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XMLmind XML Editor 10.10.0 LATEST
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XMLmind XML Editor for macOS is also available as attractively priced, "special editions" called: XMLmind DITA Editor, XMLmind DocBook Editor, XMLmind XHTML Editor. XMLmind Personal Edition is free to use by many persons and organizations. Download XML mind for Mac now!
Note: 30 days trial version.
What's new in this version:
XMLmind XML Editor 10.10.0
- Added a "Sort files by" menu to the toolbar of the "Browse Files" tool. This menu lets you sort the listed files according to different file properties: name, date, size, etc, in either ascending or descending order.
Ebook page:
- View menu: replaced entry "Ebook Page" by two entries "Semantic" (default CSS stylesheet) and "Emulate Web Browser". The corresponding CSS stylesheets are similar to their XHTML counterparts. See "XMLmind XML Editor - XHTML Support, CSS stylesheets found in the View menu".
- The toolbar now has the same "Add section" menu as the XHTML 5 toolbar.
CALS table (that is, DocBook and DITA tables) attribute rowheader="firstcol" support:
- Entry elements found in the first column of a table having rowheader="firstcol" are now given a “table header style” in the styled view.
- Added attribute rowheader="firstcol" to DocBook table templates "table(head_column)" and "table(head_row_column)".
- Added the "table(head_column)" and "table(head_row_column)" menu items (and the corresponding table templates) to the "Add table" toolbar menu of DITA topics.
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.5.2 (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
- Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.5.2.
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.11.
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.16.
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.12.
- Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.18.
- Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.10.
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported
- on Java™ 23 platforms,
- on macOS Sequoia (version 15) running on Intel® or Apple® Silicon processors.
- Command "start helper() foo.bar" (meaning open file "foo.bar" using whatever helper application the user specified in Options|Preferences, "Helper applications" section) did not work when in the "Helper Application Editor" dialog box, "Use text editor" was selected to open ".bar" files.
- CSS support, margin-left example: "margin-left: 200px; margin-left: 55%;" was parsed as "margin-left: 0" because percentage margins are not supported by XXE therefore margin-left was reset to 0, the default value of this property. Now "margin-left: 200px; margin-left: 55%;" is parsed as "margin-left: 200px" and, of course, the unsupported value warning about "margin-left: 55%" is still reported.
- If, using the View menu, an alternate CSS stylesheet was selected for a document (e.g. "Emulate Web Browser" for an HTML page) and this document was closed and then immediately reopened, the chosen alternate CSS stylesheet was indeed used again but its menu item (e.g. the "Emulate Web Browser" menu item) in the View menu was not checked.
- The Reload, "Go Back" and "Go Forward" buttons of the help browser were disabled for many page navigation cases where they obviously shouldn't be.
- The EPUB files generated using DITA BookMap, Map or Topic|Convert Document|Convert to EPUB, were rendered without any style by Apple Books®.
- The EPUB files generated using DITA or DocBook Convert Document|Convert to EPUB and having a CSS stylesheet customized using Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets, were rendered without any stock style by Apple Books®.
- In order to fix above bug, we had to change the way custom CSS stylesheets created using DITA or DocBook Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets work. Therefore such CSS stylesheets must be recreated using Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets.
XMLmind XML Editor 10.9.0
- Improved the usability of the Validity tool by rendering error messages in a nicer, more readable, way and also by adding two "sort errors" buttons. First button may be used to sort the error list with the most severe errors first. Second button may be used to sort the error list in document order (which was the only error order available in previous versions of XXE).
- Added an auto-update option to the dialog box displayed by "Help|Show Element Reference" menu item. If the corresponding checkbox is checked, this option automatically updates the dialog box to always show the content model of selected element. This checkbox replaces the “manual update” button found in the previous version of the dialog box.
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.5.1 (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
- Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.4.1
- Upgraded Saxon to version 12.5
- Upgraded XMLResolver to version 5.2.5
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 2.0.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.10.2
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.15.2
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.5.2
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.4.3
- All commands showing external online help in the web browser
The following xml-stylesheet processing instruction was ignored because its media pseudo-attribute contained a comma-separated list of media including "screen" and not just single media "screen":
- Note that media queries including media features like media="all and (max-width: 30em)" are still not supported.
- Supported media types are now documented in "XMLmind XML Editor - Support of Cascading Style Sheets (W3C CSS)".
Possible incompatibilities:
- Cross-reference errors are now considered to be less severe than semantic warnings and errors. As a consequence, support of system property XXE_SHOW_SEMANTIC_ERRORS, which was used to force this behavior, is now no longer needed and has been removed.
XMLmind XML Editor 10.8.0
- DITA Topic, DocBook, XHTML, TEI Lite configurations: added a "Check External References" item to the menu which is specific to the document type (e.g. the Topic menu). This menu item invokes new command checkExternalRefs which checks all the links to external resources found in the document being edited. All kinds of external resources are checked for existence: images, audio, video, PDF documents, HTML pages, etc. When the resource is an HTML page and the link ends with a fragment (e.g. "#bar" in "../doc/foo.html#bar") then this fragment is also checked for existence.
- Added "Comment Out" and "Uncomment" menu items to the Edit|Comment menu. "Comment Out" replaces text selection or explicit node selection by a comment containing the selection. "Uncomment" is inverse command of "Comment Out". It parses the content of implicitly or explicitly selected comment and replaces this comment by parsed XML nodes. These menu items both invoke new command commentOut.
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.4.1 (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.15.1.
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.10.1.
- XMLmind XML Editor, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 22 platforms.
- It was possible to change the target of a processing-instruction which was marked as being read-only (e.g. a which is always marked read-only and which can only be modified using "Tools|Remark|Insert or Edit Remark").
- Fixed a bug related to the layout of replies in the remark editor.
- "Easy Profiling" add-on, DocBook profiling:
- The list of profiling attributes was incomplete. Attributes status and lang (xml:lang for DocBook 5+) were missing.
- The add-on did not gracefully process extension profiling attributes.
- Now first profiling attribute not identified as a standard profiling attribute causes the add-on to generate profile.attribute and profile.value stylesheet parameters. (This is expected by the stock DocBook XSL stylesheets and is documented here.)
- Extra profiling attributes not identified as standard profiling attributes causes the add-on to generate profile.attribute_name stylesheet parameters (that is, as if the custom profiling attribute were a standard profiling attribute).
The font used to display online help on macOS ("Helvetica Neue") was rendered having an ultra light weight, making it very hard to read. In order to fix this issue, updated the font stacks found in various stock CSS stylesheets.
Possible incompatibilities:
- It's recommended to open your existing DocBook 5+ .profiles files in XXE, select the profiles root element, change attribute class from "com.xmlmind.xmleditext.profiling.docbook.DBProfileSet" to "com.xmlmind.xmleditext.profiling.docbook.DB5ProfileSet" and finally save back the .profiles files to disk.
XMLmind XML Editor 10.7.0
- Support of new OASIS Standard: "The DocBook Schema Version 5.2". Corresponding reference is "DocBook 5.2: The Definitive Guide" by Norman Walsh.
- New remark editor makes it now possible to reply to a remark made by another user of XXE. See Tools menu, Remark submenu.
- Added a merge attribute to the category child element of configuration elements attributeVisibility and elementVisibility to make it simpler and less error prone customizing these elements
- "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" add-on: when generating XHTML 1.0 Strict, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.1, the xml:lang attribute is automatically added to elements having a lang attribute. Note that is does not happen when generating XHTML 5.0. However this feature may be controlled using new boolean parameter transform.add-xml-lang.
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 2.0, which now supports processing DocBook 5.2 documents
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.15
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.10
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.11
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.4.2
- Upgraded Saxon to version 12.4
- Upgraded XMLResolver to version 5.2.3
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.4. (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
Possible incompatibilities:
- All the DocBook configurations (.xxe) have been renamed (example: "DocBook" becomes "DocBook 4"). All the DocBook configuration add-ons (.xxe_addon) have been renamed (example: "DocBook v5+ configuration" becomes "DocBook 5.0 configuration"). Some DocBook configuration files have (.xxe, .incl) been renamed (example: docbook51/assembly.xxe becomes docbook51/assembly51.xxe).
- XMLmind Assembly Processor v2 introduced a number of breaking changes, so please make sure to read "How to “port” your assemblies to XMLmind Assembly Processor v2" if you want to successfully convert your DocBook 5.1+ assemblies to other formats using XXE
- Saving a document containing a processing-instruction whose text contained "?>" (or a comment containing string "--") caused XXE to report an error (which is correct) but also caused the saved file to be completely empty
- macOS only: the "Use Windows® standard fonts" button found in the FOP and XEP preferences sheets (Options|Preferences, Add-on|FOP and XEP sections) was always disabled
XMLmind XML Editor 10.6.0
- Typing text using a CJK Input Method Editor (IME) now works but has limitations and bugs. For example, it's not possible to replace the text selection simply by tying text using the IME.
- Interactive commands written in JavaScript™ which are specific to a configuration are now dynamically loaded when needed. DocBook's "Link callouts" Opens in new window is such command. This short and simple command written in JavaScript first displays a dialog box letting the user choose an ID prefix, then it invokes its server-side counterpart (the command written in Java™ used by XXE Desktop) to actually do the job.
- Upgraded JavaScript module browser-fs-access Opens in new window to version 0.35.
- The following content objects (CSS proprietary extensions) are now supported: command-button Opens in new window and all its variants: command-menu, insert-button, insert-after-button, insert-before-button, insert-same-after-button, insert-same-before-button, replace-button, convert-button, wrap-button, delete-button, add-attribute-button, set-attribute-button, remove-attribute-button.
- xxeserver embeds Jetty Opens in new window in order to implement an HTTP and WebSocket server. Upgraded Jetty to version 11.0.17.
- CSS extension property collapsible:yes was not honored for elements having an inline-block or inline-table display
XMLmind XML Editor 10.5.0
- Shift-clicking on a element name displayed by the node path bar now selects all the child nodes of this element. This is a handy alternative to selecting menu item Select|Select All Children (keyboard shortcut Escape Down).
- Validating an XHTML 1.0 Strict , 1.0 Transitional, 1.1 or 5.0 document now checks the consistency of the xml:lang and lang attributes
- XHTML 1.0 and 1.1: if the xml:lang attribute (respectively the lang attribute) is specified for an XHTML element, a semantic error is reported if the lang attribute (respectively the xml:lang attribute) is not also specified for this element with the same value (the comparison being case-insensitive).
- (X)HTML5: if the xml:lang attribute is specified for an XHTML element, a semantic error is reported if the lang attribute is not also specified for this element with the same value (the comparison being case-insensitive). Note that just specifying the lang attribute and not the xml:lang attribute will not cause XXE to report any error.
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.2. (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.3.4
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.10.0
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.4.1
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.14.0
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.8.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.5.0, which supports the new corporate layout in addition to the classic and simple layouts
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.3.2
- Upgraded XMLResolver to version 5.2.1
"Paste from Word Processor or Browser" add-on:
- When the language information (e.g. MS-Word's lang=EN-US) was available in copied data, this language information was not always conveyed to pasted XML nodes.
- Standard headings (i.e.) or custom headings having an outline level > 6 were not correctly processed. For example, when these headings were numbered, they were converted to a numbered list containing a single item.
- Text boxes contained in VML graphics (e.g. v:shape/v:textbox) were discarded resulting in some cases to graphics missing from pasted XML
- Not fixed: images cropped using MS-Word facilities (e.g. ) should be also cropped by the add-on in order to generate smaller images. Note that MS-Word should have itself generated cropped image files while exporting the MS-Word file to HTML. Instead MS-Word generates HTML containing which web browsers are incapable to display. Therefore this can be considered to be an MS-Word limitation rather than a "Paste from Word" limitation.
- The convertCase command raised a NullPointerException when several nodes were selected and when last selected node did not contain any text (e.g. an image element)
- Some dialog boxes contain lists displaying “rich items” having details besides the main title of the item (e.g. the "List Anchors and Links" dialog box). On certain platforms, with certain Look&Feels (e.g. macOS with its default “system L&F”) , these details were unreadable due to a poor color choice.
- The new language fixup of the XInclude 1.1 implementation introduced in version 10.4 did not work correctly when processing XHTML documents
- The language of the included element was determined using the xml:lang attribute only. Now both xml:lang and lang attributes are considered, with a priority to xml:lang as specified in the XHTML 1.0 and (X)HTML5 specification.
- As a result of the language fixup, the transcluded element was given only an xml:lang attribute. Now the transcluded element always has both xml:lang and lang attributes set to the same value.
- "View|XML source": attribute name auto-completion did not work when an open tag already contained an attribute having an empty string value (e.g. ).
- When following a link which was external to the XXE help set, the online help browser did not display the title of the corresponding page.
XMLmind XML Editor 10.4.0
- Clipboard content tool: when you copy some text to the clipboard, a short animation shows you which text has been copied before displaying the "#text" label
- Using the Validity tool to select an XML element having a validity error now leaves a “back mark” which lets the user click Go Back to return the previous location in the document
"Set ID" toolbar button (available in most configurations):
- Removed not so useful "Unset ID" menu item
- Added a Copy button to the "List Anchors and Links" dialog box. This button copies selected ID or link target to the clipboard
- Simplified the URL chooser dialog box and the image chooser dialog box by replacing the two Browse buttons by just one having a more straightforward behavior
- Made styled image view tooltips more useful by adding —when possible— image intrinsic dimensions, scaled dimensions and scaling percentage
- Made the node path bar tooltips more useful by adding usage hints
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.1.1. This version adds two new themes "FlatMacLightLaf" and "FlatMacDarkLaf" inspired by macOS. (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.
- "JSON document format" add-on: upgraded nanojson (an excellent, tiny, fast, and compliant JSON parser and writer for Java™) to version 1.8
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.3.3
- Add-on "WebDAV virtual drive plug-in": upgraded main software component Apache HttpComponents Client to version 5.2.1
- Upgraded Saxon to version 11.5
- Upgraded XMLResolver to version 5.1.2
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.3
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.4.1
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.13.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.7.1
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.4
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.9.1_01
- XMLmind XML Editor, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 20 platforms
- Made the language fixup of the XInclude 1.1 implementation more conforming to the specification
- An XHTML5 element may have an id attribute which is not an NCName (it may may contain any character, except whitespace characters). "Edit|Reference|Copy as Reference" did not work correctly when such elements were selected.
- When option "Allow advanced use of XInclude" was turned off (the default), "Copy as Reference" was not disabled (grayed menu item), which is incorrect, and did not report any error message after failing to create a reference.
- When option "Allow advanced use of XInclude" was turned on, "Copy as Reference" was not disabled, which is correct, but silently failed to create a reference.
- When "View|Display Images" was set to "Thumbnails" or "Bounding Boxes", the image scaling information displayed by the bounding box was incorrect when the display scaling of XXE was not 100% (e.g. Windows and Linux computers having a HiDPI screen). Now when a 200x100 image is scaled to 50%, the bounding box displays "200x100 scaled to 100x50 (50%)", no matter XXE display scaling.
- When converting a document with option "File|Use the URL Chooser" turned on, the "Browse local files" and "Browse remote files" dialog boxes displayed by the URL chooser dialog box did not make use of suggested output file name.
XMLmind XML Editor 10.3.0
- Added useful options: "Use default viewer", "Use text editor", "Use XMLmind XML Editor", to the "Helper Application Editor" dialog box and to its simplified variant, the "Helper Application Not Found" dialog box
- Added a "Open Containing Folder" entry to the contextual menu of the "Browse Files" tool. This menu entry opens selected file or directory in the standard file manager of your operating system. For example, on the Mac, this will open selected file in the Finder
- Images displayed in the styled view (“normally”, not as thumbnails or as bounding boxes) are now given a tooltip showing the location of the image
- Upgraded Saxon to version 11.4. Doing this required replacing the Apache Commons Resolver (lib/resolver.jar) by the XMLResolver (lib/xmlresolver.jar)
- Upgraded XML parser Apache Xerces2 Java to version 2.12.2
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.3.0
- Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.16
- Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.8
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.2
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.3.4
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.12
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.6
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.3.3
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.9
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 2.6. (On Linux, the FlatLaf light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 19 platforms, on macOS Ventura (version 13) running on Intel® or ARM® (AKA M1 AKA Apple® Silicon) processors
- Most configurations specify that it's possible to follow a link by clicking it while pressing Ctrl and Alt. Users are reminded that this useful but somewhat hidden feature exists by adding text line "Ctrl+Alt-click left button mouse to follow link" to the tooltip attached to the view of the link element. The bug was that this reminder was often missing from the text of the tooltip.
- "Find and Replace Element" dialog box: when a search criterion matched several attributes of found element, replacing the values of these attributes worked only for a single attribute and not for all matching attributes.
Possible incompatibilities:
- Added a simple preprocessor to the .xxe (XXE configuration files) and .xxe_gui (XXE GUI specification files) loaders. This preprocessor supersedes the "ifDefined(condition)" and "ifNotDefined(condition)" values supported by some of the configuration/GUI specification attributes. Example (excerpts from DesktopApp.xxe_gui)
XMLmind XML Editor 10.2.0
- DITA Map/BookMap, DocBook Assembly, Ebook Specification configurations: the "Open Topic R/O" and "Open Topic" buttons found in the toolbar have been renamed to "Open All Topics R/O" and "Open All Topics". These buttons now open all the topics and maps referenced in the selected elements and their descendants. For example, if you want to open all the topics referenced in a DITA map, simply select the map and click "Open All Topics".
- The dialog box displayed by the "Find & Replace" toolbar button and by some of the "Search|Find and Replace Element" menu items (all invoking command searchReplaceElement) is now non-blocking, that is, not modal anymore, which makes it much more convenient to use.
- For example, you may now use the dialog box which is being displayed to search several documents in a row with the same search criteria. The previous version of this dialog box forced you, for each document to be searched, (1) to close the old instance of the dialog box, (2) click "Find & Replace" to display a new instance of the dialog box, (3) use its "History" menu to select the last search criteria being used.
- The "Hunspell Spell Checker" add-on, leveraging Hunspell, now works on an Apple® M1 (ARM®) processor. The Hunspell engine has been upgraded to latest 1.7.0 version on all supported platforms except Windows. The Linux 32-bit and Mac OS X 32-bit platforms are no longer supported. The Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit platforms are both supported but it's still older Hunspell version 1.3.2 which is used on these platforms.
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 2.3
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.11
- In some cases, an XInclude element containing a xi:fallback element was not correctly saved/loaded to/from the string form used by XXE clipboard
- DITA and LwDITA configurations: an image element did not depend on some of its “visual” attributes like width, height, etc. For example, using the Attributes tool to change the height attribute of an image to "100" had no immediate visual effect on the styled view of the topic.
- All DocBook configurations: "xsl/fo/alt_param.xsl" contained a "component.booklist.title.properties" xsl:attribute-set having missing space-after attributes.
Possible incompatibilities:
- In order to go on with the removal of rarely —if ever— used features started in version 10.0, removed the indicator content object (CSS proprietary extension similar to label except that indicator was rendered using a set of images rather than text).
XMLmind XML Editor 10.1.0
- Add-on "WebDAV virtual drive plug-in" version 3.0 is now available. This new implementation uses software component Apache HttpComponents Client v5.1.3 as its underlying HTTP client. If you need this add-on, please download it and install it using "Options|Install Add-ons".
- The "FTP virtual drive plug-in" now supports proxy connections other than SOCKS
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 2.1
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.2.0
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.1.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.3.1
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.10.1, which fixes bugs related to
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.5.1
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.6
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.3.2
- Upgraded Saxon to version 10.8
- Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.7
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 18 platforms
DITA and LwDITA configurations: two bugs related to the styled view of a topicref:
- Attribute locktitle was considered to be inheritable by the styled view, which is not the case
- The navtitle attribute or element was rendered when present, independently of the value of attribute locktitle
- Now, unless attribute locktitle=yes and a navtitle attribute or element is present, it is the titlealts/navtitle descendant element or the title child element of the referenced topic which is rendered by the styled view of a topicref.
- CSS proprietary extension: the gauge content object: the resize cursor was displayed when hovering the whole gauge and not just when hovering the resize thumb.
- Workaround for what seems to be a Java bug (JViewport.BLIT_SCROLL_MODE; Linux only): when scrolling the tree view of a large XML document, some lines were duplicated and/or garbled.
- Opening a large document written in a language other than English and having no or incorrect lang or xml:lang attributes took a very long time due to the very large number of spelling errors to be displayed. Now the automatic (AKA on-the-fly) spell checker has a built-in limit of 20 000 spelling errors. Once this limit is reached, the automatic spell checker displays an information dialog box explaining what's happening and stops underlining misspelled words.
- On Windows, when using any Java™ runtime more recent than version 1.8 (AKA Java 9+), XXE did not pick the display scaling (e.g. 125%) specified in Settings > System > Display, "Scale and layout" section.
Possible incompatibilities:
- In order to go on with the removal of “dead code” started in version 10.0, removed command showTags and action setStyleSheetAction
XMLmind XML Editor 10.0.0
This version 10 has been developed mainly for the two following reasons:
- Get rid of rarely —if ever— used features in order to make the desktop XXE application “lighter” and also simpler to maintain and enhance
- Create new applications running on headless servers based on the desktop XXE application, its architecture, its configurations, its add-ons, etc. The first of such applications is the xxeconvert command-line utility (which replaces the xxetool command-line utility).
- As a consequence, this version 10 has a lot of regressions and incompatibilities with previous version 9. However please note that V10 is fully compatible with V9 in terms of use and configuration. All the incompatibilities are related to extension points written in the Java™ language like “native” commands and CSS stylesheet extensions. Porting these extensions from V9 to V10 should be pretty straightforward and is documented in XMLmind XML Editor - Developer's Guide.
- The xxeconvert command-line utility, which replaces the xxetool command-line utility, runs on headless servers
- The xmltool command-line utility now automatically uses all the XML catalogs found in the two add-on directories of XXE (XXE_install_dir/addon/ and XXE_user_preferences_dir/addon/)
- New commands: listPlugins, listRepeatable, showColumnRowLabels
- Commands putAttribute, addAttribute, removeAttribute are now repeatable
- Added option [ERROR], [WARNING] or [INFO] to the alert command
- The generic, parameterizable, table editor command is now repeatable whatever the subcommand involved. Subcommand sortRows now has an optional [dictionary|numeric|lexicographic ;descending|;ascending] parameter.
- DocBook configurations: added two XSL stylesheets to the "Convert to RTF, WordprocessingML, OOXML, OpenDocument" and "Convert to PDF, PostScript" sections of the dialog box displayed by "Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets". These stylesheets are called "Stock stylesheet" and "Stock profiling stylesheet" and they let the user revert to the stock DocBook XSL stylesheets used to convert DocBook to XSL-FO. These stock stylesheets use a 10pt base font size while the default —customized by XMLmind Software— stylesheets use a 11pt base font size (among a few other customizations).
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 1.6.4. Added two nice-looking themes: FlatIntelliJ (light theme; alternative to FlatLight) and FlatDarcula (dark theme; alternative to FlatDark)
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.3
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.9
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.1
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.5
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.5.0
- XMLmind XML Editor, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported
- on Java™ 17 platforms
- on macOS Monterey (version 12.0), including on Macs having an Apple® M1 (ARM®) processor
- on Windows 11
- XMLmind DITA Editor and XMLmind DocBook Editor allowed to user to download and install third-party add-on containing configurations (e.g. add-on "DTBook Support") but after restarting the application these configurations were deliberately ignored. This is no longer the case. Now these third-party add-ons may be installed using "Options|Install Add-ons" and after restarting the application, the corresponding configurations are taken into account.
- When a document was not associated to an XXE configuration, some of its view settings (e.g. alternate CSS stylesheet, visible tags) were not persistent across editing sessions.
- Opening a document styled by a stylesheet making use of proprietary CSS extension show-row-column-labels caused a NullPointerException to be raised.
- When revisions are stored in the document (Tools|Revisions|Store All Revisions in the Document), the dialog box displayed by menu item Tools|Revisions|Open Revision lets you open (and also compare) any past revision in XXE. Saving a document with some or all transclusions “untranscluded” (Edit|Reference|Untransclude Reference) caused the stored revision data to be corrupted. Therefore this revision and all older revisions could not be opened by Open Revision without errors.
- DocBook 5 and 5.1 configurations: "DocBook|Convert between informal element and element" worked randomly for informaltable/table. In some cases an empty HTML table was used to replace a CALS informaltable. This is no longer the case. However, this command still does not work for HTML informaltable/table (though it does not produce any incorrect result). It works only for informalfigure/figure, informalexample/example and CALS informaltable/table.
- The FTP virtual drive plug-in was extremely slow at downloading large files
Possible incompatibilities:
- The XMLmind XML Editor desktop application has been slightly simplified
- The Window menu is now called Tab. Menu entry "New Window" is now found in the File menu.
- Feature "Enable the 'XML|Convert Document' submenu", which was enabled by default, has been removed from Options|Preferences, General|Features.
- Feature "Enable all advanced tools including the Document Cache Indicator" (Options|Preferences, General|Features) replaces "Enable the Developer Tools" and "Enable the Document Cache Indicator".
The following menu entries, which were enabled by the "Enable the Developer Tools" feature, have been removed:
- Options|Reload All Configurations
- Help|Mouse and Key Bindings
- Help|Plug-ins
- The xxeconvert command-line utility, which replaces the xxetool command-line utility, cannot be used to compare documents anymore. This simpler tool can just be used to convert XML documents to other formats.
- Command-line utilities XXE_install_dir/bin/csscheck and deployxxe have been discontinued.
- Deploying XXE using Java™ Web Start is no longer supported
- Embedding XXE in a third-party Java™ application is no longer supported
- All DITA and DocBook configurations: removed the "Convert to Java Help" item from the "Convert Document" menu. Rationale: Java™ Help is an obsolete format. The Java™ Swing component used to render it on screen gives poor results and is not maintained.
- DITA Topic configuration: removed items "xref(play)" and "Insert/Edit Action" from the menu of "Insert media object" toolbar button. Rationale: these buttons were used to generate the EPUB epub:trigger element, a feature not supported by any major EPUB viewer and deprecated as of EPUB 3.2.
- Removed the following commands: setImageMode
- Renamed command masterDocumentControl to XXE.masterDocumentControl
- Command repeat looses its index_in_command_history parameter. This facility is now found in new command listRepeatable.
- Command checkValidity does not return an array of com.xmlmind.xml.validate.Diagnostics of anymore. Also, it has a new commitChanges parameter.
- Environment variable (or Java™ system property) XXE_GUI is no longer supported. It was possible to set this variable to the location of a .xxe_gui file in order to completely change the GUI of XXE. Now the only way to customize the GUI of XXE is by the means of one or more customize.xxe_gui files.
- Add-on "WebDAV virtual drive plug-in" is no longer available. This is a temporary situation. This add-on currently leverages a very old HTTP client and we really need to port it to a modern, up-to-date, HTTP client.
- Add-on "Keep using DITA 1.2" has been discontinued
XMLmind XML Editor 9.5.1
- Made the automatic upgrade of user-installed add-ons after a new version of XXE is installed simpler, more reliable and more systematic.
- XXE will now keep “nagging the user” each time the application is started until all obsolete add-ons are upgraded or uninstalled (either automatically or “by hand”, using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box).
- However these new simplicity and reliability come at a price: using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box, it is no longer possible to install, uninstall or upgrade any of the bundled add-ons found inside the XXE installation directory (XXE_install_dir/addon/). (It's still possible to do this “manually” though.)
- More information in: The "Install Add-ons" dialog box
- Converting a DocBook v4, V5 or v5.1 document to HTML, Web Help and Eclipse Help now preserves the SVG graphics found in this document. Previous versions of XXE automatically converted the SVG graphics to PNG. No such change for the HTML Help, Java Help and EPUB output formats despite the fact that these formats are based on HTML too.
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.4
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.8.2
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.2.0
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.4.4
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 1.2
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 16 platforms
- Commands insertCharByName, insertCharSequence, insertControlChar, showMatchingChar and the Characters tool did not honor Overwrite Mode (OVR). They always worked as if Insert Mode (INS) was turned on.
Possible incompatibilities:
- Search tool: the "Smart text boundaries" option is now turned off by default, as it is rarely needed and also because it may cause the Search tool to fail in finding some strings for certain document types.
- Command xpathSearch is now bound to keyboard shortcut Esc X (type Escape then type Shift-X). Previously it was bound to Esc s (type Escape then type S). Command search is now bound to keyboard shortcut Esc s. These two commands are mainly useful when recording macros.
- Using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box, it is no longer possible to install, uninstall or upgrade any of the bundled add-ons found inside the XXE installation directory (XXE_install_dir/addon/) .
- Suppressed the now useless, "Install add-ons in the user's preferences directory", "Install add-ons in XXE installation directory" and "Installation directory depends on the add-on" options from the "Preferences" dialog box, "Install add-ons" section. Optional add-ons are now always installed in the user's preferences directory (XXE_user_preferences_dir/addon/).
XMLmind XML Editor 9.5.0
- New "Bidi Support" add-on, which adds bidirectional script support to XMLmind XML Editor (XXE)
- This new add-on is not installed by default. If you plan to author documents containing right-to-left scripts (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew) using XXE, you must really install this add-on (using "Options|Install Add-ons"), as, out of the box, XXE has no bidirectional script support whatsoever. Without this add-on, even the most basic editing features, like the location of the insertion cursor (caret), won't work or would be incorrect.
- A sample XHTML document containing English, Arabic and Hebrew, created using XXE, is found in bidi_support_addon_install_dir/samples/sample1_en_ar_he.html. Some DocBook and DITA samples are also found in the same directory.
- By reading "XMLmind XML Editor - Bidirectional Script Support", you'll learn to use XXE as effectively as possible in order to create documents mixing right-to-left (RTL; like Arabic and Hebrew) and left-to-right (LTR; like English and French) scripts.
Other enhancements:
-Reorganized and improved the View menu. This menu has now all the entries and submenus needed to let the user change the way tree views and styled views are rendered on screen: "Text Size", "Display Images", "Show Tags", "Tree View Details" (new), "Add Views" (replaces previous "Multiple Views" submenu) and the list of stylesheets found at the end of the menu.
- Last but not least, the view settings of the document being edited are now automatically made persistent across editing sessions.
- Moreover, if you wish to use the view settings of the document being edited as the defaults for all the documents of the same type (e.g. all DITA Topic documents), suffice to use new "Options|Customize Configuration|Use Current View Settings as Default" command.
- It is possible to install both the "RenderX XEP XSL-FO processor plug-in" add-on and the "Apache FOP 1.x XSL-FO processor plug-in" add-on. When this is the case, by default, XEP supersedes FOP. The "Add-on|XEP" preferences sheet, which is found in the "Options|Preferences" dialog, has a new "Use Apache FOP rather RenderX XEP" check-box which lets you change this.
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.11
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.4.3
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.8.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.1.1
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.3
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.3.1
- Upgraded Saxon to version
- Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.14
- Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.6
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 1.0
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.1.2 which implements Markdown syntax highlighting
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 15 platforms
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on macOS Big Sur (version 11.0), except on Macs having an Apple M1 (ARM-based) processor. Macs having an Apple M1 will be officially supported by XMLmind Software as soon as both a “native” OpenJDK and a “native” OpenJFX are available for this platform.
- On Windows, with a text size set to 100% (that is, the system default), the default font size of 11pt used by XXE for the styled views caused some characters to be oddly spaced (“uneven kerning”).
- There is no way to specify the followings view settings: "Display Images", "Show Tags", "Tree View Details", for all documents whatever their document types. Corresponding user preferences: imageViewportMode, showTags, showTableTags, treeViewShowAttribute, treeViewShowText, treeViewShowComment, treeViewShowPI, have been discontinued.
- The "Integrated spreadsheet engine" add-on has been discontinued.
Possible incompatibilities:
- The base font size of the tree view is now expressed in “CSS points” (a unit which is independent of the platform, screen, display scaling, etc), just like the default font size of the styled view. Its default value is 10pt. The corresponding user preferences key has changed from "treeViewBaseFontSize" to "treeViewFontSize".
XMLmind XML Editor 9.4.1
- Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc): added a handy "Change case" toolbar button to the "Convert Text" frame. The corresponding command already existed but using it required remembering the following keyboard shortcuts: Esc l to change to lowercase, Esc u to change to uppercase, Esc c to capitalize the first letter of each word.
- Moreover, the underlying convertCase command is now effective when several nodes are explicitly selected. The previous version was limited to a node selection containing a single node.
- Added a "Highlight all" option to the Search tool
- New "JSON document format" add-on, installed by default. This add-on lets you use XMLmind XML Editor to edit a JSON file as if it were an XML file. This add-on serves as a complement to the "Edit source" add-on, also installed by default.
- Why bother editing a JSON file as if it were an XML file? In a nutshell, because it's easier and safer than with text editors. XMLmind XML Editor won't let you create a malformed or inconsistent JSON file. Moreover the styled view of a JSON document in XXE is designed to be easy to read.
- However, if you don't like this feature, simply open the Options|Preferences dialog box, select the "Add-on|JSON format" section and check "Edit JSON as Text"
- Updated the icons and request URIs of the web services used by default by the Web Search menu items
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 0.41
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.3
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.2 which may be used to convert DOCX to DocBook 5.1 assembly
Bug fixes:
- macOS only: the contextual menu of the embedded media player (styled view of XHTML 5, DITA and DocBook 5.1 documents) and the contextual menu of the embedded web browser representing an iframe element (styled view of XHTML 5) did not always automatically hide themselves after a menu entry was clicked upon.
- There are still problems with the contextual menu of the embedded media player on macOS though, as the Rewind, Forward and Back menu entries work erratically on this platform.
- Linux, HiDPI screen: text size was too large in files created by File|Print.
Possible incompatibilities:
- XMLmind XML Editor now checks for updates and download its add-ons using "http://www.xmlmind.com/" URLs. In previous versions, it used "https://www.xmlmind.com/" URLs to do that.
- Two reasons for this change: 1) these public service URLs are faster to access using HTTP and do not really need encryption; 2) the HTTPS implementation of server www.xmlmind.com currently seems to report false, random, "400 Bad Request" errors.
- Changed the default foreground color of some CSS-generated form controls (text-field, text-area, spinner, etc). This change was needed to support Java™ Look&Feels having a dark theme (e.g. "FlatDark"). More information here.
XMLmind XML Editor 9.4.0
Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc):
- New "Set ID" toolbar button. This button displays a menu having 3 entries: "Set ID", "Unset ID" and all new "List Anchors and Links". This last menu entry displays a very convenient dialog box letting the user search and select anchors (that is, any element having an ID) and links.
- More generally, simpler, better organized, enhanced toolbar. For example, when you use the toolbar to add a fig element to your DITA topic, you are now prompted to specify an image file.
- Ctrl-Alt-click upon a link of any kind to follow it. (Cmd-Alt-click on the Mac.) This new mouse action is a handy alternative to the "Follow Link" entry of the contextual menu.
- "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 0.38
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.1.1
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.1_01
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.10
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.4.2
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.1
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.8
- Upgraded Saxon to version
- Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.13
- Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.5
Bug fixes:
- The UndoManager had problems undoing TextNode.setText. Fortunately this API was not used to write any of the stock commands.
- When the node path bar was configured to display attributes such as id, class, etc, undoing/redoing changes made to these attributes did not always automatically update the node path bar.
- The image map editor now adds newly created areas at the end of the area list. Previously, it did this at the beginning of the list which was not convenient when the areas are to be numbered.
Possible incompatibilities:
- The default font size of the styled view has changed from 10pt to 11pt. The corresponding user preferences key has changed from "styledViewBaseFontSize" to "defaultFontSize".
- The "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on is now installed by default. On Linux, FlatLaf and its light theme (called "FlatLight") is now used as the default Look & Feel. This is needed because on Linux, the “system” Look & Feel (called "Metal") looks rather outdated.
- Removed the "Select|Navigation" submenu. The "Show History" and "Remember this Location" commands are now found in the short menu displayed by the button found next to the "Go Back" and "Go Forward" toolbar buttons.
- Removed the "Select|Link" submenu. The combination of new mouse action Ctrl-Alt-click (or alternatively the "Follow Link" entry of the contextual menu) and new "List Anchors and Links" dialog are much more convenient to use than the removed submenu.
- The Alt-INSERT keyboard shortcut (bound to the "Remember this Location" command) is no longer available.
XMLmind XML Editor 9.3.0
- Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc): the node path bar can now be configured to display the value of any attribute you want. XHTML example: html > body > pre#example.fancy.line-numbers > code. Character "#" is used to prefix the value of attribute id. Character "." is used to prefix the tokens comprising the value of attribute class.
- These settings are done using a dialog box displayed when selecting the "Customize" item of the contextual menu of the “file icon” found at the very beginning of the node path bar. This contextual menu may also contain a number of checkboxes letting the user quickly hide and show the attributes declared using the "Customize" dialog box.
- Dragging a document tab and dropping it outside any XXE window (e.g. onto the desktop) now opens a new main window and moves the active document to this new window. It works the same as the "Move Document to New Window" item of the right click menu of a document tab.
- DocBook and DITA configurations: CALS tables (not HTML tables, not simpletables) layout elements (colspec, spanspec) and attributes (colname, spanname, namest, nameend) are now extensively checked for correctness and consistency. Semantic warnings are added to the Validity tool when errors preventing a table to be correctly rendered are found.
- Converting a DocBook document to any XSL-FO based output format now generates PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT files hopefully looking better than before. This is implemented by changing the default values of a large number of DocBook XSL Stylesheets parameters and attribute sets.
- New add-on called "FlatLaf Look and Feel" containing a clean, simple and elegant “Look & Feel” for XMLmind XML Editor. Many thanks to FormDev Software for having implemented such a nice, fast and reliable Look & Feel for Java Swing desktop applications!
- This add-on is not installed by default. Feel free to download and install it using "Options|Install Add-ons". Once this is done, please select "FlatLight" (light theme) or "FlatDark" (dark theme) from Options|Preferences, General section, Style combobox, then restart XMLmind XML Editor as instructed.
- This add-on is supported on all platforms. It is especially nice to have on Linux where the default “cross-platform”, Look & Feel (called "Metal") looks rather outdated. It may also interest Windows and Mac users who want a dark theme or simply prefer how FlatLaf looks compared to the default, “system”, Look & Feel.
- "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.0.8, which fixes a minor XML autocompletion bug
- Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.2
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.4.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.0.1
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.7.1
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.9
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.1
- XMLmind XML Editor, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 14 platforms
Bug fixes:
- NOT FIXED: when a file path containing an accented character (e.g. " é ") encoded using a pair of characters —a non-accented character (e.g. " e ") followed by a combining diacritical mark (e.g. " ' ", combining acute accent U+0301; more information in "Unicode equivalence") — to an URL, this pair of characters is not preserved. The pair of characters (e.g. " e' ") is converted to a single accented character (e.g. " é ").
- This Java™ bug may lead to hard to understand "file not found" issues. Unfortunately we don't have a workaround for this bug.
- Apache FOP options: the "Choose a TTF font and specify its aliases" dialog box picked the localized font family name (e.g. "BIZ UDæ˜Žæœ Medium") rather the normal font family name ("BIZ UDMincho Medium"). This bug caused FOP to report a fatal error (e.g. "BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc: Name does not exist in the TrueType collection: BIZ UDæ˜Žæœ Medium") when converting an XML document to PDF.
- After modifying a document containing inclusions and undoing first modification, it was to possible to redo this first modification.
- The wait cursor of the help browser kept spinning —making the help browser unusable after that— when moving from one help topic to another and when these two help topics were found in the same help page. For example, when first displaying help topic help_page23.html#foo and when displaying immediately after that help topic help_page23.html#bar.
- MathML preference "Use bundled fonts" printed a number of "cannot register MathML font java.awt.Font[..." error messages on the console when a set of DejaVu fonts was installed on the computer.
Possible incompatibilities:
- When converting a DocBook document to any XSL-FO based output format (PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT), the generated file may look different than in previous versions. For example, when generating PDF, the default values of parameters admon.graphics and admon.textlabel are: admon.graphics=1, admon.textlabel=0. In previous versions, the default values of these parameters were: admon.graphics=0, admon.textlabel=1.
- We had to implement a large number of minor changes in order to decently support the dark theme of the new, optional, FlatLaf Look & Feel. Some of these minor changes may also impact how CSS extension content objects such as check-box, combo-box, date-time-picker, etc, are rendered.
- A number of keyboard shortcuts have been removed from the XML source view. For example, Ctrl-NUMERIC_KEYPAD_DIVIDE which collapsed all tags. These keyboard shortcuts were not really useful and seemed to be error prone.
- The "Google® virtual drive plug-in" add-on has been discontinued due to drastic changes to Google security policies
- The "FTP virtual drive plug-in" add-on only supports the FTP protocol. FTPS and SFTP protocol support have been discontinued
XMLmind XML Editor 9.2.0
- When converting DITA, DocBook or an Ebook to any (X)HTML based format (EPUB, Web Help, etc), the generated HTML pages looks much better than before. Moreover the generated Web Help is now “responsive” by default. Details about the Web Help below.
- New add-on "Paste from Word Processor or Browser", now installed by default whatever the platform, supersedes the previous add-on which was called "Paste from Word"
- This add-on adds an entry called "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" to the "Paste As" submenu found in the XHTML, DocBook or DITA Topic menus
- This menu entry imports the HTML copied to the clipboard by word processors or web browsers and intelligently pastes it into the XML document being edited
- Extensive efforts are made to decently support the “non-filtered HTML” copied by MS-Word to the clipboard
- When an application other than MS-Word is used, the quality of the result you'll get in XXE highly depends on what has been copied to the clipboard. In all cases, XXE tries very hard to import something simple, clean and valid at the expense of the fidelity to the original data.
- XHTML5 configuration: very slightly changed our in-house XML Schema and its companion Schematron to make it even closer to what's specified in the HTML Living Standard in terms of conformance requirements for authors
- Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.0.0_02. The Web Help generated by whc v3 gets a fresh new look
- It is now “responsive” by default, that is, it adapts its layout to the size of the screen (e.g. it can adapt to the screen of a smartphone in portrait mode). This feature is controlled by new parameter wh-responsive-ui.
- It does not leverage jQuery UI anymore (only jQuery now). However some new parameters (e.g. wh---navigation-background-color="#F6F8FA") may be used to override most fonts and colors used in the generated Web Help
- New parameter wh-ui-language may be used to specify the language used by the messages of the generated Web Help (tab labels, button tool tips, etc). The default is to use the language of the Web browser
- Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.7.0_02
- Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.4.0_02
- Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.8
- Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.0_02
- Upgraded Saxon to version
- Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.12
- Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.4
- XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 13 platforms and on macOS Catalina (version 10.15)
Bug fixes:
- Converting a DocBook 5.1 assembly pointing to chapters or topics embedding SVG elements (imagedata/svg:svg) or MathML elements (equation/mml:math, inlineequation/mml:math, imagedata/mml:math, etc) to any HTML-based format (e.g. HTML, Web Help, EPUB) gave unusable results
- When converting DITA, DocBook or an Ebook to Web Help, the following XSLT stylesheet parameters, all related to jQuery UI, are not supported anymore: wh-jquery-css, wh-jquery-custom-theme, wh-jquery-theme, wh-jquery-ui
XMLmind XML Editor 9.1.0
- Added a "Toggle the visibility of elements belonging to certain categories" button to the Edit tool. This menu is similar to the "Toggle the visibility of attributes belonging to certain categories" button already found in the Attributes tool
- The feature implemented by this button consists in “hiding” some of the elements which otherwise would have been listed by the Edit tool
- In the case of the XHTML5 configuration, these “hidden elements” are script, template, slot, noscript, which are either very rarely used (noscript) or allowed almost anywhere in the body of a document (template). Note that, for more convenience for the author, the script element is “hidden” everywhere in an XHTML5 document, expect inside the head element
- In the case of the DocBook and DITA configurations, the “hidden elements” are very rarely used elements such as syntaxdiagram, msgblock, etc (DITA Topic) or productionset, msgset, etc (DocBook)
- XHTML5 configuration: updated our in-house XML Schema and added a companion Schematron in order to implement most of the conformance requirements for authors specified in the HTML Living Standard (starting from the 2019-07-18 update). More information in "About the XHTML 5 XML Schema and Schematron developed by XMLmind"
XHTML configurations:
- Added a "Preview Settings" entry to the XHTML menu. This menu entry displays a dialog box which may be used to specify one or more CSS stylesheets to be automatically added to the preview
- This feature is useful when you use XXE to edit some “pure XHTML contents” (e.g. the text of an article) and want to see how it will look like once published
- Added an auto-completion facility to the value field of the Attributes tool when the attribute being edited is class. For example, if selected element is ul then this facility will list all the class names already added to all the ul elements found in the document being edited
- DITA Topic: specifying inheritnum in the outputclass attribute of an ordered list now causes the list item numbering to inherit from outer-level ordered lists. For example, using this feature (e.g. ), the items of a list nested at level 2 are labelled "1.A.", "1.B.", "1.C.", etc.
- This inheritnum attribute value is rendered on the screen by the DITA Topic CSS stylesheet and is also supported when converting a DITA document to other formats. See XMLmind DITA Converter v3.6.1_01 below
- DITA Topic, DocBook configurations: added "Continue Numbering" and "Inherit Numbering" entries to the menu displayed by the "Change list type" button found in the tool bar
Bug fixes:
- DITA Topic configuration: the dialog box used to specify a reference to a topic or non-topic element (e.g. href attribute of an xref or link element, conref and conrefend attributes, etc) listed URIs having fragments starting with "#./" (an abbreviated fragment-identifier syntax introduced in DITA 1.3 that replaces the topic ID with "." ) for some cases for which this syntax is invalid
- Copying an XML element (using Java™ method Element.copy()) in a document in which the comparison of revisions was enabled (Tool|Revisions|Enable the Comparison of Revisions) also copied the serial number of this element. By chance, this was not a problem in any of the stock commands, but this could cause problems in custom commands created by third-party developers
- The above bug fix implies that some of the DITA documents created using older versions of XXE may now be found having errors
- In a nutshell, direct URI references like "foo.dita#./bar" now cause errors. Only “local” direct URI references like "#./bar" are now accepted
Some of the XHTML5 documents created using older versions of XXE may now be found having validity errors. Two reasons for that:
- XHTML5 documents are now more thoroughly checked for validity using our new XML Schema+Schematron combination
- The conformance requirements for authors specified in the HTML Living Standard slightly differ from those found in the HTML 5.2 W3C Recommendation (which was used to implement our previous, in-house, XHTML5 XML Schema). For example, The ruby element may now have ruby, rt and rp child elements, but not rb and rtc child elements anymore
- CSS: changed the value of the normal line-height from 1.0 to 1.2. In consequence, modified all the stylesheets to increase the standard vertical space between blocks (margin-top, margin-bottom) from 1.33ex to 1em. So now the styled view of XXE should be easier to read
- Interface com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.kit.NewDocumentService has changed. The newDocument methods now return the URL of the newly created document or null. Previously, they returned a boolean. This change may impact custom commands created by third-party developers
Commercial changes:
- XMLmind DITA Editor Personal Edition, XMLmind DocBook Editor Personal Edition, XMLmind XHTML Editor, both Personal and Professional Editions, ha
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