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Python 3.10.3

  -  38.5 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system. Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Python 3.10.3.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Python for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

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  • Python 3.10.3 Screenshots

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    Python 3.10.3 Screenshot 1
  • Python 3.10.3 Screenshot 2
  • Python 3.10.3 Screenshot 3
  • Python 3.10.3 Screenshot 4
  • Python 3.10.3 Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

Core and Builtins:
- Avoid overriding AttributeError metadata information for nested attribute access calls
- Rename the private undocumented float.__set_format__() method to float.__setformat__() to fix a typo introduced in Python 3.7. The method is only used by test_float
- Bump up the libexpat version into 2.4.6
- Fix parsing a numeric literal immediately (without spaces) followed by “not in” keywords, like in 1not in x. Now the parser only emits a warning, not a syntax error.
- Fix an assert failure in debug builds when a ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’ is the last character in an f-string that’s missing a closing right brace.
- Make sure that all backwards jumps use the JUMP_ABSOLUTE instruction, rather than JUMP_FORWARD with an argument of (2**32)+offset.
- Correct the docstring for the __bool__() method. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
- Avoid potential exponential backtracking when producing some syntax errors involving lots of brackets
- Add a missing call to va_end() in Modules/_hashopenssl.c.
- When iterating over sets internally in setobject.c, acquire strong references to the resulting items from the set. This prevents crashes in corner-cases of various set operations where the set gets mutated.
- Remove two invalid “peephole” optimizations from the bytecode compiler.
- Fix docstrings of getter, setter, and deleter to clarify that they create a new copy of the property.
- Fix an assert when parsing some invalid N escape sequences in f-strings.
- Fix a race condition on setting a type __bases__ attribute: the internal function add_subclass() now gets the PyTypeObject.tp_subclasses member after calling PyWeakref_NewRef() which can trigger a garbage collection which can indirectly modify PyTypeObject.tp_subclasses
- Fix invalid signature of _zoneinfo’s module_free function to resolve a crash on wasm32-emscripten platform.
- Py_EndInterpreter() now explicitly untracks all objects currently tracked by the GC. Previously, if an object was used later by another interpreter, calling PyObject_GC_UnTrack() on the object crashed if the previous or the next object of the PyGC_Head structure became a dangling pointer
- Fix a crash in the parser when retrieving the error text for multi-line f-strings expressions that do not start in the first line of the string
- Correct the error message for unclosed parentheses when the tokenizer doesn’t reach the end of the source when the error is reported
- Correctly calculate indentation levels for lines with whitespace character that are ended by line continuation characters

- Fix a crash when closing transports where the underlying socket handle is already invalid on the Proactor event loop.
- Apply bugfixes from importlib_metadata 4.11.3, including bugfix for EntryPoint.extras, which was returning match objects and not the extras strings.
- Upgrade pip wheel bundled with ensurepip (pip 22.0.4)
- faulthandler: On Linux 5.14 and newer, dynamically determine size of signal handler stack size CPython allocates using getauxval(AT_MINSIGSTKSZ). This changes allows for Python extension’s request to Linux kernel to use AMX_TILE instruction set on Sapphire Rapids Xeon processor to succeed, unblocking use of the ISA in frameworks.
- Expose asyncio.base_events.Server as asyncio.Server.
- The signal module no longer assumes that SIG_IGN and SIG_DFL are small int singletons.
- Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.7
- Fixed a file leak in xml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse() when the iterator is not exhausted
- Inherit asyncio proactor datagram transport from asyncio.DatagramTransport.
- Support UDP sockets in asyncio.loop.sock_connect() for selector-based event loops
- Make test suite support Expat >=2.4.5
- Raise TypeError if ssl.SSLSocket is passed to transport-based APIs.
- Fix libexpat symbols collisions with user dynamically loaded or statically linked libexpat in embedded Python.
- shutil.rmtree() can now work with VirtualBox shared folders when running from the guest operating-system
- Fix a bug in urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password() and urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth.is_authenticated() which allowed to bypass authorization. For example, access to URI example.org/foobar was allowed if the user was authorized for URI example.org/foo.
- In typing.get_type_hints(), support evaluating stringified ParamSpecArgs and ParamSpecKwargs annotations
- When the tarfile module creates a pax format archive, it will put an integer representation of timestamps in the ustar header (if possible) for the benefit of older unarchivers, in addition to the existing full-precision timestamps in the pax extended header.
- Make typing.ParamSpec args and kwargs equal to themselves
- Fix NameError in asyncio.gather() when initial type check fails.
- In typing.get_type_hints(), support evaluating bare stringified TypeAlias annotations
- Fixed a discrepancy in the C implementation of the xml.etree.ElementTree module. Now, instantiating an xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser with a target=None keyword provides a default xml.etree.ElementTree.TreeBuilder target as the Python implementation does.
- Fix a bug in the codeop module that was incorrectly identifying invalid code involving string quotes as valid code.
- Brings ParamSpec propagation for GenericAlias in line with Concatenate (and others).
- Make the IDLE doc URL on the About IDLE dialog clickable.
- expat: Update libexpat from 2.4.1 to 2.4.4
- Add the get_write_buffer_limits method to asyncio.transports.WriteTransport and to the SSL transport.
- Note the configparser deprecations will be removed in Python 3.12.
- In typing.get_type_hints(), support evaluating stringified ClassVar and Final annotations inside Annotated
- Allow typing.Annotated to wrap typing.Final and typing.ClassVar
- Fix command-line option -d/--directory in module http.server which is ignored when combined with command-line option --cgi. Patch by Géry Ogam.
- Make mock.patch() raise a TypeError with a relevant error message on invalid arg. Previously it allowed a cryptic AttributeError to escape.
- In importlib.metadata.EntryPoint.pattern, avoid potential REDoS by limiting ambiguity in consecutive whitespace
- asyncio generic classes now return types.GenericAlias in __class_getitem__ instead of the same class
- pdb now gracefully handles help when __doc__ is missing, for example when run with pregenerated optimized .pyc files
- The __eq__() and __hash__() methods of typing.ForwardRef now honor the module parameter of typing.ForwardRef. Forward references from different modules are now differentiated.
- Add missing __slots__ to importlib.metadata.DeprecatedList
- Improve day constants in calendar
- Now all constants (MONDAY … SUNDAY) are documented, tested, and added to __all__
- The ssl module now handles certificates with bit strings in DN correctly
- Fix a bug in inspect.signature() that was causing it to fail on some subclasses of classes with a __text_signature__ referencing module globals
- Fixed case where failing asyncio.ensure_future() did not close the coroutine
- Fix an issue with tarfile.TarFile.getmember() getting a directory name with a trailing slash
- Fix inconsistency with uppercase file extensions in MimeTypes.guess_type()
- Fix exception in argparse help text generation if a argparse.BooleanOptionalAction argument’s default is argparse.SUPPRESS and it has help specified
- Fix .write() method of a member file in ZipFile, when the input data is an object that supports the buffer protocol, the file length may be wrong
- When a namespace package is imported before another module from the same namespace is created/installed in a different sys.path location while the program is running, calling the importlib.invalidate_caches() function will now also guarantee the new module is noticed.
- Fix bug where unittest sometimes drops frames from tracebacks of exceptions raised in tests
- Fix substitution of ParamSpec in Concatenate with different parameter expressions. Substitution with a list of types returns now a tuple of types. Substitution with Concatenate returns now a Concatenate with concatenated lists of arguments.
- argparse.FileType now supports an argument of ‘-’ in binary mode, returning the .buffer attribute of sys.stdin/sys.stdout as appropriate. Modes including ‘x’ and ‘a’ are treated equivalently to ‘w’ when argument is ‘-’.

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