GeoServer is an open source server for sharing geospatial data

GeoServer for Mac

GeoServer 2.8.1

  -  106.53 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of GeoServer 2.8.1.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of GeoServer for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

We would love to hear from you

If you have any questions or ideas that you want to share with us - head over to our Contact page and let us know. We value your feedback!

What's new in this version:

- Multidimensional GRIB / NetCDF / NetCDF Output modules promoted to extension
- Fixed query parameters in SLD external graphic
- Fixed legend preview with SLD external graphic
- Fixed multiline labels in PDF WMS request with translation
- Fixed layer preview GML links for app-schema layers
- Fixed JMS clustering to use qualified names for layers, layer groups, and styles
- Avoid catalog linear scans in GWC integration listeners
- Fixed OpenLayers preview with the authkey module enabled

- Empty filter causes IndexOutOfBoundsException
- RESTConfig "styles" list does not get generated if a style is missing its associated sld file
- Creating SQL Views via RESTConfig as JSON fails
- externalGraphic with relative path and query parameters problem
- Multiline Labels are not properly displayed when a translation is applied to a pdf WMS Request
- Layer Security - Catalog Mode
- WCS 2.0.1 can build BoundedBy with wrong axis order
- WCS 2.0.1 can send coverage in wrong format
- JSON totalFeatures can be wrong with spatial filters in WFS 1.1.0
- New layerGroup via REST ignores styles in a workspace
- Documentation on REST "Resource reset" with errors
- Preview of external graphics in SLD style
- WMS 1.1 Capabilities document does not match DTD - missing Title in style
- Geofence integrated server extension
- Default GML links in Layer Preview page do not work for app-schema layers
- gs:DownloadEstimator should check size is less than Integer.MAX_VALUE
- Render (or transform) fails on Multipolygon but not on polygon
- Proposals section refers to wrong Links
- Maven Cobertura plugin does not work
- JMS based cluster should use qualified names for Layers and Layergroups
- Migration WFSDataStore geoserver 2.4 to 2.8 fails
- JMS Clustering should prefix Styles names with workspace
- Avoid catalog linear scans in GWC integration listeners
- GDAL WCS output format fails to encode gray/alpha images in Geospatial PDF
- OpenLayers preview does not work if authkey community module is enabled
- Using on the fly meta tiling in WMS request may result in rendered images not being disposed of
- NETCDF Z index load errors
- RawDataPPIO does not close InputStreams it opens
- GeoTiffPPIO can return the source file of a processed coverage

- Document GetFeatureInfo on layergroup
- GSIP-134 - Promote multidimensional modules (GRIB,NetCDF) to Extension
- Fix explicit dependency to joda-time 2.2

- WCS should force usage of imageread
- Features counted twice for WFS queries with GeoJSON responses
- Add scaling support to WPS gs:Download process
- Defer bounds calculation during import