Latest Version
Operating System
macOS 10.15 Catalina or later
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Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.
Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Vivaldi 6.6.3271.45.
For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Vivaldi for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.
All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.
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What's new in this version:
- [New][Mail] Search improvements: Filter by Attachments/SentDate/Folder/autocompleted Recipients for search and saved filters
- [New][Panels] Make side-panels/web-panels work more like regular tabs
- [New][Settings] Move Site Permissions UI to Vivaldi
- [New][Settings] Automatic crash collection and submission
- [New][Reading List] Import from and export to Instapaper CSV
Address Bar:
- [Address bar] Animate blocker shield icon when first activated
- [Address bar] Autocomplete matches t from https
- [Address bar] Best Result Shouldn’t pick search suggestion items by its URL
- [Address bar] Display number of blocked items on the shield icon
- [Address bar] Doesn’t autocomplete correctly when subdomain
- [Address bar] Don’t pick search suggestion for best result
- [Address bar] Is selecting a different item for each key press
- [Address bar] Search doesn’t search for the right thing
- [Address bar] Search suggestions are displayed twice
- [Address bar] Should not autocomplete when typing domain with TLD
- [Address bar] Still searching items when dropdown disabled
- [Address bar] Typed history shouldn’t insert item when focusing and pressing Enter
- [Address bar] Using colon to specify port alters URI scheme
- [Address bar] Using domain expansion doesn’t generate typed history
- [Address bar] When typing and hitting “Enter” quickly, some characters are dropped
- [Address bar] When typing into the address bar and hitting enter quickly, some characters are dropped
- [Address bar][Auto-Update][Themes] Restart button has low-contrast in dark themes
- [Address bar][Bookmarks] “Open address in new tab” doesn’t work for bookmark folder nicknames
- [Address bar][Sync][Tabs] Syncing causes slowdown
- [Address bar][Themes] Selection does not use themes highlight color
Tracker and Ad Blocker:
- [Blocker] Center shield icon counter
- [Blocker] Encourage better web compatibility reports by pre-filling parts of the bug report form
- [Blocker] If a new user selects No Blocking, do not show Privacy Stats
- [Blocker] Source import dialog has an old icon
- [Blocker] Various dialog improvements
- [Bookmarks] Folders are duplicated when filling the bookmark bar
- [Bookmarks] Metadata extraction fails when image recoding errs
- [Bookmarks] Problem saving bookmarks when lots of folders present
- [Bookmarks] Thumbnail preview text overflows
- [Extensions][Panels] Side-panel extensions ignore content_scripts in manifest.json
- [Extensions] Move extension install warning to dialog
- [Extensions] Numeric badges on extension icons are unreadable
- [Extensions] Prompt popup created by a extension shows ID instead of extension name
- [Extensions] Toolbar button toggles popup dialog instead of closing it
- [Extensions][Keyboard] Shortcuts not working
- [Extensions][Themes] Light review button in dark extension dialog
- [Menus] Add Sessions Panel to main menu
- [Menus] Customized context/menus get reset to default on upgrade
- [Menus] Translate selection on context menu does not stick
- [Notes] A note cannot be copied including its URL
- [Notes] Add notes inside folders to clipboard when copying contents
- [Notes] Added notes to imports and export in the main menu
- [Notes] Import and Export notes to folders of Markdown + Front Matter files
- [Notes] List is not scrollable
- [Notes] Screenshot is loaded instead of original URL
- [Notes] Sort by Last Modified timestamp for notes
- [Notes] When exported need better titles
- [Panels][Zoom] Provide a button / shortcut to reset zoom to the default level in a panel
- [Panels] Empty window panel after sort order change
- [Panels] Enable navigation/zoom controls in webpanels by default
- [Panels] Hovering over a separator in the panel bar highlights it
- [Window Panel] Add support for removing selected deleted tabs
- [Window Panel] Deleted tabs often lack favicons
- [Window Panel] Search does not match synced tabs
- [Search] Image search with Google fails
- [Search] Update Google search template
- [Sessions][Panel] Autosave happens too early
[Sessions][Panel] Workspaces not listed in correct order: further fix
- [Sessions][Panel] Search is case-sensitive
- [Sessions][Panel] Workspaces not listed in correct order
- [Sessions][Settings] Add settings for Automatic Session Backup
- [Settings] Add cookie setting to website permissions
- [Settings] Browser freezes when trying to see showed cookies
- [Settings] Cannot export passwords
- [Settings] Design of Command Chain UI broken
- [Settings] Localized permission labels are missing
- [Settings] Poor performance in rendering Website Permissions (slows down settings search)
- [Settings] Viewing or clearing individual cookies not possible by keyboard
- [Settings] Show exit confirmation dialog state is not reflected correctly
- [Settings] Website Appearance, dark/light preference for website content
- [Settings] When using the search-box the button “Manage sources” does not work
- [Settings] Wrong UI behavior when blocking sound in site permissions
- [Settings][Privacy] Display websites set to never save a password in Privacy settings
- [Settings][Themes] Accept-Language popup list incorrect with all dark themes
- [Settings][Workspaces] Delete Workspace Rules when resetting settings
- [Settings][Workspaces] Make it more visually obvious that rules can be reorganised
Speed Dial:
- [Speed Dial] Replacing Vivaldi game favicon
- [Speed Dial] Update folder and bookmark icon, appearance
- [Speed Dial] Update folder icon/appearance
- [Speed Dial] Change default size to ‘Icon’
- [Speed Dial] Remove ‘https://www’ from Speed Dials without title
- [Tabs] Add rectangle to tab drop highlight style
- [Tabs] Adding new tab to pinned tab stack unpins the tab stack
- [Tabs] Blue indicator should not appear when trying to move tabs to another profile
- [Tabs] Created inside pinned stack can’t be closed
- [Tabs] Custom stack names reappear on re-stacking or undelete
- [Tabs] Flickering when tabs get small
- [Tabs] If you select multiple tab stacks and click unstack tabs (in the right click menu), it only unstacks the last selected tab stack
- [Tabs] Make tab drag image scale by DPI and UI zoom
- [Tabs] Missing gap between Vivaldi menu button
- [Tabs] Page load progress not shown while awaiting receipt of first byte
- [Tabs] Pinned tab settings are not respected
- [Tabs] Pinned tab stack items overflow outside of stack border
- [Tabs] Stack popup thumbnails show tabs from other Workspaces
- [Tabs] Stacking by host should include tabs inside existing stacks
- [Tabs] Tiled stack opens a blank page
- [Tabs] Ungrouping a tab stack where the tabs are tiled also untiles the tabs
- [Tabs] Vivaldi button remains visible when going fullscreen with tabs on the side or bottom
- [Tabs][Commands] Various stack command issues
- [Tabs][Menus] Tiling context menus items need an overhaul
- [Tabs][Thumbnails] Popup thumbnails don’t show internal page favicons
- [Themes] Cap updates to a document’s theme-color
- [Themes] Expose alternate mail icons states in Theme Editor
- [Themes] Update background image on Vivaldi theme
- [Themes] Wrong address bar border color
- [Themes][Settings] Custom icon preview does not appear
- [Translate] Automatic detection doesn’t work at all for short words
- [Translate] Does not translate the whole page
- [Translate] Doesn’t work with Montenegrin page
- [Translate] Don’t translate “” tag content
- [Translate] Is not auto detecting language in some scenarios
- [Translate] Language detection lacking when using “Auto-translate selected text”
- [Translate] Not available in the address bar on some sites that should be recognised
[Translate] Not translating whole page: work in progress
- [Translate] Popup should detect source language also on subsequent use
- [Translate] Skip empty ‘source’ parameter in requests
[Translate] Text containing “” breaks: fixes many Icelandic sites
- [Translate] Time isn’t localized in the selected text translation popup
[Translate] Translation of text containing “Soft hyphen” breaks: fixes many Icelandic sites
- [Translate] Use a newer/better translation server
- [Translate][Reader] “Translate selected text” option doesn’t work
- [Welcome] Empty state for importer when there are no other browsers detected
- [Welcome] Menu visible on initial Welcome page
- [Welcome][Extensions] Prevent extension install dialog until later
- [Workspaces] Indicate in the workspace switcher when all tabs in a workspace are hibernating
- [Workspaces] Rules description is in scrollable area
- [Workspaces] Window is not focused when rule is triggered
- [Workspaces] “Stack tabs” command stacks and associates tabs from inactive workspaces
- [Workspaces][Settings] Disable “Add new workspace rule” button when workspaces are disabled
- [Crash] Common crash
- [Crash] On websites with leave confirmation dialogue
- [Crash][Extensions] Clicking the “Review” button
- [Crash][Extensions] Follow up to crash fix with extension warnings
- [Crash][Tabs] Trying to drag and drop to the other profile
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 122.0.6261.99
- [Break Mode] It should not be possible to interact with other UI elements
- [Capture] Page capture panel select input too narrow
- [Clipboard][Web Compatibility] Do not set CF_HTML SourceURL in the clipboard when copying from “data:” URI pages
- [Commands] Expose selection/link to Chains through menus
- [Direct Match] Version two
- [Downloads] http downloads from https site fail silently
- [Guest Windows] Give a dedicated favicon to the Guest Profile Introduction Page
- [Importer] Fails to import from Opera
- [Linux][Fedora] Fix repository configuration and update package signature keys on systems where they are wrong or broken
- [Popout Video] No PiP button on Rutube
- [Privacy statistics] Pop out window shrinks
- [Toolbars] Unable to move ‘Page Zoom’ when Customize Toolbar
- [Websites] Improve selection of linked text
- [Windows] Button layout mismatch on Win11
Mail, Calendar, and Feeds:
- [Mail] AOL oAuth support
- [Mail] Add a thousand separator for migration progress message
- [Mail] Always run system tasks from background service worker
- [Mail] Attachments are lost from draft after restart
- [Mail] Delete/Undelete and Archive/Unarchive toolbar icons use the same icon for two different actions
- [Mail] Does not support List-Post header when replying to mail
- [Mail] Double clicking an attachment downloads it twice
- [Mail] Earlier checks for existing IMAP connections
- [Mail] Error setting up outlook.com mail account
- [Mail] Freezes while marking mails as read
- [Mail] IMAP client creation stalls after hibernation
- [Mail] IMAP logic for what clients are connecting is faulty
- [Mail] Imported file does not add body to search db
- [Mail] Importing a duplicate message with no message-id does not find dup
- [Mail] Importing a duplicate message with no subject does not find dup
- [Mail] Improve the “your mail is in another window” message
- [Mail] Inline image shown as attachment after reopen from Drafts
- [Mail] Mark mail as read has wrong tooltip
- [Mail] Migrate search data to new database: takes time, see status bar for progress
- [Mail] Missing scroll in list when enter contacts in compose window
- [Mail] Must subscribe to standard folders on account setup
- [Mail] Notify user when an error message is logged
- [Mail] Online event fires before it is fully initialized: error shown
- [Mail] POP code revision, brings a few fixes and better performance
- [Mail] Panel does not auto-open when visiting the mail tab
- [Mail] Panel does not auto-open when visiting the mail tab
- [Mail] Restore DB from stored files, if it is corrupted
- [Mail] Revert to dropdown field default when hitting ‘clear’ on the date selector
- [Mail] Search not added to history
- [Mail] Standard folder subscription not established on setup of OAuth accounts
- [Mail] Thread expand/collapse arrow shrinks when resizing column
- [Mail] Upgrade to contentless search database v2
- [Mail][Calendar] Clear oAuth log entries while clearing mail and calendar log in Status Popup
- [Mail][Calendar] Remove oAuth incremental scope requests
- [Mail][Composer] Autocomplete to contacts too wide when matches really long address/name
- [Mail][Themes] Compose mail window out of focus looks like a big block in the field
- [Calendar] A lot of delete errors in event log
- [Calendar] Accepting invite for exception adds event in wrong calendar
- [Calendar] Add ability to type and select time zone
- [Calendar] Allow empty state with placeholder in date input
- [Calendar] Browser stuck with recurring task
- [Calendar] Can not delete calendar on vivaldi.net
- [Calendar] Can not type space in Create Event dialog
- [Calendar] Can’t drag events and tasks to event packed days in multi-week and month view
- [Calendar] Can’t scroll in the event details dialog
- [Calendar] Check if already subscribed to webcal before adding
- [Calendar] Creating local account creates a calendar named “New Account”
- [Calendar] Daily recurrence turns into monthly
- [Calendar] Deleted recurrence exception not deleted on sync
- [Calendar] Events move slightly when selected
- [Calendar] Extra local calendar created in calendar first run popup
- [Calendar] Import dialog state incorrect after changing source
- [Calendar] Import hangs on parsing error
- [Calendar] Insert “No title” or “No subject” into calendar event name when no title is added
- [Calendar] Log client errors, quiet and lower log levels, handle HTTP 429 and 503
- [Calendar] Make it clearer that the Calendar’s button opens a menu with more options
- [Calendar] Make the event link — symbol clickable
- [Calendar] Notify user when an error message is logged
- [Calendar] Problems with reoccurring events being excessively long
- [Calendar] Recurring event duplicates on sync
- [Calendar] Remove the default Local Account for Calendar if its empty after adding the first remote account
- [Calendar] Rename “Apple iCloud” account type option to “iCloud Calendar”
- [Calendar] Selected day does not advance overnight
- [Calendar] Server error during sync can cause re-fetching of events
- [Calendar] Stop polling while the client is offline
- [Calendar] Subscription of previous webcal creates duplicated events
- [Calendar] Syncing recurring event with cancellation and change causes duplication
- [Calendar] UI details for New Event button
- [Calendar] When moving an event to the future, notifications do not get created on remote
- [Calendar][Panels] Event “Dialog” hides under right-side of the panel
- [Calendar][Settings] Local calendars don’t have colored icons
- [Calendar][Tasks] Panel and sidebar show trashed tasks
- [Tasks][Calendar] Recurring tasks only shows one instance in panel
- [Feeds] Feeds load as XML instead of previews when opened as new tabs
- [Feeds] UI is broken in subscribe to Feed dialog
[Feeds][Address Bar] Remove feed discovery submenu: always preview feeds
- [Feeds][Address bar] Menu of feed button shows “undefined”
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