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PHP for Mac

PHP 8.2.6

  -  18.14 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of PHP 8.2.6.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of PHP for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

We would love to hear from you

If you have any questions or ideas that you want to share with us - head over to our Contact page and let us know. We value your feedback!

What's new in this version:

- Fix inconsistent float negation in constant expressions
- Fixed bug GH-8841 (php-cli core dump calling a badly formed function)
- Fixed bug GH-10737 (PHP 8.1.16 segfaults on line 597 of sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c)
- Fixed bug GH-11028 (Heap Buffer Overflow in zval_undefined_cv.)
- Fixed bug GH-11108 (Incorrect CG(memoize_mode) state after bailout in ??=)

- Fixed bug where the diff() method would not return the right result around DST changeover for date/times associated with a timezone identifier
- Fixed out-of-range bug when converting to/from around the LONG_MIN unix timestamp

- Fixed bug #80602 (Segfault when using DOMChildNode::before())
- Fixed incorrect error handling in dom_zvals_to_fragment()

- Fixed bug GH-9397 (exif read : warnings and errors : Potentially invalid endianess, Illegal IFD size and Undefined index)

- Fixed bug GH-11071 (TZData version not displayed anymore)

- Fixed bug GH-10968 (Segfault in preg_replace_callback_array())

- Fixed bug GH-10983 (State-dependant segfault in ReflectionObject::getProperties)

- Handle indirect zvals and use up-to-date properties in SplFixedArray::__serialize

- Fixed bug GH-10990 (mail() throws TypeError after iterating over $additional_headers array by reference).
- Fixed bug GH-9775 (Duplicates returned by array_unique when using enums)

- Fixed bug GH-10406 (feof() behavior change for UNIX based socket resources)