Multitrack audio and MIDI recorder for your Mac OS X

REAPER for Mac


  -  25.4 MB  -  Trial
  • Latest Version

    REAPER 7.34

  • Operating System

    macOS 10.15 Catalina or later

  • User Rating

    Click to vote
  • Author / Product

    Cockos Incorporated / External Link

  • Filename


  • MD5 Checksum


Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of REAPER 6.83.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of REAPER for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

We would love to hear from you

If you have any questions or ideas that you want to share with us - head over to our Contact page and let us know. We value your feedback!

  • REAPER 6.83 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    REAPER 6.83 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

MIDI editor:
- reset note start time when switching quantization to note end or length only
- do not display inactive takes after switching takes
- enable solo feature for position-in-measure and length settings in MIDI filter
- fix undo when editing left edge of parent item
- improve color matching when coloring notes by track or media item
- various note-length setting actions now auto-extend MIDI items according to preference

- fix recording automation in touch mode
- round MIDI velocity values returned from plugins

- fix potential metal drawing glitches when changing from retina to non-retina layouts
- fix minor retina drawing errors

- if the current color theme overrides media item coloring preferences, display the theme-set preferences (grayed out) in Preferences/Appearance/Peaks/Waveforms
- use actions window synonyms option when searching

- properly syntax highlight Lua hex-fp numbers
- update parameter modulation window when changing parameter link settings
- preserve FXID (if unique to project) when pasting FX/importing track templates

Track panels:
- improve cursor feedback when reordering tracks/making folders
- tweak folder drag destination area to be middle third of left fifth of TCP

- order MIDI output from plugins to prioritize plugin-generated bank select messages
- support VST3 preset paths on Linux

- fix grouped crossfade edits potentially coming ungrouped in certain situations

Drag and drop:
- fix potential crash

- fix function return value passing to variadic functions on arm

- fix support for patches defined in manifest

Marker/region manager:
- support importing multiple markers/regions with the same time position

Media items:
- improve multiple selection behavior when editing crossfade or shared media item edges

Project metadata:
- do not commit metadata if user presses escape key while editing

Project tabs:
- improved tooltip positioning

Razor edits:
- copy fade-in/fade-out if any part of the fade is included in the razor edit

Recent projects:
- if holding alt/opt when opening a recent project from menu, load with FX offline

- fix take record pass related functionality when loop recording

- improve error message when saved render format is not available

- do not auto-force-offline inactive takes which are surrounded by one or more empty takes

Track manager:
- improve resizing behavior on macOS

Track reordering:
- improve drag and drop behavior when dragging a track in-place

Track templates:
- fix incorrect loading of certain track template content (e.g. some video processors)

- fix keystrokes potentially being ignored immediately after alt+mousedrag