Play Mac Games seamlessly on all of your devices, anywhere!

GeForce NOW for Mac

GeForce NOW for Mac

  -  329 MB  -  Demo
Download, install, and join GeForce NOW for Mac and start playing for free. Or, upgrade your membership for faster access to cloud gaming servers and extended gameplay sessions. With over 30 of the biggest free-to-play games already on the GeForce NOW for macOS, you won’t need to make a single purchase to start playing today.
  • Create your Account
  • Download the App
  • Link your Game Library
Connect to your favorite stores and stream your library of games. You make your purchase on your personal store account, your games will always stay with you.

From massive wins to epic fails, all your best in-game moments are automatically saved with NVIDIA Highlights and easily shared with the world.

GeForce NOW instantly transforms nearly any laptop, desktop, Mac, SHIELD TV, or Android mobile device into the Mac gaming rig you’ve always dreamed of. Instantly play the most demanding Mac games and seamlessly play across your devices.



Your macOS must be 10.10 or better.


GeForce NOW requires at least 15Mbps for 720p at 60fps and 25 Mbps for 1080p at 60fps. You’ll need to use a hardwired Ethernet connection or a 5GHz wireless router. If your MacBook or notebook doesn’t have an Ethernet port, you may need to use an Ethernet adapter. Please see this Knowledge Base article for a list of tested adapters.

  • iMac 20” Late 2009 and newer
  • iMac 21.5” Late 2009 and newer
  • iMac 27” Late 2012 and newer
  • MacBook 2008 and newer
  • MacBook Retina Mid 2017 and newer
  • MacBook Air 11” Early 2015 and newer
  • MacBook Air 13” Late 2008 and newer
  • MacBook Pro 13” Early 2015 and newer
  • MacBook Pro 15” Late 2008 and newer
  • MacBook Pro 17” 2009 and newer
  • Mac Pro Late 2013 and newer
Note: Standard Access, 1-Hour Session Length in the free version.

Also Available: Download GeForce NOW for Windows