Project management, word processing tool for writers

Scrivener for Mac

Scrivener 2.2

  -  25.22 MB  -  Trial

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Scrivener 2.2.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Scrivener for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Scrivener 2.2 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Scrivener 2.2 Screenshot 1
  • Scrivener 2.2 Screenshot 2
  • Scrivener 2.2 Screenshot 3
  • Scrivener 2.2 Screenshot 4

What's new in this version:

Refinements and Changes:

Custom Meta-Data:
- Moved “Custom Meta-Data” to its own pane in the bottom of the inspector, rather than having it in the same pane as general meta-data, thus giving it more space.
- Custom meta-data is now also available in QuickReference panels and in the Composition Mode inspector.
Comments and Footnotes:
- Inspector comments and footnotes can now be moved simply by dragging them from the inspector into the place in the text you want them placed. (You can also drag them to other texts in a split view, which results in a copy of the comment being made.)
- Project Replace now affects inspector comments and footnotes.
New: Default Subdocument Types:
- Added Documents > Default New Subdocument Type. This allows you to tell individual folders within a project to use a document type from the project’s templates folder by default when adding new documents. For instance, in the novel project template, if you set the “Characters” folder to use the “Character Sketch” document template as its default new subdocument type, every time you clicked “+” when the “Characters” folder had the focus, a new character sketch would be created inside that folder instead of a blank document. (Previously, you would have had to use Project > New From Template every time you wanted to create a character sketch or other template document.) This makes it much easier to use document templates in any special folders that you set up.
- Roman numerals can now be used as page numbers using the tags (lowercase) or (uppercase). Used in conjunction with the “First Pages” header, this allows for the creation of documents with Roman numerals used for front matter page numbers and Arabic numerals for the rest. (Note that these tags only work for printing or exporting to PDF.)
- Exported Kindle e-books now have a “start” tag set for the first document after any front matter, so that the Kindle’s Go To > Beginning feature takes you to the first page of the text, skipping any front matter.
- When exporting to e-books, text that uses a Courier, Courier New or Monaco font is now set to use the e-reader’s monospace font.
- Kindle and ePub formats now save unique identifiers separately (in the Compile Meta-Data pane), so that it is possible to set a different ISBN for the two formats and have them remembered without having to manually re-enter them when switching between formats.
- To avoid problems with iBookstore, images inside exported .epub files now have any whitespace stripped from their file names.
- Added an “Advanced Table Options” pane to Compile, which allows adjacent tables to be stitched together. This is primarily intended for use with formats that require a single long table, such as documentary scripts; the options here should be left un-ticked for general use.
- Added “Remove all hyperlinks” option to “Transformations” pane of Compile.
- Added option to preserve the alignment of centred text in Compile > Formatting > Options. This is useful for those using scene breaks within documents who want to override the text formatting on export but preserve the centred scene break markers.
- Front matter in Compile is no longer affected by the filter options. (This behaviour is usually preferable, as front matter should generally be unfiltered, but if you require filtering after all, the old behaviour can be restored using the hidden preference “SCRAllowFrontMatterFiltering” - i.e. type “defaults write com.literatureandlatte.scrivener2 SCRAllowFrontMatterFiltering YES” in
- Added option to “Statistics” pane of Compile to exclude any front matter documents from word and character counts included on title pages and suchlike.
- Overriding prefix separators in Scrivener links in Compile is now optional.
- Links to internal web documents now become hyperlinks to the original URL if possible upon Compile or export. (You can turn this behaviour off using the hidden preference “SCRDoNotConvertWebDocLinksToHyperlinks” via the Terminal.)
- During the Compile process, auto-replacements now work for entries in the “Meta-Data” Compile pane.
- Footnotes and comments can now be used in tables without the tables getting broken up on Compile. It is recommended that you don’t try to make footnotes or comments span across multiple table cells, though, as this could give odd results (this should rarely be desirable anyway). The old behaviour - whereby tables would get broken up should footnotes or comments appear within them - can be forced by setting the hidden preference “stripNotesFromTables” via the Terminal.
- Made minor tweaks to “Summary” mode of Compile: it now uses a light grey background instead of bright white, and the “Convert smart quotes, em-dashes…” button has been removed from the e-book pane as it generally isn’t required for e-book formats and made the pane look cluttered (and it is still available via “All Options” if ever needed of course).
- “Page numbers count first page” is now ticked by default in the Compile settings for the Screenplay template and in the “Script or Screenplay” compile format preset.
- Added “NaNoWriMo (Obfuscated)” compile format to the available presets (it’s not included in the list by default - select “Manage Compile Format Presets…” from the “Format As” list in Compile and tick it to make it available for selection).
Media Files:
- Added “New Picture From Camera…” and “New Audio Note…” to project menu, under a “New Media File” submenu. These features allow you to take a picture from an iSight camera or record basic audio and have it imported directly into Scrivener. (Leopard and above only.)
- If the default editor width is set to 0px in the editor preferences, “Use fixed width” is now ignored (and the setting is disabled in the preferences accordingly).
- Added data-detection option to “Editor” pane of the Preferences (for auto-detecting dates, addresses and suchlike).
- Project Targets
- Replaced the “Automatically reset at midnight” session count option for project targets with a pop-up that allows you to decide whether the session word or character count should be reset at midnight, on project close, only after reopening the project on a new day, or never.
- Improved VoiceOver support for corkboard, comments and footnotes, and collections.

- Added “Remove Table” to Format > Table menu and to editor contextual menu, which just removes table formatting from text (without deleting the text itself).
- Added “New Collection” to the “Add to Collection” menu (note that this is only available for the main window).
- On Lion, you can now drag any file type into the header bar in the editor, resulting in a Quick Look preview.
- Added some more options to the list of available custom icons (flags).
- Added ability to update Scrivener links via the Find by Formatting panel - a new button allows you to update a selected Scrivener link in the editor to use the current title of the linked document.
- Added “Update (Scrivener) Links to Use Target Titles” items to contextual menu and Edit menu. This will replace the text of any Scrivener links in the selection with the titles of the linked documents (maintaining the links, of course).
- Added “Manage Project Notes…” to the bottom of the notes-switching pop-up menus in the inspector.
- Added “Recent” list to Move To and Append Selection To Document menus.
- The five most recently-used icons now appear at the top of the custom icons menu.
- Added “Sort Rows” options to Format > Table menu.
- You can now print snapshots (drag the snapshot into the editor header bar, make sure the editor has the focus, and go to File > Print Current Document).

Minor UI Improvements:
- You can now choose to hide the label and status columns in search results by ctrl-clicking in the search results header.
- The custom icons menu is now a little less cluttered in its arrangement, with some icons appearing in submenus. Users can create submenus in this menu by creating several icons with the same prefix and a different suffix in parentheses - e.g. “Icon (Blue)”, “Icon (Yellow)”.
- When applying formatting presets, “Preserve Formatting” will be removed from text for paragraph styles as well as character styles if not part of the preset.
- The splitter buttons in the header bars now better reflect what will happen when clicked if the Option key is held down still after Option-clicking to change split type.
- Tweaked button graphics in non-HUD-style QuickReference panels.
- The format bar is now more consistent with the toolbar colour in full screen mode when other windows are brought to the front.
- Added some extra tab stops to the default formatting.
- Made some minor tweaks to ensure automatic window resizing when “Zoom” is called takes into account whether the scrollers are overlay style or not in Lion.
- On Lion, added “Look Up…” to the ctrl-click menu in text views, which opens the new popover. “Look Up in Dictionary and Thesaurus” in the Writing Tools menu now opens, to match previous behaviour.
- Made formatting commands available to comments and footnotes consistent between menus and format bar.
- Rewind-on-pause now rewinds when you start playing again, rather than immediately on pause, so that you can see the paused frame.
- When the outliner is sorted and automatically reshuffles to match changes made externally - e.g. to word counts when sorted by word count - the documents that were selected before the re-sort will now still be selected afterwards, even if they have moved position (previously the selection bar stayed in the same position rather than following the movements of the documents).
- The Scrivener Link > New Link feature no longer automatically switches back to the “Create new link” pane in the panel that appears every time it is invoked.
- On Lion, if using the regular scroller in composition mode, the scroller will now use a light or dark style depending on the paper colour.
- Newly-created documents now use the target type (words or characters) last set.
- Custom columns in the outliner that are set to wrap now use the same font as synopses.

- Merely opening and closing a project no longer causes its modification date to change.
- Automatic backups on project close should now only be invoked if changes have actually been made to the project.
- Index Card sync can now sync both the notes and text (which are both now supported in Index Card).
- Made some minor amendments to the tutorial to reflect changes made to the menus in 2.1.
- Keyword search now uses exact phrase if only one keyword is selected.
- When an item is deleted from a collection, the next item in the list is now selected.
- Minor optimisations in movie and sound file playback.
- Improved error description for web import failures.
- Added a warning about showing compile footnote numbering in the inspector for projects with over 200MB worth of text in the Draft folder, because processing footnote numbering for display in the inspector can take some time for massive projects.
- Added a new hidden preference, “SCRNeverAutomaticallyRevealInBinder”. If turned on, switching between collections and the binder, using next/previous document and other actions do not cause the binder selection to change. (This can be turned on by typing “defaults write com.literatureandlatte.scrivener2 SCRNeverAutomaticallyRevealInBinder YES” into a Terminal window while Scrivener is closed.)
- Added a new hidden preference, “SCRSuppressFindPanelAutoClose”. If set to YES, the Find panel doesn’t close when you hit return to find next. (To use, open while Scrivener is closed and type: “defaults write com.literatureandlatte.scrivener2 SCRSuppressFindPanelAutoClose YES”.)

Bugs Fixed:

Major (Stability):
- Fixed bug whereby trying to compile directly to PDF (rather than going through Print) would cause a crash on Leopard.
- Fixed bug whereby all of the export commands in File > Export would silently fail on Tiger.
- Fixed bug whereby zero-sized images could cause a hang when exporting to e-book format.
- Fixed bug whereby blank footnotes could cause Compile to hang.
- Fixed a bug whereby switching between layouts in Lion’s full screen mode with the toolbar visible would cause the top of the window to disappear beneath the toolbar.
- Fixed various other bugs related to switching between layouts in Lion’s full screen mode.
- Fixed bug whereby the loading panel would remain on screen indefinitely when adding documents to a scrivenings session in composition mode if “fade between modes” was turned off.
- Fixed bug whereby processing footnote numbering for display in the inspector could run out of memory for extremely large projects.
- Fixed bug whereby removing several documents from a large collection in a sorted outliner could cause excessive CPU usage if the collection was also visible in the binder area.
- Fixed bug whereby Auto-Generate Synopses would throw an exception if used on blank text documents.

Minor (Usability):
- Fixed a bug in several of the Copy As HTML methods that would cause paragraphs to appear several times.
- Fixed bug whereby switching to another application and then returning to Scrivener by clicking on a project window could cause the scriptwriting “Change Element To” menu to stop working (and thus scriptwriting element keyboard shortcuts to stop working).
- Split at Selection with Title now works in the contextual menu when the selection is at the end of the document.
- Fixed bug whereby search results could appear blank if the preferences became corrupted.
- Fixed bug which caused the “Title” and “Author” MultiMarkdown meta-data keys always to move to the bottom of the list in Compile.
- Fixed bug whereby the word and character counts wouldn’t be shown in the footer bar upon first loading a snapshot into the editor.
- Fixed bug whereby the header bar could disappear when switching between horizontal and vertical split types in Lion’s full screen mode.
- Fixed issue whereby QuickReference panels would cause a switch between spaces when using Lion’s full screen mode.
- Fixed issue on Lion whereby the scratch pad would not appear when other applications were in full screen mode on Lion.
- Fixed bug whereby Table > Borders > Remove Top Border and Remove Bottom Border were inverted.
- Fixed bug whereby if “Reset at midnight” wasn’t set for session targets, the session word or character would not be reset on reopening if Scrivener was closed after midnight.
- Fixed minor bug whereby if the first chapter title contained no letters, the title of the table of contents in e-books would end up lowercase.
- Hopefully worked around a Lion bug whereby text dragging can stop working in some circumstances (such as switching between regular and page layout modes, or centring the view).
- Fixed bug whereby importing OPML files could have character entities double-decoded because “&” was previously decoded first - thus “