Open source disk encryption software with strong security for Mac
![VeraCrypt for Mac](
VeraCrypt 1.26 Update 18
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OperaOpera 116.0 Build 5366.51
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ParallelsParallels Desktop 20.2.0
4K Video4K Video Downloader+ 1.10.5
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About VeraCrypt for Mac
VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption software for macOS. VeraCrypt picks up from where TrueCrypt left and it adds enhanced security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption making it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks.VeraCrypt for Mac also solves many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt. It can load TrueCrypt volume and it offers the possibility to convert TC containers and non-system partitions to the app format.It adds enhanced security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption making it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks. It also solves many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt for macOS.This enhanced security adds some delay ONLY to t... Read More »
MactrackerMactracker 7.13.3
NovabenchNovaBench 5.5.4
KarabinerKarabiner Elements 15.3
AppCleanerAppCleaner 3.6.8
BetterTouchBetterTouchTool 5.173
WhatSizeWhatSize 8.1.8
BatChmodBatChmod 1.7 Beta 5
Dr. CleanerDr. Cleaner 3.2.1
Default FolderDefault Folder X 6.1.4
CCleanerCCleaner 2.9.187
HiderHider 2.4.9
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