Creative Studio as a dynamic data schema option
Google Web Designer
Fixes & improvements:
- Fixed issue where responsive video templates opened at an incorrect size
- Fixed issue where the template gallery video preview was missing the template title
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where the first line of text was horizontally offset for some effects and settings
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where position was offset for text with effects in a published animated GIF
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where some text effects positioned over an image failed to show on Safari
- [Text effects] Responsive preview panel now matches stage view
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where some letters were cropped when using the Gradient effect
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where properties for the previously applied effect were applied to the new effect
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where change in opacity was not applied
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where letters were cropped when using the Flip or Spin effects on text positioned over other elements
- [Text effects] Fixed issue where line breaks caused positioning issues
Google Web Designer
- issue where responsive video templates opened at an incorrect size
- issue where the template gallery video preview was missing the template title
Text effects:
- Fixed issue where the first line of text was horizontally offset for some effects and settings
- Fixed issue where position was offset for text with effects in a published animated GIF
- Fixed issue where some text effects positioned over an image failed to show on Safari
- Responsive preview panel now matches stage view
- Fixed issue where some letters were cropped when using the Gradient effect
- Fixed issue where properties for the previously applied effect were applied to the new effect
- Fixed issue where change in opacity was not applied
- Fixed issue where letters were cropped when using the Flip or Spin effects on text positioned over other elements
- Fixed issue where line breaks caused positioning issues
Google Web Designer
Video templates:
- 27 new templates for video ads are now available. Find them under the new Video tab in the Template Gallery.
- Image ad shareable preview
- You can now share previews of image ads. Generate the preview URL from the Preview button.
- Responsive override panel
- Responsive documents now list the overrides for the currently selected size or size range in the Responsive panel.
Fixes & improvements:
- When publishing an image ad fails, the generic failure error message has been replaced by a specific error message.
- Fixed issue where special characters (such as ') in the file path caused importing an image to fail.
- The default scaling option when converting documents is now set to "Stretch to fill".
- Fixed issue where a video document converted from a banner was the wrong size.
- Fixed issue where the Top and Left properties in the Properties panel could not be set when Anchoring was on.
- Fixed issue where the help link for the "Multi-size layout" option in an animated GIF didn't load the help content.
- Fixed issue where the URL field was empty in Easy Mode.
- Fixed issue where resizing a timeline layer triggered automatic horizontal scrolling of the timeline.
Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue where events for elements inside groups didn't work
Google Web Designer
Fixes & improvements:
- Exported variants now preserve styles in HTML content
- Fixed issue where selecting a different variant added a keyframe
- Fixed issue where editing variant data added a keyframe
- Fixed issue where an extra frame was shown at the end of video preview playback
- Headers for exported variant data are now consistently named
Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue where the Publish > Campaign Manager 360 menu command didn't work
Google Web Designer
- The selected size is now generated correctly for the shareable preview for a responsive ad
- Fixed issue with the responsive preview not updating when the current time was changed in the Quick mode timeline
- Fixed issue where the responsive preview was rendered using the previously closed document
- Fixed issue with selecting an advertiser when publishing to Studio
Google Web Designer
New features:
Authentication changes:
- We've implemented a more secure method for signing in to your Google Account. You'll now complete the sign-in process within your default browser.
Cropping in Image processing:
- You can now crop images within the Image processing dialog. Google Web Designer suggests the region to crop, and you can make manual adjustments.
Publish to Campaign Manager 360:
- A new publish option lets you upload creatives directly to Campaign Manager 360. Specify the advertiser, and optionally the campaign.
Snapping changes:
- We've added snapping modes so that you can snap objects to be the same size or to have the same spacing. You can also change the snapping threshold and scope.
Fixes & improvements:
- Dynamic data bindings are now available for the Particle Effects, Parallax, and Swirl components
- [Transition Gallery] Fixed issue with autoplay looping infinitely when using the preset Repeat value
Pen tool:
- Fixed issue where anchor points shifted when drawing a nested shape
- Fixed issue undoing or redoing the leftmost or topmost anchor point
- [Code view] Images modified outside of Google Web Designer now update in Design view
- [Events] Fixed issue with "Save all" command not working when there were events in the files
- [Groups] The height of a group drawn in Top view or Side view now rounds to 0px instead of using E notation
- [Library] Fixed issue with sorting by date not working
- [Publish to Drive] Publishing to Drive now accepts an empty/unset location as the root directory
- [Templates] Fixed issue with template load order, which caused missing sizes in the Template Gallery
- [Timeline] Fixed issue where right-clicking a layer under a label triggered the label's pop-up menu instead of the layer's pop-up menu
- [Responsive] Fixed issue that prevented the addition of style overrides to default media rules in the CSS panel
Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue where media rules for a specific size didn't apply at some browser zoom levels
Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue with responsive overrides being removed upon animation looping
- Fixed issue with responsive preview not updating when an asset was removed
- Fixed issue with resize handles not displaying when scaling multiple elements
- Fixed issue where an image modified outside of Google Web Designer was not updated in Web Designer
- Fixed issue where very old files could not be opened
Google Web Designer
Custom keyboard shortcuts:
- Assign your preferred key bindings to Google Web Designer tools and commands
- View the full list of default keyboard shortcuts within the app
- Save your custom keyboard shortcuts as named presets and switch easily between them
- Export and import presets
Eyedropper tool:
- You can now select colors from the stage
- You can find the eyedropper tool on the toolbar, along with color chips displaying the active colors
- The eyedropper automatically activates when you open the color mixer to select a color
Image processing:
- Alter images with automated techniques
- Auto enhancement - Adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of the image
- Inpainting - Paint over an unwanted object to look like the surrounding area
- Extend image - Expand the image along any side with content generated to look like the rest of the image
- Extract subject - Detect a foreground object and make the rest of the image transparent
- We've introduced new mask shape options
- Polygon mask tool - Select from a variety of preset shapes, or draw a freeform shape
- Rounded corners for rectangle mask tool - Create rectangle clip path masks with rounded corners
Particle Effects custom presets:
- Create customized presets for the Particle Effects component
- View thumbnail previews of your saved custom presets
- Export and import presets
Responsive workflow:
- Designing a responsive layout is now more streamlined and full-featured
- The redesigned Responsive panel lists specific ad slot sizes that you want to target for serving and previewing
- A new visual interface lets you define and edit size ranges for media rules
- Preview multiple sizes while authoring your responsive document
New responsive templates:
Two new templates have been added to the Banner for Display & Video 360 category:
- Static Responsive Banner for Common Sizes
- Animated Responsive Banner for Common Sizes
Fixes & improvements:
- Fixed issue where holding the Shift key did not constrain elements to a single axis while dragging images in the Parallax component dialog
- A warning now displays if Google Poly does not have an appropriately sized GLB file for a 3D asset. This can happen if the 3D asset is large and Poly could not optimize it for ads.
Image Effect:
- Fixed issue with the Image Effect component failing to load after refreshing the browser
- Fixed issue where wrapping elements in a group did not generate the correct CSS selector
- Fixed issue where undoing the "Break apart" action for an animated group created extra CSS animation rules
- Fixed issue with assets not showing in the Library panel when the asset path contained square brackets
- Fixed issue where externally copied assets pasted into Google Web Designer did not show in the Library panel
- Fixed issue where groups didn't stay inside a Library folder after the document was closed and reopened
- The Library panel now allows files with periods in their names
- Fixed issue where the Studio logo and the Launch button in the Studio Asset Library were still displayed after signing in with a different account
- [Outliner] Fixed issue where the dynamic icon did not appear until another element was selected
- [File I/O] Fixed issue where a file could not be opened if there was a icon file generated by Mac OS in the project directory
- [Publish dialog] Fixed layout issue with "Add border" label in some languages
- [Timeline] Fixed issue where the stage did not update after undoing an animation transition duration change in Quick mode
- [CSS panel] The "rename" pop-up menu command in the CSS panel is now disabled for generated animation rules
- [Preview] The "Parallax" preview type for in-browser previews has been updated to "Scrollable.
- [Keyboard shortcuts] Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts not working in Russian, French, German, and Thai in Windows
- [Properties panel] Fixed issue where the undo command didn't work correctly for changed input field values
- [Shareable preview] Fixed issue where closing the alert about not having permissions for any devices also closed the "Share preview link" dialog
- [Preferences dialog] Fixed issue with the color for guides not changing to the default after selecting "Reset to default.
- [Shapes] Fixed issue where publishing failed when there were both Google Fonts and shapes (created by the Oval or Pen tool) in the document
- [Code view] Fixed issue where the Files panel showed filenames with parentheses reversed
- [Timeline] Fixed issue where hidden layers were selected when selecting multiple layers with the Shift key
- Fixed issue where an image could not be pasted from a plain HTML document to an ad document
Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue where Google Fonts failed to load when adding new fonts
Google Web Designer
Fixes and improvements:
- Image Effect component now works in older browser versions
- Fixed missing "Image Effect" header in the Properties panel of the Image Effect dialog
- Fixed runtime error in the Sprite Sheet component
- Copying and pasting the Transition Gallery component across documents now also correctly copies the images
File operations:
- Fixed issue creating or opening a file with an ampersand (&) character in the file path
- Fixed issue where disk monitoring was unable to save recovered documents
- Fixed "This app isn't verified" error when publishing to Google Drive
- Fixed issue where GreenSock libraries couldn't be included in Code view if another document was open
- "Hostpage scroll" event is now only listed in the Event dialog for ads with an environment of "Display & Video 360"
Google Web Designer
- Fixed publishing issue when the document contains custom fonts
Google Web Designer
- The Components panel now only shows supported components when the ad environment is set to Google Ads or AdMob
- The initial load size has been temporarily removed from the Summary section in the Publish dialog and the Ad Validator
- The option to include GreenSock JavaScript libraries (File > Include JS library) is now available for the Google Ads environment
- The "Skip loading delay" option has been added to the local Publish settings dialog for bypassing the default delay when loading the published ad outside of Google ad platforms
- Additional sizes have been added to the advanced mode responsive preview sizes list for Display & Video 360 (360x640, 360x592, and 375x667)
- As Google Fusion Tables has been shut down, the Maps component no longer supports displaying markers for locations listed in Fusion Tables
Fixes and improvements:
Code view:
- The "Reset to defaults" option now resets all Code view preferences correctly
- The language menu now closes when clicking outside of the menu or selecting the current option
- Fixed performance issue when switching between Code view and Design view
- Fixed layout issue with long labels in Code view preferences in some languages
- Fixed issue with custom color swatches not refreshing when switching documents in Code view
- Particle Effects] Specified tooltip for Autoplay property
- Particle Effects] Fixed issue where the add preset button didn't work when scrolled to right end of the Presets panel
- Particle Effects] Fixed issue where the "Number" property could be empty
- Particle Effects] Fixed issue where a group containing the Particle Effects component wouldn't render in the Library after being broken apart
- Transition Gallery & Particle Effects] Fixed issue with zoom control being active in the "Choose images" dialog
- Fixed issue where the Transition Gallery did not render images after switching pages
- Fixed issue where the custom schema account dropdown didn't appear after canceling and reopening the Dynamic bindings dialog
- Files can now be opened when the Studio dynamic profile contains special characters such as - and + in the profile field names
- Fixed issue where "Image URL" couldn't be selected when applying the "Pluck and Join" filter in the Dynamic bindings dialog
- Fixed issue with font name not updating correctly for text with a binding for the font name
Guide layers:
- Fixed publishing issue for documents without pages that contained a guide layer
- Fixed the incorrect warning about missing local assets in the Ad Validator when switching between documents or between Code view and Design view
- Fixed issue with the redo command when the document contained a guide layer
- Fixed issue with keyframe rules for guide layers getting published if the guide layers weren't on the active page
- Fixed issue with the element ID of a guide layer getting changed to data-gwd-grp-id after editing a group
- Fixed issue where empty keyframes on elements nested in guide layers were not added or restored correctly
- Fixed issue where the bounding box for multiple selected elements was removed after converting the layers to guide layers with the Ad Validator panel open
- The mask type shown in the timeline is now localized
- Fixed issue with undoing the creation of a mask
- Responsive documents for AdMob can now be published as a fixed-size ad with the addition of a "Size" dropdown in the Publish dialog
- Fixed issue with keyboard shortcut commands not working after dismissing the Publish to Studio dialog
- The "Press enter to create" text now disappears once you start typing the creative name in the Publish to Studio dialog
- The Publish dialog summary now updates the file size after toggling the "Inline local files" or "Groups unpacking" options
- Fixed layout issue with long labels in the Publish dialog in some languages
- Fixed issue with opening the Swipeable Gallery event in the Cue Cards 300x250 template
- Fixed mouseover glitch in the responsive version of "Dynamic Remarketing Side-by-side with Header and Individual CTA Buttons"
- Fixed issue with duplicate events for the expand button in "Expandable creative with Video Player"
- Fixed issue with missing data in the sample data for the Cue Cards template
- Ad environment] Fixed issue with images not rendering on stage after switching the document's ad environment from "Non-Google ad" to another environment or the other way around
- Responsive] Overlapping media rules manually added in Code view are now disabled
- CSS panel] Fixed issue with red outlines appearing around elements when deleting CSS style rules in the CSS panel
- Interactive video] Fixed issue with undoing the deletion of a hotspot using the X button in the hotspot layer
- Outliner] Fixed issue with the Outliner not filtering on tag name
- Quick mode] Fixed issue with undoing the addition of a new thumbnail
- An error message is now shown when opening a malformed document that is missing class="gwd-page-content" or "gwd-page-size"
Google Web Designer
- Fixed publishing issue for documents that included a timeline event and animation in the media rules
- Fixed issue with mask not getting removed when undone
- Code view minimap now scrolls with the editor window
- Fixed issue where the Code view minimap wasn't draggable after reaching the bottom of the document
- Fixed issue where "Reset to defaults" did not reset some Code view preferences
- Ruler guides now respect the "Snap to objects" option
- Fixed issue with text fitting not working in non-Google ads
- Fixed issue with adding an effect from the Preset panel of the Particle Effects dialog after scrolling to the right end of the panel
- Fixed undefined tooltip for the Autoplay property in the Particle Effects dialog
- Fixed scrolling issue in the Components panel when clicking on the scrollbar
- Fixed issue where the template wasn't selected in the Template Gallery when trying to open it via URL and Google Web Designer wasn't running
Google Web Designer
New features:
Code view improvements:
- Design view panels and toolbars are now automatically hidden to give you a wider area for viewing your code
- The new Files panel lets you browse and open other files in your project folder
- Use the minimap for a high-level overview of your code and for quick navigation
- Collapse and expand code blocks
- Code completion suggestions display automatically as you type
Events panel layout:
- The Events panel now displays information in resizable columns
- You can reorder events by dragging them to a new position in the list
Focal points for responsive images:
- Set a focal point to keep a key part of your image always visible in case resizing the image may crop it
Interactive video:
- The Video component now lets you add hotspots that appear over your video
- Set cue points to seek or trigger events at specific times during video playback
Keyframe rules editing in CSS panel:
- You can now see and directly edit CSS animation keyframe rules while in Design view
New templates:
2 templates have been added to the Dynamic remarketing for Google Ads template category:
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing Travel Block Details
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing Travel Pennant Details
Other notable changes:
- Document tabs now display long file names
- The Ad Validator shows a warning about the upcoming Google Fusion Tables turndown for the Maps component
Fixes & improvements:
Components & runtime:
- [Star Ratings] Fixed rendering issue with the Star Ratings component
- [YouTube] Show title property removed because the showinfo parameter has been deprecated
- Fixed issue with the Properties panel not updating to show custom component properties
- [Publish to Display & Video 360] Fixed issue where the Creative name field was enabled before an Advertiser was selected
- [Publish to Display & Video 360] The Publish button in the Publish dialog is now disabled after the association is removed and settings are cleared
Timeline & animation:
- Fixed issue with wrapping and unwrapping element not updating animation selectors
- Fixed crash after selecting a keyframe then using Shift + dragging to select other keyframes
Workspace (panels and user interface):
- Fixed issue with error when saving a workspace with empty name
- Document tab overflow dropdown now displays the full filename
- The Ad Validator now shows the correct size limit for ads created with the App Promo Install template
- Fixed crash when opening files containing certain image URLs
- Fixed issue where dynamic data bindings weren't saved for descendants of elements with text fitting applied
- [Publish to Display & Video 360] Fixed issue where the Creative field was enabled before an Advertiser was selected
- [AMP] Inline style rules can now be viewed and edited in the CSS panel
- [AMP] Motion paths are now available in AMPHTML ads
Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue with the wrong size of creative publishing to Studio
Google Web Designer
New features:
- Help prompt
- Google Web Designer now displays workflow tips and other helpful information within the interface
- Star Ratings component
- Display a row of star icons based on a numeric rating, and customize their appearance
New templates:
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing Job Listings
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing with Individual Thumbnails and Single CTA
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing with Pagination and Single CTA
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing with Single CTA
- Responsive Dynamic Remarketing with Single CTA II
Bug fixes:
- [Image Button] [Firefox & IE] [Windows] Fixed issue with "Over image" not rendering upon hover
- Previewing in the browser now supports a minimum viewport height of 20px instead of 24px
- Border color selector in the Publish dialog no longer shows "No color" and gradient options
- Fixed issue with a ruler guide getting deleted by a click after deleting another ruler guide
- Fixed issue with some special characters in sample dynamic text content being escaped incorrectly
- Fixed issue where pressing the Enter key didn't confirm the deletion or replacement of a workspace
- Fixed issue where the Text Style dropdown didn't list italic styles if the web font URL used the "xxxi" italic variant specifier for a specific weight
- Fixed issue with opening a document that contains a bad tag
- Fixed issue with saved custom easing presets not working after updating Google Web Designer
- Fixed issue with color mixer pop-up closing upon selecting a color swatch when in Text editing mode
- [Parallax] Fixed issue with "Images" and "Scroll factor" properties not updating in the Properties panel
- Web Designer no longer hangs when editing a group containing an element with no set width or height
Google Web Designer
Bug fixes:
- [AMPHTML ads] Fixed issue with "gotoAndPlayNTimes" missing from the Events dialog in non-English versions
- [Preview] Fixed issue with transformed dynamic data in responsive documents not rendering properly in preview
- [Dynamic] Binding text content to custom data objects no longer adds fields to the sample dynamic data
- [Dynamic] Dynamic profiles no longer requested from Studio when the advertiser ID is invalid
Google Web Designer
- The new Date Swap component (under "Miscellaneous" on the Components panel) makes it easy to show or hide content depending on the current date and time
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with images being counted twice in the Library Use count
- "hover" pseudo-class added in Code view is no longer removed from the document
- Fixed issue with images not respecting the max-width/max-height style
- Fixed issue with image rendering when height is less than 15px
- Fixed issue with with changing the display CSS property for custom Google Web Designer elements
- Fixed issue with "Swap image" function keeping the old image size
- Fixed issue where the Outliner didn't correctly filter images
Google Web Designer
- The interface now reflects the new Google advertising brands, Google Ads (formerly AdWords) and Display & Video 360 (bringing together features from DoubleClick Bid Manager, Campaign Manager, Studio, and Audience Center). Learn more
- Shell build reduces the latency of file operations while templates update on Windows
- Google Web Designer now implements the following elements as autonomous custom elements (e.g., ), rather than as customized built-in elements. To update an existing file, open the file in Web Designer and save it
- Support added for the new Brand Awareness data schema (under the "Standard Schema" type) for Display & Video 360
3 new Data driven for Display & Video 360 templates use the Brand Awareness schema:
- Blank Slate - A basic framework ready to be customized with your dynamic elements
- Cue Cards - 3 frames that scroll down to tell a dynamic user story
- Panorama - 3 frames that the user can swipe through horizontally
Google Web Designer Beta
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with file not opening when the document links to an external CSS file using an absolute URL.
- GreenSock libraries updated to use version 2.0.1.
- The “Use” column header in the Library is now localized.
New features:
Computed CSS styles:
- View a list of CSS properties for an element, with resolved values, under the new Computed tab in the CSS panel.
- Jump to the CSS rule definition that sets a particular property.
Motion path editing:
- Move, resize, flip, and rotate motion paths with the new Transform control for the motion path tool.
Asset usage count:
- See in the Library panel how many times you use each asset in a document.
- Sort the list of assets by name, usage count, asset type, or last modified date.
- The new Outliner panel provides a tree view of the elements in your document for easy selection and navigation.
Template improvements:
- The Template Gallery now shows the vertical (business type) for the AdWords dynamic remarketing templates.
- The Save as template dialog automatically populates the ad type, dynamic vertical, and components in the template metadata.
- Dynamic templates can now be previewed directly from the Template Gallery with sample feed data.
Text fitting:
- New settings in the Text panel let you automatically resize or truncate text so it won't overflow the containing element.
Timeline animation scaling:
- Hold Shift while dragging selected keyframes on the Advanced timeline to change the length of an animation while keeping the spacing between keyframes proportional.
- Save panel layouts as custom workspaces, or switch to one of Google Web Designer's preset workspaces in the Window > Workspace menu.
- Hide all panels with the Window > Hide panels command, or by pressing F4.
Templates added:
- DoubleClick responsive templates were added: Standard Banner Build Dissolve, Standard Banner Build Slide, Standard Banner Static, Standard Banner Storyboard Dissolve, and Standard Banner Storyboard Slide.
Fixes and improvements:
- Components:
- Fixed issue with Swipeable Gallery exit URLs not working with spaces between the URLs.
- [Feature request] Enabled Tap Area components within the frame of a Carousel Gallery or Swipeable Gallery.
- Invalid tags can no longer be entered in the Tag field.
- Fixed issue with text box losing the insert cursor after indenting the text.
- Fixed issue with tag name not updating when undoing a tag change.
- [Feature request] Provided text fitting & truncation controls in the user interface for both dynamic & static text.
- Fixed issue with incorrect text coordinates when stage was zoomed in.
- Enabled use of keyboard shortcuts (Cmd/Ctrl with +/-) to zoom in or out while in text editing mode.
- Fixed issue where a text box couldn't be drawn inside a div.
- Fixed issue with extra CSS properties getting added when copying & pasting colored text between documents.
- Fixed issue with italic text for Google Fonts not displaying correctly.
- AdMob templates have been updated to remove custom exits.
- Fixed issue where the options for inline local files and polite loading weren't selected by default when creating files from some templates.
- [Feature request] Added ability to easily update the animation duration in the UI.
- Finite and infinite loops now distinguishable on the Advanced mode timeline.
- Undoing the deletion of a layer with looping now restores the looping.
- Repeated spans now visible on the Advanced mode timeline for infinite loops when animation duration is extended.
- Fixed issue with stage not updating when span easing was edited.
- [Quick mode] Fixed issue with only first 2 anchor points of a Pen path displaying on the thumbnail.
- Added tooltips: "Current time" and "Timeline work area length".
- Workspace (panels and user interface):
- [Feature request] Added ability to save panel sets and switch between them.
- Fixed issue with docked panel's height not being resizable after docking a floating panel to a panel on the left side.
- Removed the top border on the Document bar.
- Fixed issue with start dialog disappearing when closing the New File dialog with the Esc key.
- Panels can now be collapsed by clicking the panel title right after launch or after switching workspaces.
- [Studio dynamic] Fixed issue with dynamic profile not loading when the user has Advertiser-level access to multiple advertisers.
- [Publish to Drive] Publishing to Google Drive no longer adds an extra string to image sources.
- [Ad environment] Strings have been translated.
- [Ad environment] Fixed issue with the Publish dialog not updating the ad environment after ad environment conversion.
- [Installer] [Windows] Shortcut icon is now created on the Desktop after installation but not after an update.
- When clicking on "Browse all articles" or "Visit help forum" from the help panel, a browser window now opens instead of a pop-up window.
- [Windows] Fixed issue with Firefox v.59 or later not showing in Google Web Designer's Preview browser list.
- Events dialog is now resizable.
- [Drawing] W and H are now translated when drawing a new element.
- [Properties panel] Fixed issue with Visibility field label overlapping the value in some languages.
- [Feature request] Usage count now displays next to assets listed in the Library.
- Fixed issue with zoom resetting in Design view after editing in Code view.
- [Hand tool] Fixed issue with stage moving off-center after repeatedly dragging it back and forth with the Hand tool.
Google Web Designer Beta
- Pasting now works when editing text.
- Fixed issue with "Unable to get property 'remove' of undefined or null reference" error when expanding the ad in Internet Explorer.
- Carousel Gallery and Swipeable Gallery components now work correctly in Chrome.
Ad environment conversion:
- Change the ad environment with the new File > Ad environment menu command.
Components panel:
- Double-clicking a component in the Components panel now adds it to the center of the stage.
File browse for image and video source:
- The Properties panel for images and the Video component now lets you browse your file system for source files.
Help panel:
- View help articles without leaving the Web Designer window by going to Help > Help center > Help panel.
- Performance improvements:
- Fixed performance issues with the timeline, including Advanced mode scrubbing, switching to Quick mode, opening a file in Quick mode, and switching between Code view and Design view while in Quick mode.
- Improved the performance of element modification and selection on stage when the Properties and CSS panel aren't visible and expanded.
3D component (beta):
- A new component for including interactive 3D models has been added for beta use. Initially, only a limited set of pilot users can serve ads with this component.
CSS panel:
- Fixed issue where the "Add property" button added an empty, non-editable property in an active media rule.
- The Shift and Ctrl/⌘ keys now allow range selection and multi-selection for CSS panel rules in the same way that other selectable lists in the UI do.
- [Dynamic] Text in an empty div can now be styled in the Text panel.
- Fixed issue with the Text tool options bar and Text panel settings disappearing after undo.
- Fixed issue with text files displaying incorrectly when opened while the Text tool is selected.
- Fixed issue with the label name dialog appearing off-screen after scrolling the timeline.
- Fixed issue with radial gradient backgrounds for pages not displaying in Quick mode thumbnails.
- Fixed issue where Quick mode thumbnails didn't reflect changes in SVG shape width.
- Fixed issue with Quick mode thumbnails showing invisible and deleted elements.
- Fixed performance issue with editing a motion path in a file with many animated elements.
- Fixed performance issue with scrubbing the timeline in a file with hundreds of elements.
Workspace (Panels and UI):
- [Panels] Fixed issue with adding a new panel to a group of three tabbed panels after closing a tab.
- [Panels] Panel menu now closes when dragging panels.
- [Panels] Fixed hidden tab visibility issue.
- [Options bar] Fixed issue with the More icon not showing when Web Designer launched at the minimum window size.
- [Scrollbars] Fixed issue with scrollbars disappearing when switching between documents.
- "NEW" indicator for templates is now translated on the start screen.
- [Gradient editing] Fixed issue with the center point in the radial gradient editing tool not moving as expected.
- [SVG shapes] Fixed issue with the dynamic bindings dialog including inner SVG shape elements in the list of selectable elements.
- [Groups] Fixed image flickering issue when text is edited or elements are added or removed.
- [Copy and paste] Fixed issue with animations not playing for a group instance copied from a document with multiple pages to a document without additional pages.
- [Preferences dialog] Updated syntax highlighting for HTML in the code editor in the Preferences dialog.
- Fixed issue where the gwd_webcomponents_min.js file was sent to the recycle bin upon every launch instead of getting deleted.
- Fixed issue where outdated template files were sent to the recycle bin after an update instead of getting deleted.
Google Web Designer Beta
- Change log not available for this version
Google Web Designer Beta
- Change log not available for this version
Google Web Designer Beta
Fixes and improvements:
- Fixed issue with Google Web Designer templates failing to load on machines with the user's Documents directory on a network drive. (Note: There is still an issue with saving a file as a template when the user's Documents directory is on a network drive. As a workaround, select Edit > Preferences and change the location for My Templates to a local file path)
Google Web Designer Beta
AdWords Dynamic Remarketing:
- Additional meta tags, productType and vertical, are now included in published dynamic remarketing creatives for AdWords
- Alert message displayed for using a deprecated schema when a binding to a Design or Headline attribute is detected
- AdWords dynamic remarketing templates no longer contain bindings to the deprecated Design and Headline attributes
- Fixed issue with pause not working in a group with an ID
- Fixed issue with GotoAndPlayNTimes event not executing again on page change
- [Ad Validator] Removed warning when a click event is not detected on the Tap Area component
- [Events] Autoplay events are now displayed for the Carousel component
- [Preview] Browser preview now displays the updated image after it has been replaced in the file system
Additional changes since version
- YouTube masthead templates have been removed. Learn more
Google Web Designer Beta
Auto update (Internet connection required):
- If you have a previous version of Google Web Designer, it will be automatically updated to the latest version
- Important: Google Web Designer requires an Internet connection for this update to occur
Fixes and improvements:
- Use of pause, gotoAndPause, and togglePlay in custom actions is now supported
- Fixed performance issues in files containing many groups
- Font name now displays after copying and pasting text with a font that was added in another file
- Fixed issue with video not autoplaying when ad re-expanded on Mac Safari 11
- Fixed issue with some GreenSock libraries getting referenced as script elements instead of library elements after using the File > Include JS library menu option
Google Web Designer Beta
- Templates are now released separately from new versions of Google Web Designer
Google Web Designer Beta
New features:
Motion paths:
- With motion paths, it's now possible to animate objects moving along curves and complex shapes
Application zoom:
- Google Web Designer detects the screen resolution and automatically calculates the appropriate zoom percentage to support high-resolution monitors such as 4K
- Additional changes
Changes to 3D tools:
- Double-clicking the 3D object rotate tool or the 3D object translate tool no longer resets an object's rotation or position
- Bid Manager dynamic remarketing minimal logoless templates have been removed
Fixes and improvements:
- YouTube video doesn't autoplay on touchscreen desktop
- Mobile devices exit to wrong item in the Dynamic Remarketing Job Listings template
- No mobile exits in the Dynamic Remarketing Single Page for Travel and Dynamic Remarketing Single Page with Minimal Details templates
- Unable to open a template in Google Web Designer from the Rich Media Gallery
- [Text] Undoing text color does not work in keyframe
- [Text] Cannot undo applying default style after the text color change
- [Quick mode] Getting Uncaught NotSupportedError when trying to reset the center point of 3D rotated element in the thumbnail
- Animation CSS is unnecessarily duplicated when duplicating elements with group instances inside
Workspace (Panels and UI):
- [Menus] Command key does not render correctly on some users' machines
- [Panelsl] Fly-out menu icon gets hidden when docking 4 panels with long names.
- [Panels] More than 4 panels can be grouped together when docked to the left, which causes overflowing
- [Panels] Fly-out menu items are not localized
- [Timeline panel] It’s easy to drag the timeline while attempting to resize it
- [Panels and workspace] Stage shifts when expanding or collapsing the timeline
- [4K monitor] Allow the web app to be zoomed for use on high resolution monitors
- Language won't switch if quitting immediately after switching language from the menu
- [Mac] Crash after login to Studio when in fullscreen mode
- [Mac] The application window’s rendering is wrong with the right side being clipped on relaunch after it’s moved offscreen
- [Mac] Google Web Designer launches in English when the locale is set to Simplified or Traditional Chinese
- [Preferences] Long label does not wrap nicely in some languages
- [Pages] Scroll bars appear in the Pages control when renaming a page
- [Ad validator][HTML] Publish locally shows wrong file size error message
- [Media Rules] Properties overridden in an animation are marked as overridden in the Properties panel
- [Mac] Index.html of unzipped publish file shows wrong date
Google Web Designer Beta
- Swipeable Gallery and Carousel Gallery components do not work properly on iOS 9
Google Web Designer Beta
- In non-English versions, the "Exit ad" and “Exit ad (overrides URL)” actions for the Mouse > click event are missing in the Events dialog
- Duplicating a page with a timeline event or duplicating an element with nested animation that includes a timeline event causes the file to subsequently fail to open
File operations:
- [Mac] "Save as" dialog fails to open if the location specified in the new file dialog does not exist
Workspace (panels and UI):
- [Panels] Issues with closing and reopening the Events panel
Google Web Designer Beta
Ad Validator:
- The Ad Validator automatically checks for common issues with your ad. See the results in a panel as you're building your ad, and also when publishing.
Redesigned Template Gallery:
- The Template Gallery now offers a reorganized view of available templates.
- You can now set general and Design view preferences in the Preferences dialog:
- General - Choose to open your most recent document at launch, set the default ad type and environment for new files, and specify your custom template path. (Note: Only documents saved specifically as templates can be used as custom templates.)
- Design view - Configure defaults for object outlines, snap settings, and whether rulers and the 3D grid are visible.
- Flexible panel layout
- Dock panels on either the left or right side of the window, and move the timeline to the top or bottom. You can also close panels entirely if you don't want them to take up space (and open them again using the new Window menu).
Reorganized Components panel:
- Components are now grouped under folders to make them easier to find.
You'll see more improvements to the timeline:
- Edit an element at multiple keyframes.
- Copy and paste a keyframe, even between different layers, pages, or documents.
- Select keyframes using rectangular marquee selection.
- Edit easing for multiple spans.
- Duplicate layers, including all keyframes.
- Animation previews can be paused and started from the playhead position or current thumbnail.
Code view:
- [Code selection] Selected element in a group is not highlighted in Code view when switching from Design view
- [Code selection] Wrong div class is selected in the duplicated page
- Focus does not stay in Code view after including JS library
- File > menu cut is not working in Code view
- [GreenSock] Rearrange the menu items so the most used plugins show at the top
- [Video] Autoplay doesn't work in HTML with pages
- YouTube video still plays after creative collapses
- [Dynamic] [Preview] Select a feed by default when previewing a dynamic file
- [Dynamic] Update DoubleClick exit handling code to support product click tracking for Dynamic in DoubleClick Bid Manager
- [Feature Request] Selecting multiple events for bulk removal
- Don't allow exit or exitOverride actions for Touch events as scrolling can cause exit on the mobile device
- Exit ad and exit ad override action should only be available for mouse click and Tap area click/tap events
- Incorrect action label for Video & YouTube components (play instead of play after pause)
- Filter out the events that are not useful for users under Page Deck
- Event page prefixes should display names not IDs
- Document is not marked as needing to be serialized/dirty when undoing/redoing an add event operation
File operations:
- Problem with opening, saving and closing a HTML file that has an image tag with id=head in layer.
- Closing HTML documents with a text file open throws errors
- [Feature Request] Easy way to share source files with others by providing save as zip functionality
- [Gradient Editing] The center point of radial gradient in the published file should match with the gradient on stage after positioned it
- Gradient is not working when setting border gradient first and then changing the size of the border
- A CSS background with multiple radiants is not published
- A radial gradient fails when the position of a color stop is missing or in pixels
- [Feature Request] Add UI to refresh assets in the library
- New folder name (untitled) is localized and not usable
- File > Publish menu is disabled for the non-Google ad file
- Release notes in Help menu should go to the most current release notes
- Error when hitting Escape key to close the menu
- Menu remains open when clicking or typing in Code view
- Main menu dropdown and Style dropdown won't get dismissed while in the Text tool
- Keyboard shortcuts in the main menu for Zoom in and Zoom out are not aligned
Properties panel:
- Error is thrown when deleting the hex value from the color popup in the Properties panel
- Undo typing value in Fill color in Properties panel is not working properly
- [Feature Request] Add basic arithmetic ability to input fields
- Undo doesn't work for dropdown in the Properties panel
- [Feature Request] Allow the location of custom templates to be configurable in the preferences
- Save as template: need an option to overwrite with the same name
- Save as template discards timeline mode
- Merchant name in Dynamic in DoubleClick Bid Manager Logoless Minimal template should be left-aligned
- MDE templates should be labeled as "Multi Directional Expanding"
- VPAID Templates - Reduce background asset file size
- GDN Lightbox Templates Video + Map are missing exit event on logo
- Text will change font size to 32px by itself when changing the size the second time
- Bullet and ordered list buttons can be selected at the same time
- Not able to change font size in Text edit mode when manually entering the value in the Size box on options bar
- Text does not get updated on stage after changing the text color in thumbnail/keyframe
- When scrolling the stage, the black resize dots do not move along with the text box until scrolling is stopped
- Copying and pasting a hex color code in the Color box will paste into the text box instead when Text is selected
- [Feature Request] Added support for editing easing for all selected spans at once
- [Feature Request] Keyframes animation should be included when duplicating a layer with animation
- [Feature Request] Timeline Preview improvements: previews can be paused and started from the playhead position or current thumbnail
- [Feature Request] Support marquee selection of multiple keyframes
- [Feature Request] Ability to edit multiple keyframes for the same element all at once
- [Feature Request] Add "Delete" and "Rename" in the layer context menu
- Incorrect undo steps after using F6 to insert keyframe
- After changing the layer order, keyframe selection gets lost
- Selecting 2 adjacent keyframes doesn't select the span between them with Cmd/Ctrl + click
- [Usability] Disabled easing in context menu when there is no animation is confusing
- The position of the element after removing all the keyframes is incorrect
- Timeline panel should bring focus to the respective layer by scrolling when an object is selected on the stage
- [Timeline Zoom] When creating a new file or opening a file, the zoom level is at default but it won't show the background yellow slider
- [Usability] [Keyframe selection] Can't select a keyframe right next to another keyframe
- Undoing removing keyframe (1st keyframe) returns a reset translate value
- Keyframe selections should be cleared after right-clicking is used on a span in the same track
- [Timeline scrubbing] Animation appears wrong with border size change when scrubbing timeline
- Undoing from Quick Mode doesn't remove the added keyframe right away
- [Feature Request] Add a paste option "Paste element only" and make the paste with animation by default if there is animation
- [Advanced mode] Wrong alert message when editing the layer name and adding invalid character (e.g., exclamation point) to the end of the ID name
- [Usability] Can't drag or move an element when above layers are locked
- [Feature Request] Show hand cursor when hovering over animations that have been selected to show that they can be moved around the timeline
Workspace (panels and UI):
- Missing tooltip for the add button (+) in the Components panel, Events panel, and Dynamic panel
- Publish and Preview UI are not grayed out when there is no file open and throw errors when selected
- [Panel behaviors] There is a stumbling motion when expanding a tab when multiple tabs are in a panel
- [Panel allocation] Having transition causes a little jarring effect when a panel gets allocated into a minimum space
- [Publish UI] Environment is Google Ad instead of showing the specific environment
- [Feature Request] Mouse over the document tab should display the file name
- Element preview (Quick mode thumbnail, Save As Template preview, and library preview) only rendered up to 5 nested elements
- Scrollbar is hard to use
- [Color] Tooltip not available for the selected color selector
- [SVG] Unable to open a file that contains SVG tags
- [Groups] Duplicating groups results in non-unique Timeline event names
- [Video tag] Undoing the name in the Sources field is not working
- [Video tag] Undoing the Preload property is not working
- [Import] [Feature Request] Importing or dragging the same file on stage with the same name should not make a duplicate in the assets folder
- Incorrect position when dragging and dropping image and video assets on a zoomed stage
- [Media Rules] Automatically switch to selection tool when using viewport resizing tool
- [Media Rules] The viewport resize tool remained visible on stage after resetting the stage using Hand tool
- [Zoom] Incorrect marquee zooming in Top and Side view
- [Publish to Studio] User with multiple advertisers in their Advertiser Level only account will get an error when selecting an Advertiser
- [Publish to Studio] Cannot create new Advertiser in the Publish to Studio dialog
Google Web Designer Beta
- Change log not available for this version
Google Web Designer Beta
- 1 new set of templates with dynamic remarketing schema for DoubleClick Bid Manager and 7 new sets of AdWords dynamic remarketing templates have been added
Google Web Designer Beta
New templates:
- 5 new dynamic remarketing templates for use with AdWords Display Ad Builder have been added.
Fixes & improvements:
- Code view: The GreenSock JavaScript Library version was outdated and has been updated to 1.19.0. KineticPlugin (deprecated) was removed and ModifiersPlugin added.
- Components: Swipeable Gallery component swiped 2 frames at a time on an Android device.
Google Web Designer Beta
Copy/Paste across documents:
- Copy and paste across documents is now possible! Any element that can be copied in the same document can now be copied to other documents (including assets, groups, etc)
Timeline enhancements:
- Many improvements have been made to the timeline, including a few that were very popular feature requests.
- Multiple keyframe & thumbnail selection - Multiple keyframes can now be selected and deleted in Advanced mode, or multiple thumbnails if using Quick mode.
- Zoom for Advanced mode - zoom in and out of the timeline allowing for more precise placement of keyframes
- Drag to hide/lock layers - It is now possible to drag/select to hide or lock layers in the timeline.
- New easing functions - We have added two new easing functions for animation: step-start and step-end.
Preferences panel:
Ability to set preferences for the Google Web Designer tool, beginning with Code View options
Recent files:
- The New File dialog and File > Open recent menu now include a list of the most recently opened Web Designer documents
Code Editor Enhancements:
- The code for the element that is selected in design view will be selected when navigating to code view
JavaScript library support:
- DoubleClick Studio users can now easily include the Greensock JS Library for creatives made in Google Web Designer
Zoom tool enhancements:
- Zoom in using marquee selection now respects the marquee rectangle size
Less pixelation when zooming in:
Changes to SVG:
- Double clicking on an SVG image no longer goes in editing mode
Code view:
- [Code view] Problems with double quotes in inline style attributes
- [Codeview] [Feature Request] When selecting an element and go to Codeview, go to that item in the code
- [Codeview] [Panel behaviors] Right side panels are active when in code view
Components and Ads Runtime:
- [YTMasthead Template] Uncaught TypeError in console when"Close button" is pressed
- [YouTube] [Responsive] YouTube component is not responsive/fluid
- [Component] [Swipeable Gallery] Image stay for a brief moment when the expanded page collapsed after interacting with the component
- "Metrics ID" are not required to be unique
- [Services] Cannot 'Save as' if source file path is incorrect in the components
- Push transition doesn't work between pages (Chrome)
- [Youtube] "Play after pause/replay" action won't apply to autoplay, "preview/intro"
[Galleries] Swipeable automatically adds exitId for Gallery Frame Exited even when there is no exit url set in the creative:
- [Color] Using the Properties panel to modify elements with different color causes the color to disappear
- [Color panel] Transition when collapsing/expanding the Color panel will show the bottom part of the panel briefly if only the swatches are selected in the panel before.
[Color Panel] UI issue: Incorrect icon for Fill and Stroke color chips after selecting No color:
CSS panel:
- Hint field does not restart the matched terms list from the beginning on every input update and hitting Esc clears the hint
- [CSS Panel] Timeline frames update with wrong CSS property value when property defined in multiple rules:
- Profile fails to load in Data Schema panel
Unable to set default map location dynamically with the GWD map component:
Events dialog:
- [Events dialog] When suggestion comes up, hitting Enter/Return key can't select the property name for Inline style, instead, it closes the dialog.
- [Events dialog
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