An advanced browser made with the power user in mind

Vivaldi for Mac

Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53

  -  212 MB  -  Freeware

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Vivaldi for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53 Screenshot 1
  • Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53 Screenshot 2
  • Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53 Screenshot 3
  • Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53 Screenshot 4
  • Vivaldi 5.7.2921.53 Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

- [New][Windows Panel] Display all windows

[Address Bar]:
- Remove the prioritization of search queries in the typed history
- Address field updates too late after redirect
- Autocomplete doesn’t find anything
- Autocomplete doesn’t take the shortest URL when comparing 2 URLs
- Autocomplete doesn’t work in a private window
- Autocomplete recommends bookmarks with a longer nickname
- Autocomplete stops working after opening a tab with the autocompleted word
- Autocomplete value isn’t used when clicking input
- Backspace reverts the selected URL to input search term
- Broken modifier click in the address field
- Can not add a / at end of an already visited URL as the typed history dropdown appears
- Cloned tab can have no URL
- Crops subdomains from local domains
- Display typed text in TypedHistory for search query items
- Doesn’t display the type of blocked permissions
- Doesn’t escape brackets “[” and “]” in Address bars when copying the address from the address bar
- Dropdown is searching for every typed character
- Horizontal selection in the address bar not cleared correctly when trying to re-select
- Improving typed history
- Paste and go does not work if the buffer contains part of the address
- Pasted word in the address field doesn’t evoke suggestions
- Selecting text from an unfocused Address Field using horizontal dragging is not possible if “Select Address on Activation” is enabled
- The best result is removed when navigating in the dropdown
- Typed history must autocomplete on text than the title
- Typed history title is cut when navigating in the dropdown
- URL Field can select the wrong best ‘result based’
- Use a new typed history algorithm for autocomplete
- [Crash] Error message when typing an address: additional fix
- [Crash] On autocomplete for some users
- [Keyboard] A search term shouldn’t get the autocomplete value when selected from the drop-down
- [Keyboard] Ctrl Backspace doesn’t delete words in the address field
- [Settings] Allow disabling of autocomplete on item title
- [Settings] Disabling select address on activation setting dysfunctional

- Add Accept header to CalDAV requests
- Align edges of a calendar entry in month view
- All day event synced on the day before when the timezone offset is positive
- Can not drag to resize event
- Changing “This and Upcoming” does nothing
- Clearing search doesn’t return you to the previous calendar view
- Default to the agenda view in the calendar panel
- Editor still shows after the event is created
- Error setting property of read-only object
- Event Property Icons are hard to see Calendar Event Property Icons are hard to see
- Event update from server not saved in Vivaldi
- Google Tasks mark completed not set
- Hide “New Event Created” notifications for new events added to synced/remote calendars
- Incorrect time for floating time events
- Notification not shown for recurring event reminder
- Open Calendar Manager from the Task panel icon using the right and middle mouse click
- Panel empty state
- Prevent 0 of 0 (NaN%) status bar message
- Remove gap around unfocused add event button
- Timeless tasks created with invalid timezone data
- Upload valid iCal for events with event exceptions
- Warnings logged when copying event
- Wrong due date set for Google Task
- Wrong time for midnight in day/week view
- Need better error handling around decrypting oAuth refresh_token

- [Chromium] Upgraded to 110.0.5481.111
- [Clock] System inherited clock’s Japanese format is wrong
- [Commands] Add Content Scripts to Chained Commands
- [Crash] After opening the link in a new window
- [Crash] When opening Chrome Web Store
- [Crash][Tabs] When moving grouped tabs from one window to another
- [Crash][Panels] When adding web panel
- [Developer Tools] Undocking results in an empty window on the first attempt
- [Downloads] Refresh the Downloads panel empty state graphic
- [Dropdown] Doesn’t remove correct item
- [Extensions][Panel] Popup inaccessible when placed in panel
- [Fast forward] Make Fast Forward work on single-page web apps
- [Feeds] Update supported formats in the Accept header for feeds
- [History] Doubled history calendar overflow
- [History] Week view duplicate header row
- [Linux][Updates] Repository not setup on first install or upgrade on RPM distributions
- [macOS] Add “Quit warning” menu element
- [macOS] Fullscreen window controls inaccessible
- [macOS][Media] Certain videos will not play
- [macOS][Menus][Tabs] Tab stacks are not listed in the global window menu

- Added Threaded sorting option on top of the search list
- Contacts only show results for one email address when clicked
- Copy to Note context menu from email now includes the selected text
- Detect HTML file signature in text/plain emails and switch to HTML rendering mode
- Disable notifications during initial account sync
- Extra item “displaying mails for” text searching
- Fixed default show trash/archive/junk in Received folder
- Fixed move to trash/junk/archive folder mixup
- Fixed multiple reference filtering
- Labels color does not change In non-English UI
- Lag in composer when replying to a a large message
- Moving an internal message should not add an IMAP move action to buffer table
- New mail notifications shown in bulk
- Newlines are added to replied emails with quoted text
- No notifications for read messages
- Prefer text/html|plain when text/plain|html is empty
- Prefetching stalls
- Remove buffer requests if their account is offline
- Size column
- Some threading optimizations
- Undelete doesn’t remove a message from Trash
- Very slow rendering of certain messages
- prefetching stalls
- [IMAP] Flag for Junk should be uploaded to the server
- [Keyboard][Settings] Keyboard shortcut for marking/unmarking spam
- [Notifications] Clicking on mail notification does not open the mail
- [Panel] Click on icon error icon in the panel just opens notification
- [Settings] Auto mark as read
- [Settings] No error when something is wrong in server settings
- [Settings] No way to dismiss tips or see Server/Alias tabs after in-account setup(VB-94768)

- [Menus] Add an activate entry to the window panel menu
- [Menus] Address field is empty when editing the Open Link command
- [Menus] Let the Window menu include an entry with other windows and their content
- [Onboarding] Classic selected even after clicking Essentials in the welcome dialog
- [Onboarding] Clicks go through the Add Mail Account Wizard overlay
- [Onboarding] Move panels to the right when the tab bar is on the left
- [Panels] Buttons can display the wrong badge
- [Panels] Close button is misaligned
- [Panels] Extension popup inaccessible when placed in Panel
- [Panels] Increase default Panel width
- [Panels] Scrollbar incorrectly positioned for calendar and tasks
- [Panels] Web panel counter detection broken for some sites
- [Panels][Toolbars] Status bar items don’t display well in the panel
- [Panels][Window Panel] Pin a tab stack using drag and drop
- [Popup] X to close is on top of illustration in save password dialog
- [Profiles] Replace Chrome graphics in profile selector dialog
- [Protocols] Add support for the tel://
- [Quick Commands] Remove Extra Semicolon in Quick Commands
- [Quick Commands] Support multiplication sign in the calculator
- [Quick Commands] Support division symbol and heavy minus sign
- [Reader Mode] Messing with webpage styles
- [Search] Favicon shown in wrong tab
- [Settings] Menu visual glitches
- [Settings][Protocols] Prompt the user if the site should be allowed to handle protocol
- [Settings][Spatial Navigation] Move Spatial Navigation to Keyboard
- [Spatial Navigation] Can not reach single items of unread forum posts
- [Spatial Navigation] Doesn’t handle clickable elements assigned with addEventListener
- [Speed Dial] Back arrow misplaced
- [Sync] Synchronize custom bookmark thumbnail metadata
- [Sync][Bookmarks] Synchronize custom bookmark thumbnail metadata
- [Tabs] Every tab moves to the first position when opening one too many tabs
- [Tabs] Incorrect activation order when closing tabs
- [Tabs] Pinned tabs are not saved when closing the window with Alt+F4
- [Tabs] Should not unselect after tiling
- [Tabs] Startup Pages do not always get saved
- [Tabs] Switcher UI cut off in list view with many tabs
- [Tabs] Tile set background leaks into vertical transparent Tab Bar
- [Tabs] Tiled tab layout not maintained after browser restart
- [Tabs] Vertical tab favicons show through a floating panel
- [Themes] Background Resets after Reboot
- [Themes] Many popup interface dialogs have cut corners when using medium rounding
- [Themes][History] All history analytics are black when the highlight color is black
- [Toolbars] Search and address field can’t be dragged in the editor
- [UI] Permission dialog pops up when Geolocation is Blocked or Denied
- [Welcome page] When choosing essentials the download button should be added to the address bar
- [Windows Panel][Panels] Wrong tile menu
- [Windows] Add support for custom Windows accent color on windows borders on Windows 11
- [Windows] Desktop shortcut pinned to taskbar creates duplicate taskbar icon
- [Windows] The window is bleeding 1 pixel into the other monitor when maximized
- [Windows][Installer] Default focused button should be “Accept and update” or “Install”
- [Windows][Installer] Install should be prevented on systems older than Windows 10
- [Zoom] Page zoom controls broken in the vertical toolbar