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Navicat for MySQL 17.2.2 LATEST
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Navicat for MySQL (macOS Version) connects to local/remote MySQL or MariaDB servers. It works with MySQL database servers from version 3.21 or above and MariaDB 5.1 or higher. It is also compatible with Drizzle, OurDelta, and Percona Server, and supports most of the latest features, including Tables, Views, Functions/Procedures, Events, and more.
Major features include the SQL Builder/Editor, a Data Modeling Tool, Data Transfer, Import/Export, Data/Structure Synchronization, Report, and much more.
Note: 30 days trial version. Requires 64-bit processor.
Also Available: Download Navicat MySQL for Windows
What's new in this version:
Navicat for MySQL 17.2.2
Main New Features:
- Support AI Assistant
- Data Modeling supports Data Vault and Dimensional modeling methods
- BI data source supports data profiling
- Filter & Sort pane in Table Viewer supports Text mode
- Some minor bug fixes and usability improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.10
- Unable to import data from ODBC in some cases
- Display columns reset after refreshing data grid
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.9
- Cannot retain object positions in ER diagram after reopening the connection
- Cannot view long conditions and add new conditions in Filter
- Unable to reload external files when changes are detected
- Unable to search in History Log
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.8
- Unable to show queries in Data Synchronization's Messages Log
- Wrong table data was shown in the Compare step of Data Synchronization
- Unable to show global status in MariaDB's Server Monitor
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.7
- Unable to backup with Automation
- Crashed when finding data in query results
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.6
- Time delay when reporting errors
- Wrongly displayed German in UI
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.5
- Unable to show the trigger definition after reordering the trigger in Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.4
- Unable to copy multiple columns in the data viewer
- Lost focus when updating row value
- Unable to open database connection after VPN disconnected/reconnected
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.3
- Incorrectly setting all values in the row to NULL, not just the selected cell
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.2
- Model diagram disappeared when hovering over
- Unable to import CSV data with escaped double quotes
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.1.0
Main New Features:
- Support Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for MySQL, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for Xscale
- Support Visual Query Explain for OceanBase (MySQL Mode)
- Enhanced Query Editor
- Enhanced BI Feature
- New Filter & Sort Layout
- Many other new features and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.14
- Unable to copy and paste records in the data grid
- Crashed when clicking the Options button in the Data Generation window
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.13
- Vertical scroll bar was missing from the function input parameters dialog box
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.12
- Process list columns are duplicated in Server Monitor
- Foreign keys were not deleted when deleting the parent table in the model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.10
- The pop-up menu in the navigation pane was missing options
- Crashed when creating relations in ER diagram
- Unable to delete the first record in the data grid
- Column settings reset after refreshing in Server Monitor
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.9
- Crashed when designing tables
- Form View did not display the current record selected in Grid View
- The reference field was not updated when changing the primary key field in the model
- Crashed when performing Forward Engineering
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.8
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.7
- SHIFT-TAB shortcut did not work in the data viewer
- Data edit mode did not work in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.6
Main New Features:
- All-New Model Workspace
- Data Profiling
- Data Dictionary
- Query Pinned Result
- Visual Query Explain
- Table Profile
- Navicat URI
- Manage Connection
- Enhanced BI Feature
- Focus Mode
- Many other new features and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 17.0.5
Main New Features:
- All-New Model Workspace
- Data Profiling
- Data Dictionary
- Query Pinned Result
- Visual Query Explain
- Table Profile
- Navicat URI
- Manage Connection
- Enhanced BI Feature
- Focus Mode
- Many other new features and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.7
- Modified data types were not retained when switching to other tables in Import Wizard
- Incorrect json array index syntax was generated when transferring MySQL tables
- Unable to connect using ssh agent in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.6
- Crashed when presenting dashboard in some cases
- Unable to change data types when creating tables
- Focus moved to the upper level after deleting an object in Navigation Panel
- Some labels disappeared after adding the chart to the dashboard
- Unable to display proportion percentages in the chart axis
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.5
- Unable to load indexes in MariaDB Table Designer
- Crashed when closing Server Monitor
- The percentage values shown in the chart were incorrect
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.4
- Crashed when opening Navicat on older macOS versions
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.3
- Support enabling or disabling "Detect Data Types" in Import Wizard
- Support ssh agent using pageant unix mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.2
- COMMAND-F shortcut did not work in the main window
- Refresh button did not work in Server Monitor
- Text in the Search box was hidden in some cases
- Advanced options in Structure Synchronization cannot be displayed
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.1
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.3.0
- Support setting MySQL descending primary key
- Crashed when transferring large tables using SSH connection
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.9
- Crashed on macOS 14
- MariaDB Triggers were transferred multiple times during Data Transfer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.7
- Beautify SQL incorrectly added spaces between the function name and parentheses
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.6
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.5
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.3
- Copy and paste shortcuts did not work in Navigation pane
- The focus jumped to the top level after renaming an object in Navigation pane
- Table tree loading issue in Navigation Pane
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.2
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.2.1
- Support sequence design for MariaDB
- Show fields, indexes and more under tables in Navigation Pane
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Navicat for Redis is released
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.10
- High CPU usage when using SSH connection
- Unable to save the schedule changes
- TAB key did not work when adding field
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.9
- Crashed when opening Preferences in some cases
- Crashed when importing database to model in some cases
- Crashed when saving table after changing field comment
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.7
- Memory utilization issue
- Crashed when importing data to model in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.5
- Default value did not show when adding new records
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.4
- Unable to enter Enum values in MariaDB table designer
- Query Builder did not recognize the selected fields
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.3
- Unable to enter Enum values in MariaDB table designer
- Query Builder did not recognize the selected fields
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.2
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.1
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window
- Cannot show query errors when using HTTP tunnel
- Crashed when renaming a connection in a group
- Cannot show the new group unless Navicat was restarted
- Checks were not imported when using "Reverse Database to Model"
- Unable to sort columns in table viewer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.1
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window
- The first number of every value in the list was removed in the table filter
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when updating query results in some cases
- Unable to use "Copy As" in View results
- Crashed when opening functions in some cases
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when foreign key selection window popped up
- Crashed when clicking on the value box in table filter
- Cannot retain the window size and position for existing objects
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.0
Main New Features:
- Support OceanBase Community Edition
- Support Trend Line for several chart types
- Support adding On-Prem Server with URI
- Allow skip preview of changes in data sync
- Enhanced responsiveness and performance
- Improved UI/UX
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.14
- Query parameters did not work in some cases
- Function group creation issue
- Hanged when updating records in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.13
- Chart title display issue
- Query listing issue when loading cloud queries
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.12
- Crashed when opening a table in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.11
- Add/Delete Foreign Key issue in ER diagram
- "Show bar labels" setting cannot be saved in Charts
- Crashed when moving a connection from Navicat Cloud to My Connections
- Crashed when running Automation in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.10
- Change log not available for this version
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.9
- The "Compare" button did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases
- "Couldn't open known_hosts file" error occurred when the SSH path contained Chinese characters
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.7
- Data Transfer failed when using HTTP tunnel
- Line numbers disappeared when scrolling in Query Editor
- Crashed when mapping MySQL and MariaDB fields in Data Synchronization
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.5
- Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud
- Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud
- Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 16.0.4
- Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table
- Crashed when opening query on macOS 10.14
- SSL connection error
- Missing zero padding in year when exporting data to CSV / TXT file
- Missing menu items when opening query in new window
- Crashed when importing connections
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.32
- Crashed when running scripts in some cases
- Crashed when copying records in some cases
- The TEXT pane did not retain when running queries
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.30
- Unable to show the cursor when editing TEXT data using Form View in Dark Mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.29
- Differences were incorrectly detected when synchronizing MySQL table structures
- Crashed when running query in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.28
- Unable to update data in some cases
- Crashed when using Data Transfer in some cases
- Exporting JSON field didn't handle NULL and integer values properly
- Cursor did not focus to the Search box after pressing CMD-F
- Crashed when selecting the "Group by Object Type" in Structure Synchronization
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.26
- Unable to read grid data in Dark mode
- Unable to sort the last column by clicking the column header in Table Viewer
- Duplicate entry error occurred when editing the pasted records
- Hanged when starting Navicat in some cases
- "Different primary key type" error occurred when synchronizing MySQL data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.25
- 'Primary key needs to be integer' error occurred when synchronizing data
- Unable to show the ENUM items list in Table Viewer
- Unable to sort by clicking the column header in Table Viewer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.24
- Set the values of a column to NULL
Bug fixes:
- Crashed when saving MariaDB Views
- The modified dates of backup files were incorrect
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.22
- Prompt to change the MariaDB password when it expired
Bug fixes:
- Unable to show the granted privileges if the database name contained wildcard characters
- Only the last selected table was printed when printing multiple tables
- The SQL Editor was flickered and repainted when saving the query
- "Auto Increment" and "Unsigned" options were removed after adding another field
- Crashed when using Query Builder on Big Sur
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.21
Bug fixes:
- The "Set Null" option was applied to a wrong column when some columns were hidden in Table Viewer
- The field size was incorrect in Form View
- Crashed when opening/testing a connection after changing "Settings Location" to a folder in Documents
- The "Encoding" setting was not stored when the connection was synchronized to Navicat Cloud
- "Dump SQL File" stopped running in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20
Bug fixes:
- Unable to set the encoding of MariaDB connection
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2
- Schedule did not trigger when using Navicat App Store version
- The "Close Database" option in the context menu was dimmed when a query tab was focused
- The entire connection tree was collapsed when searching
- Crashed when deleting a data source in Charts
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.18
- Improvement on resizing Information pane
Bug fixes:
- Negative default value displayed as "-" in MariaDB
- No records were imported in some cases when Import Wizard displayed "Finished Successfully"
- Wrong SQL generated for CAST function when switching between Query Editor and Query Builder
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.17
Bug fixes:
- Unable to show full table names in the Data Synchronization window
- Field names in the Join dialog were truncated
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.16
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.15
Bug fixes:
- Jumped to the first record when refreshing in Form View
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB
- The list of the reference tables for foreign key was empty in Model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.14
Bug fixes:
- The state of the pane in model was not retained
- Field count was missing in Table Designer
- Crashed when opening Console
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.12
- "9015: Error Moving Error" error occurred when using Navicat Cloud
- Crashed when clicking the Next button without choosing a target database in Data Transfer
- Unable to show the whole Trial Reminder dialog
- Crashed when editing/composing new queries in some cases
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections
- Crashed when starting Data Transfer in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.11
Bug fixes:- Console was missing in Standard eidtion
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.10
Bug fixes:
- Crashed when using Data Transfer in some cases
- Inserted records to the target server when transferring views
- CPU usage was high when using Query Builder
- Unable to open the main window when starting Navicat
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.8
Bug fixes:
- Crashed when starting Navicat
- Dates before 1900 were exported as numeric values when exporting to Excel
- The Search feature did not work properly in the Data Transfer window
- Icon and text were not aligned well in the Navigation pan
- The unchecked "Includes anonymous system profile" option was reverted to check after restarting Navicat
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.7
Bug fixes:
- Crashed when starting Navicat
- Crashed when running Data Transfer in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.6
Bug fixes:
- Unable to run selected query in some cases
- Crashed when using Data Transfer
- Unable to show which database is active
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.5
- Change log not available for this version
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.4
Bug fixes:
- Data Synchronization options were unable to save in profile
- Auto Layout feature separated notes and labels from layers
- Unable to copy SQL query from Process List in Server Monitor
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.3
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements
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