Latest Version
Mathematica 14.2 LATEST
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macOS 10.14 Mojave or later
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From simple calculator operations to large-scale programming and interactive document preparation, Mathematica is the tool of choice at the frontiers of scientific research, in engineering analysis and modeling, in technical education from high school to graduate school, and wherever quantitative methods are used.
The tool seamlessly integrates a numeric and symbolic computational engine, graphics system, programming language, documentation system, and advanced connectivity to other applications.
It is this range of capabilities - many world-leading in their own right - that makes the app uniquely capable as a 'one-stop shop' for you or your organization's technical work.
For three decades, Mathematica for macOS has defined the state of the art in technical computing—and provided the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students, and others around the world.
Features and Highlights
Symbolic and Numeric Computation – Solve algebraic and differential equations, perform integrals, and compute symbolic derivatives.
Advanced Data Visualization – Generate high-quality 2D and 3D plots, histograms, and dynamic graphics.
Programming Language (Wolfram Language) – Built-in functional programming, pattern matching, and AI-based analysis.
Machine Learning and AI Integration – Pre-built neural networks, predictive modeling, and natural language processing.
Interactive Notebooks – Document and code in the same environment with dynamic content.
Integration with External Systems – Supports Python, R, Java, C++, SQL, and IoT device communication.
Cloud Computing and Parallel Processing – Seamlessly use local and cloud computing resources.
Scientific and Financial Computations – Special functions for physics, engineering, bioinformatics, and financial analysis.
Automated Report Generation – Generate formatted reports, presentations, and even interactive web applications.
Extensive Database Connectivity – Access databases, external APIs, and real-time data streams.
What`s New
Version 14.2 introduces Tabular, a powerful tool for handling column-oriented data with missing values and various data types. Many built-in functions now support Tabular, enhancing data manipulation, visualization, and machine learning workflows.
Key Enhancements:
Data Handling & Transformation:
- Failsafe protects functions from bad input.
- Discard removes elements not meeting a criterion.
- TransformMissing and TransformAnomalies manage missing and outlier values.
- PivotToColumns and PivotFromColumns reshape tabular data.
- New functions (FromTabular, TabularColumn, TabularRow, etc.) support seamless data operations.
- Many import/export formats now support tabular data (CSV, XLSX, Parquet, etc.).
- DataConnectionObject enables connections to cloud data stores (Amazon S3, Azure, Dropbox).
- Updated support for Tabular in ML functions (Classify, Predict, NetTrain).
- Asynchronous LLM generation with LLMSynthesizeSubmit and ChatSubmit.
- MatrixGame and TreeGame introduce Nash equilibrium and game tree analysis.
- GPUArray enhances computation speed for many functions.
- Improved symbolic array operations with ArraySimplify and ComponentExpand.
- VideoObjectTracking and HighlightVideo for video analysis.
- FindAstroEvent calculates astronomical events.
It features a clean, well-structured interface with a notebook-based workflow. Users can enter code, mathematical equations, and text explanations in an interactive document. The interface provides:
Dynamic content display – Outputs are immediately shown next to inputs.
Syntax highlighting and auto-completion – Aids in coding and formula input.
Drag-and-drop elements – Simplifies data import and visualization.
Built-in documentation – Extensive tutorials and examples.
The UI is highly customizable, allowing users to modify themes, layouts, and panel arrangements according to their workflow preferences.
Installation and Setup
Download – Visit the official Wolfram website or FileHorse.com and download Mathematica for macOS.
Install – Open the .dmg file and drag the app icon into the Applications folder.
License Activation – Enter the provided activation key or sign in with a Wolfram ID.
First-Time Setup – Configure settings, including default language, notebook style, and cloud integration.
Once installed, this app is ready to use with no additional configurations required.
How to Use
Start a New Notebook – Open this program and create a new notebook.
Enter Commands – Use the Wolfram Language to type mathematical expressions, functions, or commands.
Execute Code – Press Shift + Enter to evaluate expressions.
Visualize Data – Generate graphs and plots using built-in visualization functions.
Use Built-in Libraries – Access mathematical, engineering, and AI functions for advanced computations.
Export Results – Save your work as notebooks, PDFs, or even interactive web applications.
Is Mathematica for Mac free?
No, this app is a paid software, but Wolfram offers a free trial and discounts for students and educators.
Does Mathematica support external programming languages?
Yes, it integrates with Python, R, Java, C++, and more.
Can I use Mathematica without an internet connection?
Yes, it runs locally, but internet access is required for some features like Wolfram|Alpha integration and cloud computing.
What file formats does Mathematica support?
It supports a wide range of file formats, including .nb, .pdf, .csv, .json, .xml, and more.
Is Mathematica difficult to learn?
It has a steep learning curve, but extensive documentation and tutorials make it accessible to beginners.
MATLAB – Best for numerical computing and engineering simulations.
Maple – Offers similar symbolic computing features with a focus on mathematical modeling.
Python (NumPy, SciPy, SymPy, Matplotlib) – A free alternative for mathematical computations and visualization.
Student License – Starting at $149/year.
Personal/Home License – Around $300 annually or a one-time purchase option.
Professional License – Custom pricing for businesses and organizations.
Academic Pricing – Discounts available for educational institutions.
Free Trial (30 days) – A limited-time free version is available for testing.
System Requirements
- Operating System – macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
- Processor – Intel or Apple Silicon (M1, M2) chip.
- RAM – Minimum 4GB (8GB recommended).
- Disk Space – At least 10GB of available space.
- Graphics – Recommended for 3D visualization and GPU acceleration.
- Powerful symbolic and numerical computation.
- Extensive visualization and data analysis tools.
- User-friendly notebook interface.
- Seamless integration with external programming languages.
- Cloud computing and multi-platform support.
- Expensive, especially for professional users.
- Steep learning curve for beginners.
- Requires significant system resources for complex computations.
What's new in this version:
Mathematica 14
- Apply a list of functions to an expression with Comap and ComapApply
- DigitSum computes the sum of the individual digits in an integer
- UnitConvert is now faster
- Create intermediate tests inside TestCreate using IntermediateTest
- Compute numerical vector line integrals, vector surface integrals or complex contour integrals using NLineIntegrate, NSurfaceIntegrate and NContourIntegrate, respectively
- UnilateralConvolve performs unilateral (AKA causal, one-sided) convolutions
- TruncateSum makes it easy to work with infinite sum representations produced by DSolve and other functions
- Convert expressions to and from finite field versions with ToFiniteField and FromFiniteField
- Convert to and from finite field index representation with FiniteFieldIndex and FromFiniteFieldIndex
- Several new structured matrix types added: SymmetricMatrix, HermitianMatrix, OrthogonalMatrix and UnitaryMatrix
- TextSummarize automatically produces different types of summarization of text data
- Multiple new visualization functions added for plotting all pairwise 2D projections of data: PairwiseListPlot, PairwiseDensityHistogram, PairwiseSmoothDensityHistogram, PairwiseQuantilePlot and PairwiseProbabilityPlot
- SolarEclipse has been overhauled; support was added for more than seventy thousand eclipses and 50 new properties
- Functions for computing the date of a new moon, a full moon or any moon phase added: NewMoon, FullMoon and MoonPhaseDate
- Create a graph represented as a layered plot with LayeredGraph and LayeredGraph3D
- Specify named texture mappings for graphics with TextureMapping
- ImageSegmentationComponents segments an image into components
- ImageSegmentationFilter filters an image for the foreground components
- Create a tour around 3D graphics with Tour3DVideo
- Several new PDE modeling functions added: SchrodingerPDEComponent, FluidFlowPDEComponent, ElectrostaticPDEComponent and more
- Create detailed simulation results for discrete, continuous or mixed control systems with InputOutputResponse
- Plot outcome uncertainties from uncertain parameters, initial values and inputs in a control system model with SystemModelUncertaintyPlot
- Support added for importing DOCX, MOBI, RData and RDS formats
- Support for subtitle import and export added to the MP4, QuickTime and Matroska formats
- New data structures added: RedBlackTree and StringVector
- Spline-related graphics primitives BezierCurve, BSplineCurve and BSplineSurface are now also valid geometric regions for computational geometric operations, such as ArcLength and RegionMeasure
Mathematica 13
- Version 13.0 adds a total of 117 completely new functions, but also many hundreds of updated and upgraded functions, several thousand bug fixes and small enhancements, and a host of new ideas to make the system ever easier and smoother to use.
- Create convenient aliases for context names using $ContextAliases
- New linear algebra functions: Adjugate, DrazinInverse and CoreNilpotentDecomposition
- Implemented several Coulomb wavefunctions: CoulombF, CoulombG, CoulombH1 and CoulombH2
- Perform interval computations for real and complex centered intervals using CenteredInterval
- Compute the bilateral or double-sided Z transform and the inverse transform using BilateralZTransform and InverseBilateralZTransform
- Create 2D and 3D displacement plots using new functions VectorDisplacementPlot, VectorDisplacementPlot3D, ListVectorDisplacementPlot and ListVectorDisplacementPlot3D
- Visualize geo flows via GeoGraphValuePlot
- New constructive solid geometry region CSGRegion, built by Boolean operations on basic regions
- Create regions from a set of points using RegionFit, GradientFittedMesh and ConcaveHullMesh
- Find an affine transform from one region to another with FindRegionTransform and check for congruity and similarity for two regions using RegionCongruent and RegionSimilar
- New functions for finding isomorphic subgraphs and subgraph isomorphisms: IsomorphicSubgraphQ, FindSubgraphIsomorphism, FindIsomorphicSubgraph
- Find minimal edge and vertex colorings for graphs with FindEdgeColoring and FindVertexColoring
- Find face coloring for a planar graph layout using FindPlanarColoring
- Compute dominators for directed graphs using DominatorTreeGraph and DominatorVertexList
- New lighting options for three-dimensional graphics: AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight and SpotLight
- Create spatial predictions with SpatialEstimate
- Estimate the best variogram model for location-tagged data with EstimatedVariogramModel
- New video processing functions: SnippetsVideo, TourVideo, GridVideo and OverlayVideo
- Preview videos in a Wolfram Language notebook with a new built-in video player
- Stitch a list of images together with ImageStitch
- Efficiently train custom content detectors using TrainImageContentDetector and TrainTextContentDetector
- Extract a repeating operation in a folded neural net with NetUnfold
- New additions to the Tree framework: TreeScan, TreeMapAt, TreeTraversalOrder and TreeLayout
- Convert between different time systems with TimeSystemConvert
- Get real-time information on airplane flights using FlightData
- New solid mechanics PDE model functions, including SolidMechanicsPDEComponent, SolidMechanicsStrain, SolidMechanicsStress and more
- Added symbolic representations for chemicals and chemical reactions: ChemicalFormula, ChemicalReaction
- Compute a chemically balanced reaction with ReactionBalance and check if a given reaction is balanced with ReactionBalancedQ
- Improved import of PDF pages as vector graphics
- Use QuestionInterface to specify an interface for answering questions
- Represent an HTML element containing an expression with WebItem and arrange such elements into rows and columns with WebRow and WebColumn
- Submit remote batch jobs to the Azure Batch service
- GeoGraphics now returns maps with vector labels by default
Mathematica 12
- Major OS integration updates to Mac and Linux notebook interfaces using the 64-bit Cocoa API and Qt 5, respectively, with the Linux interface no longer requiring a supporting X server
- Optimization solvers such as LinearOptimization, QuadraticOptimization, SemidefiniteOptimization, etc. for optimizing convex functions over convex constraints, including vector inequalities such as VectorGreater for modeling vector-valued variables
- Expanded asymptotics functionality, including asymptotic solutions to algebraic and difference equations and asymptotic approximations to sums
- Added support for generating arbitrary constants in Integrate, Sum and Product
- Improved elementary functions support for Integrate, support for large structured systems in Solve and Reduce, DSolve support for nonlinear first-order ODEs and extended coverage and support in FunctionDomain
- Extended numerical PDE-solving capabilities of NDSolve to solve nonlinear PDEs over arbitrary-shaped regions with the finite element method, and automated idealized n-body interactions using NBodySimulation
- Geometric capabilities have been further enhanced with the addition of general polygons with holes and polyhedra primitives, as well as improved support across the board
- New framework to visualize Euclidean geometry and its theorems using GeometricScene and GeometricAssertion
- Access built-in axiomatic theories for use in symbolic proofs with AxiomaticTheory
- Visualize complex-valued data and functions using ComplexListPlot, plot real and imaginary components of a function using ReImPlot and plot the modulus of a complex function of a real variable colored by its argument using AbsArgPlot
- Use Around to describe uncertainty in measured values, with built-in support in visualization functions
- Create, analyze and modify chemical species using the Molecule function, and visualize structures in two and three dimensions with MoleculePlot and MoleculePlot3D
- Represent geodetic vectors with GeoVector, and visualize geodetic vector fields using GeoVectorPlot and GeoStreamPlot
- Generate randomly distributed geo positions in any region using RandomGeoPosition, and analyze distance, area and angular distortion of geo projections using GeoGridUnitDistance, GeoGridUnitArea and GeoGridDirectionDifference
- Updated default appearance for GraphPlot visualizations, as well as new plot themes and updated properties
- Color-processing functions such as FindMatchingColor, ImageRecolor and ColorDetect, all powered by the new ColorsNear wrapper to represent a color neighborhood
- High-level recognition functions such as ImageCases, FacialFeatures, AudioIdentify and SpeechRecognize, and performance enhancements to FindFaces, FeatureSpacePlot, AudioMFCC, etc.
- Performance improvements in audio analysis functions such as AudioIntervals and windowing functions such as HannWindow, and a new AudioAnnotate framework for annotating audio objects
- Multi-language support for SpeechSynthesize, as well as improved discovery and searching of available voices through VoiceStyleData
- ShortTimeFourier for computing and storing properties of short-time Fourier transforms, and InverseSpectrogram for approximating a signal from a magnitude spectrogram
- The neural network framework has been enhanced with additional pre-trained models, new layers, new encoders and decoders, multi-GPU support and automatic early stopping of training to prevent overfitting
- ClassifierMeasurements can now handle uncertainties and multi-class averaging, and the "NeuralNetwork" method for Classify has been vastly improved using a self-normalizing net
- Learn a generalized probability distribution from arbitrary data using LearnDistribution, replace missing values in data by generated values using SynthesizeMissingValues and find anomalous examples in data using FindAnomalies
- Interact with relational databases symbolically using RelationalDatabase, integrating out-of-core and in-memory techniques to access terabyte-scale data and automatically generating SQL code for popular databases
- Query remote or in-memory RDF graph databases using SPARQL queries, and import/export RDF data from a variety of RDF formats
- Support for "on-the-fly" properties, filtering and sorting, aggregation, combining types and sampling of classes in the entity framework
- Expanded and enhanced data for built-in entities across all domains, including geographic, cultural and historic, life science and medical, financial, astronomical, earth science, transportation, engineering, linguistic and mathematical
- Efficient partial import and other improvements in scientific formats such as "FITS" and "HDF5", as well as tabular formats such as "CSV" and "XLS"
- NumericArray for creating the most compact representation of a numeric array
- Pass arguments to functions in any order or bracket structure with Curry, or map vector functions onto sublists of elements with SubsetMap
- Information has been greatly extended and modernized to provide information on different object types
- Initial version of Wolfram Compiler for translating portions of Wolfram Language code into optimized native machine code
- Improvements to the external evaluation framework, including core performance enhancements, ExternalFunction to directly call external code and WebExecute to control web browsers
- Create, sign and deploy custom blockchain transactions and interact with computational contracts using BlockchainTransaction, BlockchainTransactionSign, BlockchainTransactionSubmit and BlockchainContractValue
- New Microcontroller Kit for automating the generation and deployment of code to microcontrollers
- Bidirectional interface to the Unity game engine
- Share notebooks to the Wolfram Cloud or via email without leaving the front end
- Create, store and instantly access functions through the public Wolfram Function Repository and the ResourceFunction system
Mathematica 11.3
Version 11.3 expands Mathematica and the Wolfram Language's functionality in mathematical computation, audio and image processing, machine learning and neural networks, system modeling and more, as well as introduces several new front end features.
- Expanded asymptotics functionality, including relational operators and approximate solutions to integrals and differential equations
- Apply algebraic operations to both sides of equations and inequalities with ApplySides, and find proofs for equational logic theorems from axioms with FindEquationalProof
- Create smooth intensities of locations on a map with GeoSmoothHistogram
- FeatureSpacePlot3D for plotting dimension-reduced feature spaces in 3D
- CurrentImage support for simultaneous multi-device capture and Linux image capture
- FacialFeatures extracts facial characteristics such as age, emotion and landmarks, and FindFaces can filter based on these features
- Efficient audio net encoding and feature extraction for in-core and out-of-core audio objects
- SpeechSynthesize supports native OS synthesis, and AudioDistance can be used to compute distance measures for audio signals
- FindTextualAnswer for finding the part of a text that answers a question, improved automation for Classify and Predict and new methods for DimensionReduction
- Additional pre-trained models, faster RNN training, efficient sequence generation, training session summaries, array sharing, 3D and variable-length convolutions and surgery on networks have been added to the neural network framework
- Browse, import or generate simulation-ready system models for data extraction, analysis and visualization
- Blockchain framework for accessing current information about blockchains (e.g. Ethereum or Bitcoin) and storing/retrieving data using a Wolfram blockchain
- New systems-level functionality for remote process execution, user authentication, process management and network packet capture
- Directly process mail in live mailboxes by searching, flagging, moving, deleting, etc.
- SendMail supports HTML emails and automatically embeds objects such as Dataset, TimeSeries and more
- Improved support for system modeling, raster image, audio, tabular, spreadsheet, systems and network formats
- Prefetch entities and register custom entities and entity types for immediate computation using the EntityStore system
- Wolfram Presenter Tools environment for creating live, interactive technical presentations
- Exchange text, code and other content in real time using the notebook-based Wolfram Chat interface
Mathematica 11.2
- Compute undirected and multivariate limits, upper and lower limits or discrete limits
- Solve directly for limiting values in continuous or discrete equations
- FourierTransform support for periodic functions
- Perform 3D Boolean operations on regions
- New methods and options for automated machine learning, with support for extracting word vectors, audio and sequences
- Expanded neural network layer types with new options and methods
- Additional support for neural network import/export formats
- ImageRestyle to recreate one image based on the features of another
- Get satellite images with GeoImage
- RegionImage for 3D rasterization of regions
- Capture the current screen or notebook with CurrentScreenImage and CurrentNotebookImage
- SpeechSynthesize for generating spoken audio from expressions
- Support for stereo audio, programmatic audio playback and Linux audio capture
- Connect to external language interpreters with ExternalEvaluate and StartExternalSession
- ZeroMQ network programming through the SocketConnect framework
- Framework for configuring initialization values and computations
- Manage asynchronous and background tasks with the TaskObject framework
- Additional documentation for low-level numerical linear algebra
Mathematica 11.1.1
- Resolves critical issues identified in Version 11.1 and includes performance improvements:
- Re-enabled GPU support for neural networks for Mac
- Several updates and fixes to neural networks, including proper support for HDF5 format
- Fixed slowdown in documentation lookup
- LinearModelFit no longer uses excessive memory
- Fixed rendering issue with ListPlot3D
- Fixed incorrect behavior of Suggestions Bar and attached cells on Windows
- Region operations on rectangles with packed array coordinates no longer crash
Mathematica 11.1
- Extends Mathematica and the Wolfram Language's state-of-the-art capabilities in machine learning, neural nets, audio processing, robust statistics and much more:
- Over 130 new functions across a wide range of application areas
- 20 new neural net layer types, and seamless support for recurrent nets and variable-length sequences
- NetModel to access a growing repository of complete trained and untrained neural nets
- FeatureSpacePlot for machine-learning-based visualization of spaces of data, images, text, etc.
- New machine learning functions, including SequencePredict, ActiveClassification and ActivePrediction
- Record audio directly in notebooks using AudioCapture, readying it for immediate processing and analysis
- Do arithmetic (with *, -, etc.) directly on 2D and 3D images
- Extended support for computational photography and computational microscopy
- ImageGraphics to find vector graphic approximations to bitmaps
- Space-filling and fractal region constructors such as HilbertCurve and SierpinskiMesh
- New robust and spatial statistics, including WinsorizedMean and SpatialMedian
- GeoBubbleChart, as well as extended support for Callout, ScalingFunctions, etc.
- Support for derivatives with symbolic orders
- Higher-resolution geo elevation data
- Seamlessly integrated external services for web search, web image search and text translation
- Broad PersistentValue system for storing values between sessions locally, in the cloud, etc.
- AutoCopy for seamless distribution of separately editable notebooks in the cloud
- Creation of WolframScript .wls files with a notebook-based script editor
- Self-executing Wolfram Language scripts extended to Windows
- New, responsive design for all documentation and online examples
- New Audio support for Linux, and improved audio behavior on all platforms
- Fixed Graphics3D rotation and magnification bug that caused system to crash
- Significantly improved GIF import performance
- Fixed regression in Plot and dramatic slowdowns in ParametricPlot, ParametricPlot3D
- ListPlot labeling and callout functionality now exhibit expected behavior
- Improved performance and stability of Dataset and related functionality
- Over 9,000 words added to the English spellchecking dictionary
- TextRecognize now correctly supports all documented languages
- Fixed an issue with WolframScript's ability to differentiate between options and script names
- Compatibility with macOS Sierra and improved stability on other Mac and Linux platforms
- Resolved partial evaluation and other errors thrown by CenterArray
- Enabled SetOptions for URLRead, URLExecute and URLDownload
Mathematica 11
- Mathematica 11 introduces functionality for major new areas, including 3D printing, audio processing, machine learning, and neural networks—plus many other new improvements, all built on the underlying Wolfram
- Over 500 new functions significantly broaden scope in new and existing areas
- Algorithmically generate, import, and directly print 3D models to local or cloud 3D printers
- New computational audio synthesis, processing, and analysis for applications in music and speech
- New neural network framework gives access to GPU-accelerated deep learning
- Expanded and enhanced machine learning functionality, including feature extraction and Bayesian optimization
- Numerous extensions and improvements to the Wolfram Cloud and web operations and data storage
- Vast new array of visualizations, from statistical to geographic to anatomical, and improved presentation options
- Performance and feature enhancements to already industry-leading symbolics, numerics, and geometry
- Expanded geographics, including new geo data entities, map backgrounds, projections, and more
- New computational photography, plus more tools for image and signal processing
- New and improved support for random matrices, time series, and quantities in probability and statistics
- Experimental Wolfram channel framework for asynchronous communications between cloud, desktop, and embedded systems
- Execute Wolfram Language code from anywhere—locally or in the cloud—with new WolframScript command-line interpreter
- Richer functional programming constructs thanks to list- and array-processing enhancements
- More powerful text and language processing, and increased multilingual support
- Real-time spellchecker augmented with dictionaries for technical terms, proper names, and support for some 25 languages
- Improved code appearance, autocompletion, and error messages help increase user productivity
- Faster, more flexible access to the growing Wolfram Knowledgebase, including support for arbitrary datasets
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