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Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.
Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of MuLab 9.0.59.
For those interested in downloading the most recent release of MuLab for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.
All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.
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What's new in this version:
MuLab App & MuLab Plugin:
- MuLab and MUX Modular Plugin have merged into a single uniform architecture
- This means that MuLab 9 App can now also function as a stand-alone synth or effect, even without composer
- And it also means that MuLab 9 Plugin can now function as a DAW
- Thanks to the enhanced modularity also any hybrid combination of composers / synths / effects is possible
- Both MuLab 9 App and MuLab 9 Plugin can open the same project files
- This means you can make a project with MuLab 9 App and open it in MuLab 9 Plugin in another DAW, and vice versa
Modular Composer:
- The composer now is a module
- You can combine serial / parallel / nested composers
Live Matrix:
- Each composer has a Live Matrix for instant creative fun & inspiration
Note Action Map:
- Compositions can be played live via MIDI thanks to the new Note Event Actions
- They can also be sequenced by a parent composer and/or by the host DAW
Enhanced Recording Flexibility:
- Audio & Event Recording can be done inside any MUX, also on deeper levels
- And recording is not restricted to track recording anymore, you can use independent recorders and start/stop them manually
- You can also record audio and events inside MuLab 9 Plugin
- Step Sequencer Steps/Beat now can be any number from 1 to 16
- Step Sequencer now also has a tempo factor
- New internal method to perform a "Render Composition/Tracks/Clips..."
- Previously such rendering was done in the main user thread, but this could cause problems (eg. rendering certain VST plugins) so now this rendering is done in a separate thread
- The term "part" has been renamed to "clip"
- "Clip" was already used for Live Matrix Clips and MuClips and to avoid unnecessary ambiguity now also timeline parts are called clips
- MuLab for Windows now is High DPI aware and takes the Windows Scale Factor into account
- MuLab's own GUI Scale Factor preference now also has an extra option "Auto" which will use the Windows Scale Factor
- There also is a preference "DPI Aware". Default is On. In some cases you might want to switch this off wrt. VST plugin editors.
- Number of meta-parameters raised to 128
- Envelopes and LFOs: Enhanced processing quality resulting in a much more tight sound for sharp attacks / decays, fast LFOs, ...
- New preference "New Note Velocity" = The initial velocity for new drawn / inserted note events. Before M9 it was fixed on 110, now it's a preference.
- The clip property panel now includes edit displays for time and length. These displays are also used while dragging clips.
- Improved safety net in case a serious error occurs in the audio engine (including if caused by a VST) resulting in better chance to save your project
- Improved previewing of presets, samples, sequences, muclips, MIDI files
- Envelope clips now have their definition per clip. (in M8 that was per track)
- Drop module on metronome = Set metronome sound module
- When merging sequence clips with different MIDI channels, the resulting clip's MIDI channel is set to "Per Event"
- Shortcut to Embed All Samples
- Option to open System File Explorer from Project Browser
- MUX Modular Area -> Meta Parameters section: If a meta-parameter only has discrete values, eg. when mapped to an Octave parameter, the knob now properly takes that into account
- Faster importing of big MIDI files
- The transport now has an explicit button for Fast Rewind
- Finetuned Rewind / Forward functionality
- New shortcut: Goto first selected clip start
- The displayed Num Ticks Per Beat changed to 960 = More user friendly. (in M8 it was shown as 12000 ticks per beat)
- Internal accuracy is unchanged and is far more than sufficient for sample accurate sequencing at even the high samplerate and low tempo
- Project has a main tempo now
- All composers use a relative tempo towards the main project tempo
- Composer tempo is displayed as absolute, but under the hood it is relative towards the project tempo
- In MuLab for Windows there now is a "Check For Updates" function
- Also 2 relevant preferences "Auto Check For Updates" + "Show New Beta Test Versions"
- Create Grid now supports extracting a grid from a sequence
- The project window title bar has been removed to focus more on the musical workspace
- You can drag the window by dragging the project name display and via Alt+drag the window border
- Event Monitor: Improved display
- Mute events are now parameter events
- Logical Selector now also has a MIDI channel criterium, if relevant for the selected sequence clip
- Fixed a bug in the APLC system which could occur in certain patching structures
- ADSR, LFO, Multi-Point Envelope and Wobble Generator: The Level parameter has a better default value
- On some Windows systems there was an issue retrieving the desktop path. Fixed
- More robust VST 2 engine wrt VST 2 plugins that don't follow the VST 2 rules
- When a track targets a rack slot then "Delete Unused Racks" did not take that into account
- The maximum total plugin latency now is a preference
- Sequence Player: New "Start On Next Bar" and "Sync On Next Bar" options
- When editing a sequence clip that uses a different relative tempo, then editing the start time of an event via text popup did not work as expected
- Right-click-drag window border = Move window
- Processor Weight Limit has moved from Audio Setup to Preferences
- When the PolySynth received a Sustain event, then nor a Panic neither a Power Off of that PolySynth resetted that sustain state, resulting in unexpected sustained notes
- Improved MIDI Input Routing
- Tracks: When clicking the track icon/name it was not possible to drag the track up/down
- Finetuned track coloring: By default a sub-track now uses the same color as its parent track. (unless its target module uses an excplicit color)
- Finetuned the looks of the transport buttons and project editor window buttons
- CPU meter now is a vertical meter taking less screen space
- Multi-Point Modulator: Improper behaviour when used in a PolySynth and its event input was not connected
- LFO display didn't update upon inserting/removing points in LFO shape
- Improved making selections in the audio editor: Double-click selects between markers, Shift+Double-click extends the selection with area between markers.
- When deleting an event in the Event List Editor, the next event gets selected so it's easy to select several events after each other.
- When inserting a new envelope point using the insert key, the new point now also is selected
- When a sampler is empty and there is audio on the clipboard, it now is easy to paste that audio into that empty sampler using the paste key on the sample display or right-click it
- Sample editor -> DSP -> "Delete Selection" added
- Right-click on the window close/minimize/hide buttons will also popup the window menu. (just like right-click border)
- File/Folder Browser: Alt+N shortcut for New File has been changed to Ctrl+N for this is more standard
- Reworked the way racks / modules are visually focused in order to illuminate the modular musical hierarchy
- Enhanced support for smaller screens
- More color preferences. (eg. TransportDisplay Back+Fore, Level Meters, Wave Selection, ...)
- Improved layout
- When pasting a module (eg. rack) into an existing module (eg. rack) now an "Are you sure?" is asked as this is an undoable action
- Changing the "Level Meter Maximum Level Fall Down Time" preference was not immediately visible. Now it is.
- Several important stability / performance improvements wrt. recording and editing audio files, especially when intensively using many / long audio files
- Several shortcuts that used "Show/Hide..." have been renamed to "Toggle..." so to make shortcut function names more uniform
- If you used any of these, you'll get a notification on startup and you might want to reset these shortcuts
- The "Support MIDI" preference has bee removed
- If you don't want MuLab to open any MIDI ports, simply clear everything in MuLab's MIDI Setup
- That will have the same effect as switching off the removed "Support MIDI" preference
- New preference "Unselected Wave Dim Factor"
- In previous versions when selecting a section in the audio editor, all unselected audio was dimmed for 50%
- Now that value is a user preference and can be set from 0% to 100%
- Further vectorization of the GUI = less dependency on external graphic files
- Sequence clips: When there are notes being played before loop start, now the clip also draws a loop line at clip start so to clearly indicate the loop sections
- Sample players: New shortcut function "Toggle Loop Mode"
- Also the Multi-Sample editor has such function which will affect all selected zones, or all zones if nothing is selected
- When importing a MIDI file to new tracks, the new track's MIDI channel is properly set according to the content of the MIDI file
- New drag-drop: Drop a plugin module on the [+] button or background of the rack desk will create a new rack with that plugin. Hold Ctrl to copy the module
- Tools menu -> Added option to upgrade rack presets
- Tools menu -> Upgrade MUX and rack presets: Finetuned dialog
- MuLab Plugin: The MuxSynthNumStereoInputs/Outputs and MuxEffectNumStereoInputs/Outputs MainSetup settings are replaced by the "Plugin Edition Number Of Stereo Inputs/Outputs" preferences.
- Note that if you have changed the original values before then you need to re-set these preferences.
- Note that changing these preferences still needs a restart of the host DAW.
- MuLab Plugin: Improved behavior when the host is using "Always On Top" eg. Reaper -> View -> Always On Top.
- MuLab Plugin: When MuLab's main window is being closed (by user or by host DAW) then previously also all other related MuLab windows were automatically closed. Not anymore. User has more control now.
- MuLab Plugin: The "Vst.UniqueId" will be different for each main version of MuLab Plugin.
- This is to avoid confusion in host DAWs (eg. Bidule) when multiple main versions of MUX Plugin / MuLab Plugin are installed for project compatibility reasons.
- MUX Front Panels: When adding a Frequency Spectrum Analyzer and making it extremely small MuLab hanged
- MUX Front Panels -> Plugin Slot -> Embed Parameters: For embedded parameter with discrete values, eg. an "Octave" parameter, mouse wheel wasn't working as expected
- When saving an audio sequence as .MuSequence then reloading that MuSequence file did not properly work as intended
- When moving/copying sends or sidechained modules between racks, it was possible to create an infinite routing, causing a hang
- When automating parameters of the module inside a Modular Feedback Delay and the MFD was in auto-bypass mode, this automation was not processed, which also ceased all event sequence playback
- Sequence -> Move One Step Left/Right could cause a crash when used in the Event List Editor
- Step sequencer: Deleting the last step caused a crash
- Color Picker: When GUI Scale was eg. 150% the color picker's layout was not right
- MuLab Plugin: MuLab menu -> Info -> About MuLab: Info window could get covered, eg. in Reaper when Reaper is set to Always On Top
- Focusing tracks with same target module but different MIDI channel did not properly update MIDI Input routing
- Logical Event Selector: When first selecting notes based on length, then selecting a certain MIDI CC, this didn't properly work because the length was unintendedly taken into account
- It could happen that, upon pressing keys while a popup menu was open, a menu item was unintendedly triggered
- Many more mini improvements
- AvastAvast Mac Security
- PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop CC 2024 25.11
- OperaOpera 113.0 Build 5230.62
- Hero WarsHero Wars - Online Action Game
- Adobe AcrobatAdobe Acrobat Pro 2024.002.20854
- AnyRecoverAnyRecover 5.4.5
- ParallelsParallels Desktop 19.4.1
- 4K Video4K Video Downloader+ 1.8.5
- CleanMyMacCleanMyMac X 4.15.6
- 4DDiG4DDiG Mac Data Recovery 5.2.2
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