Multitrack audio and MIDI recorder for your Mac OS X

REAPER for Mac


  -  25.86 MB  -  Trial
  • Latest Version

    REAPER 7.28

  • Operating System

    macOS 10.15 Catalina or later

  • User Rating

    Click to vote
  • Author / Product

    Cockos Incorporated / External Link

  • Filename


  • MD5 Checksum


Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of REAPER 7.07.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of REAPER for Mac or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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If you have any questions or ideas that you want to share with us - head over to our Contact page and let us know. We value your feedback!

  • REAPER 7.07 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    REAPER 7.07 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- improve behavior when lanes contain multiple copies of the same source media with different take envelopes
- click unsynced media item button to copy edits to a new source lane (existing behavior)
- ctrl/cmd+click (or right-click) unsynced media item button to copy media items back to original source lane
- alt/opt+click (or right-click) unsynced media item button to discard edits and replace with source lane media
- improve behavior when comping looped media items with per-take automation
- action to comp into a new copy of lane automatically copies edited media items to new lane and re-comps
- action to minimize lane usage respects track edit grouping
- add action, menu item, mouse modifier to refresh out-of-sync comp areas
- add actions to exit fixed lane view, show only one lane, set small lanes, or set big lanes for all fixed lane tracks in the project
- add action to remove empty comp areas
- add selected-tracks versions of actions to delete comp areas, delete empty comp areas, delete comp areas including media
- add support for copying all edited media items back to source lanes, or discarding all media item edits and replacing from source lanes
- comping button on a razor edit in the comping lane containing no items will choose a suitable source lane rather than creating an empty lane
- delete unsynced comp areas before running action to minimize lane usage
- fix behavior of action to select item under mouse when lanes are collapsed
- fix comping into a new copy of lane with MIDI media
- fix re-syncing multiple media items when some items have source media in the lane immediately below and some do not
- fix some edge cases where comp areas un-sync when edges barely overlap
- respect track grouping when running action from unsynced comp area right-click menu
- support "Add comp area at time selection" when right-clicking existing comp area on track showing only one lane
- support comping media items with "auto-stretch at tempo changes" enabled

MIDI editor:
- account for media item left/right trim when sizing to fit contents
- display lane information in track list
- display media item position in track list if multiple media items share the same name
- display MIDI take names in Contents submenu
- do not list media items in non-visible, non-playing lanes in MIDI editor track list
- fix tooltip for "CC selection follows note selection" button
- sort media items in track list by lane
- when editor follows track selection, follow lane selection as well
- when switching active MIDI source, ensure the source is visible in the editor

- action to open ReaScript documentation defaults to Lua view
- add support for GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_LANENAME:n")
- fix TakeFX_Show container support
- GetSetMediaItemInfo("C_LANEPLAYS") returns -1 if media item is on a non-visible, non-playing lane on a non-fixed-lane track
- GetSetMediaItemInfo("I_FIXEDLANE") always returns 0 for non-fixed-lane tracks
- support GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo("I_TAKEFX_NCH"), to get/set the number of take FX channels

FX containers:
- fix loss of pin names and parameter mappings when pasting FX
- fix behavior of single-FX-chain mode when moving FX out of container
- fix various action support for FX in containers
- preserve mappings, parameter links, envelopes etc when moving FX to/from containers

- add action to move edit cursor to left edge of visible arrange view or MIDI piano roll
- add action to toggle preference to limit media item edge edits to source media content
- improve logic of GR/LUFS metering toggle actions when tracks have mixed states

- add drag/drop preview
- improve support for ini files which are symlinks

- clarify that MPEG 7.1C channel layout is equivalent to SMPTE 7.1
- correct descriptions of MPEG 7.1 channel layout metadata
- improve descriptions of channel layout metadata

- add 7.1 non-SMPTE channel layout
- support up to 128 inputs

- restore support for customizing both icon and tooltip
- restore previous tooltip behavior for various actions

- always change track selection when clicking lane buttons, unless modifier keys are down
- fix moving tracks above spacers when the spacer is above the first track in the project
- when preference enabled to change track selection when clicking track controls, ignore modifier keys when processing track selection

Actions window:
- reset/copy actions in alternate sections also reset/copy global override states

- improve retaining edits through undo/redo
- Automation items
- improve edge point shapes and loopability for sine and parametric LFO types

- prevent misbehavior when preference enabled to flush FX on loop
- Default theme
- layout updates

- improve cursor paste location indicator on free item positioning and fixed lane tracks
- Dynamic split
- add action to immediately dynamic split items based on most recent settings

- add preference to limit edge/crossfade edits to source media content for unlooped media items (checkbox in mouse modifiers preferences)

Empty items:
- improve performance with 'stretch to fit' and large amounts of text

- preserve parameter linking if applicable when copying/pasting FX

- improve system memory use/free statistics in performance meter

- support importing markers with negative time positions

- retain separate target values for peak vs loudness normalization in various dialogs

- improve help text for "automatically color" settings in Preferences / Appearance / Peaks/Waveforms

Razor edits:
- add action to select media items within razor edit areas

- improve description of menu item to set loop points to region

- respect source track render channel request when rendering via master

- support setting/clearing custom controls via wildcards e.g. 'clear tcp.custom.*' or 'clear tcp.*'

- use new authenticode certificate

- allow plug-ins to register default-global keyboard assignments via gaccel_global or gaccel_globaltext