Rastrea, bloquea y recupera tu dispositivo robado

Prey for Mac

Prey for Mac

  -  65.4 MB  -  Código Abierto
  • Última Versión

    Prey 1.13.13 ÚLTIMO

  • Revisado por

    Marian Marinescu

  • Sistema Operativo

    Mac OS X

  • Ránking Usuario

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  • Autor / Producto

    Prey, Inc. / Enlace Externo

  • Nombre de Fichero


Getting your laptop or your phone stolen sucks, but there is something you can do about it. Prey for Mac is a lightweight theft protection software that lets you keep an eye over them whether in town or abroad, and helps you recover them if ever lost or stolen.

Features and Highlights

More than just geolocation
After installing the software on your laptop, tablet or phone, Prey for macOS will sleep silently in the background awaiting your command. Once remotely triggered from your Prey account, your device will gather and deliver detailed evidence back to you, including a picture of who's using it – often the crucial piece of data that police officers need to take action.

Prevent unwanted access
When your data is at stake, bad things can happen. The tool allows you to remotely lock down your devices and delete your stored passwords, to ensure that no one will have access to your private stuff.

Find my everything
The app works on all major operating systems, so it lets you keep track and trigger actions on all your devices from a single place. Like a universal remote control, but for laptops and mobiles.

Tough as an old boot
When theft happens, time is always against you. That's why every single thing the app does is battle-hardened and made to work under the hardest conditions. This also means consuming the least possible amount of battery, always

Privacy comes first
We should mention that sensitive data is gathered only when you request it, and is for your eyes only ‐ nothing is sent without your permission. You can always check source code if you want to make sure.

Also Available: Download Prey for Windows

  • Prey 1.13.13 Capturas de Pantalla

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    Prey 1.13.13 Captura de Pantalla 1
  • Prey 1.13.13 Captura de Pantalla 2
  • Prey 1.13.13 Captura de Pantalla 3
  • Prey 1.13.13 Captura de Pantalla 4